What happens now

1091 Words

Chapter 35 Tani I had never felt more beautiful, loved and at peace in my life. Once the elders started speaking the spell that would put me in tune with the forest, I felt it really felt it. It was like a currant of peace and love flowing through me. It was like diving into a pool and cleansing your soul. My wolf was happy, as was I . When Regan placed the circlet on my head I felt the rush. I was one with the forest. It was amazing. Afterwards, It was a party! I had a blast fae watching. Seeing small faelings running around and meeting people I had never met before and getting advice. A lot of people seemed to think my mate was near. Something about my aura was projecting that information to them. The auras. Now that I was totally at one with the fae magic, I could see them so brigh

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