What's going on

1141 Words

Chapter 37 Marcus The hell she will marry a fae. I am livid. I will kill that whole forest before I turn my daughter over to them. I grabbed my phone. I knew just who could help. "Hello." Good. He answered promptly. "I need to get into the fae forest. They have my daughter" He sucked in his breath. "They really have Tani?" "Yes I wouldn't play about something like this." "OK I need a day or so, but i am pretty sure I can get you access. You'll have to be at the ready though because once its show it only remains un-hidden for about 5 minutes if that. So have everything you need ready." I nodded. "I will be ready." " I'll be in touch." He hung up. Now to go fill Terrance in. I headed across to the alpha house. I find Terrance in his office. "Tani is with the fae and supposedly has a

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