The Mountain

3760 Words
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Calbin for the 5th time as we stood on the pier watching the crew get the ship ready. Above us the sea gulls harsh cries filled the air, disturbed by the mornings activites. “Yes.” He answered exasperatedly as he watched all the commotion going on around us. “Just be careful.” I stressed as I felt the nerves of both our journeys start to take over. “Don’t worry about me, take care of your self and you must tell me everything about the Paragonians.” He said excitedly as he turned to me. “Promise.” I said as I looked up at him. “Well, looks like you are ready to go.” The Duke said as he came up behind us. “I will see you later.” Calbin said as he turned to go but he paused. I would have never thought he would have done what he did next ,but he took me fully by surprise when he turned, grabbed my shoulders and planted a quick kiss onto my lips. “What are you doing?” I sputtered when he stepped away a huge smile on his face. “That was in case I don’t make it, my last thoughts of you will be extremely pleasant” He laughed as he backed up further from me. “Then I will wait to smack you when you have returned safe and sound from your journey so I will not taint your memory.” I sniffed primly at him as I gave him a final wave. I wished I could feel the same way for my trip as he did his but as his ship departed and my trip came closer I felt nothing but dread. Kyro waited by the horses and I had been surprised to learn that it was to be just him and I on this trip, no extra guards or Tilly. Tilly at the moment was standing by Grendall making sure everything was packed properly and scowling at being left behind. “You should see the things the Duke has had brought for me to pack for you. He says it’s to show the Paragonians you are wealthy but I think he is trying to woo you.” She whispered to me as I came up to her. “What?” I exclaimed as I looked at her in shock. “Think about it. He had all these clothes already in your size, he is giving you very expensive things and the way he looks at you.” She fanned herself as if she was suddenly hot “I wonder if he has already asked the King for your hand.” I looked over to where the Duke was talking to Kyro. “He is old though.” She said as she leaned in. I shrugged as I let my eyes move over his extremely handsome face, he was also extremely fit for his age, his clothes fit his lean muscled body well. I knew I wouldn’t have a choice in my husband that the King would choose, all I could hope for was that the person he chose was someone I could like and possibly love. I liked the Duke of Ilium very well. “He is still a very handsome man.” I answered " And rich.” Tilly added. “I’m also not that bad off” I retorted as I looked back at her. She shrugged as she went back to packing. “Are you ready for this adventure.” Duke Rodrick asked as he came up to me. I rewarded him with a beautiful smile. “I feel much better today, thank you for the kind words last night I sorely needed them.” He beamed back at me. “No need to thank me , it seems very easy for kind words to come to my mouth for you.” He leaned closer to me til there was only a small space between our lips. “Return safely” He whispered before he turned away and a breath rushed from my lungs. I turned to where Tilly stood and she made a knowing look at me and I quickly stuck my tongue out at her. “You ready?” Kyro asked as he came up leading his horse, a scowl on his face as he watched the Duke walk away and I tried to hide the blush on my face as I nodded as we mounted up. I gave a quick wave to Tilly and a smile to the Duke and we were off to the Paragonians. We rode silently while I peeked at Kyro through my lashes trying to figure out why he was being so silent. The landscape changed the closer we got to the flat lands, trees thinned out and the land smoothed til there was just a scattering of oaks. Once the trees fully cleared I could see far out across the plains to where the lone peak Parigon stood tall so tall the peak disappeared into the clouds above. “Will it be dangerous to travel so much in the open?” I asked as we drew the horses up. “No, the Paragonians patrol these lands there will be no bandits to attack us.” He leaned forward a white piece of cloth in his hand that he tied to the mane of his horse, then he tossed one to me. “What is this?” I asked while I tied mine to Grendalls mane in a similair manner. “To let them know we come in good will.” He replied as he started again and I looked up to the sky expecting to see the soaring shape of paragonins circling above us but the skies were clear. Being on flat land turned out to be a boring ride and I felt myself wandering off looking for animals threads to see what was around but I found nothing but the horses and little rodents. As the sun started to go down I could see we were closer to the mountain and my breath caught at how large it was. “We’ll camp here for the night.” Kyro said as he dismounted his horse. I looked around seeing nothing special about this sight as the countless miles of flat land we had already covered. I pulled my pack off as Kyro set up the camp which he did efficiently, the lone tent and fire was soon burning before I had Grendall unsaddled. “One tent?” I asked as I came to the fire, the sun was starting to go down and the air was cooling down quickly. “We can share.” He replied as he pulled some jerky from his pack and placing it above the fire to soften it up and to get the fat dripping. I shot him a look. “Look Duchess, our kingdom is in peril, now is not the time to worry about propriety.” He said amused as he passed me a piece of meat. My nerves drew tight as I thought about sleeping so close to Kyro and I nibbled slowly on the piece of meat. “Go change and get under your covers before I come in.” He nodded towards the tent and I hurried grabbing my pack and jumping into the tent. I opened my pack and gasped on top was a new cloak of white fur that was soft I almost couldn’t stop petting it. Underneath it was several new pieces of clothes, a very fine gown and jewelry to match everything. I touched everything reverently knowing how much these few pieces cost. Maybe Tilly was right about the Duke wooing me and he was doing a very good job. Pulling out a soft linen sleeping gown I tried to unlace my gown but it was in the back and the knot had tightened during the ride making it impossible for me to loosen. I gulped as I stood going to the tent opening. I peeked through seeing Kyro sitting at the fire just staring into it, his mind far away. “Kyro?” I said softly hating to bother him with this but I had no choice unless I wanted to sleep in my horse smelling gown. He turned a questioning look on his face. “I need help. I can’t get the knot out.” I stuttered turning red as a amused look came over his face. “Never fear lady, I am always ready to help a damsel in distress.” he said as he got up coming closer. I turned so he could see the stays but I wasn’t about to let him get away with that remark. “Not being able to get a knot out of the lacing hardly makes me a damsel in distress.” I snapped as I waited for him to loosen the knot. “I don’t know. If I wasn’t here how would you get out of the dress?” He asked as he started to work on the knot and I bit my tongue because I knew he was right I would be stuck in this dress. Also the feel of his hands brushing against my bare skin had rendered me breathless. “There.” I felt the dress loosen and I barley caught in in time before it fell to the ground. “thank you.” I tossed over my shoulder as I hurried back into the tent I changed quickly packing the used dress away from the new clothes and laying out the dress I would wear tomorrow in hopes the wrinkles weren’t to bad. I layed into the covers trying to get comfortable but the ground underneath was hard. I had hoped to be asleep by the time Kyro had come in to the tent but it was not to be. Moonlight shone in when he opened the tent flap and I quickly shut my eyes and hoped he thought i was asleep. He went to where he had laid his sleeping covers at the far end of the tent. I peek out from under shuddered lashes there was just enough light coming into the tent to make out his outline and the fact he had already taken his shirt off. I squeezed my eye shut embarrassed I was spying on him changing and I made myself keep my eyes closed til he was under his own blankets. I layed there in the dark listening to Kyros deep breathing wishing I could fall asleep and I did but not til much later. We woke early with Kyro saying we would be there quickly I took my time getting dressed, making sure everything looked good. The dress was a midnight blue made of a sturdy silk that would stay in good shape for the ride to the mountain. I also put on the jewelry glittering white opals that matched the cloak I was given. I brushed my hair til it shone and left it down letting it flow in silken raven waves. Once I was done I asked Kyro if I looked OK. He was quiet for a moment as he looked at me and I became nervous as the time stretched and he still hadn’t said anything. “You look like a Duchess.” He said after clearing his throat a blush tinting his cheeks. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Kyro blushing. “We need to get going” Kyro said quickly as he mounted his horse and I quickly followed still smiling. The pace Kyro set was hard and I was sure my hair was a mess within a few miles of the ride. He had been right when he said it wouldn’t be a long ride to the base of the mountain what he didn’t tell me there was no way up the mountain it was all sheer cliffs around it’s base. “How do we get up there ?” I gasped as I looked up sheer rocks that disappeared into the cloud bank. Kyro lead us around the base til we came to a spot that had a small barn where we quickly dismounted and put the horses into the stalls. I grabbed my packs, gave Grendall a quick pat after making sure he had water and food and followed Kyro were he went to a gong that was set by the rocks. Grabbing the mallet he hit it sharply sending sound vibrating up the mountain and threw my head. “Now we just wait til they come for us.” He said as he sat down on a stone bench that had been nicely set up so travelers may rest their burdens and we waited and waited and waited. By the time the sun was in it’s mid day position my nerves were worn. Every flap of birds wings had me jolting up but it was just pigeons that were making their home on the cliff walls. “maybe you need to do it again.” I said to Kyro who was leaning against the bench now with his eyes closed. “They know we are here, they are just making us wait to show they are in control.” I scowled as I looked up into the sky. “Well it’s just plain bad manners to make us wait for so long.” I snapped as I readjusted my seat my bottom was numb for sitting on the bench for so long. Kyro shrugged as he re closed his eyes and we sat in silence. When the flapping first started I thought it was more pigeons going to roost but it grew louder til it was almost deafening and I shot up from my seat hurrying over to where Kyro was already standing. They dropped down out of the mist and I was awestruck. It was two women and a man and they were all fierce looking. They all had white hair, strong bone structures and golden eyes that reminded me of a hawks. Their clothes were also shocking. They all wore short tunic like outfits also white with shining gold breast plates over it. They were showing a sinfully amount of leg including the man. Sandels covered feet lacing high up the calf. Of course it wasn’t the most magnificent part of it that was for the wings the came off their backs. They were huge coming high up over their heads and coming gracefully to the ground where the drug behind them. None of the three had pure white wings but more of a grayish tinge to them. “What business have you with the Paragonians?” The female asked her voice belied her fierce looks, it was smoky and soft. “I have a letter to give to your council from the King of Gavendale.” Kyro answered not at all intimidated by the 3 fierce set of eyes that landed on him. I tried not to shrink back when all three sets of eyes went from him to me as if I was the prey suddenly. “And who are you to carry this message of your King?” The male asked and his voice was fierce strong and more than intimidating. I stepped forward hoping I looked for confident than I felt. “I am the Duchess of Raventhorn and the King has intrusted me and his head guard to bring you his message.” I let my head tilt up so I could make eye contact with all of them. “He intrust such a important message to a girl?” The man c****d his head to the side as if it was truly confusing. “I am not a girl and the King has total faith in me.” I snapped annoyed someone else saw me only as a little girl. “Marcus, It is not our place to say who their King puts his faith in.” One of the women chided as she stepped forward. “We will take you up to the council so you may give them your letter. But you must brace yourself many are unnerved on how we must bring you up.” “How must you take us up?” I asked nervously though I was sure I already knew the answer. “We will carry you.” She answered as she and the other woman stepped up to Kyro each taking him by the arm. He looked at me and gave me a encouraging smile before they lifted up taking him quiet easily into the air and they soon disappeared into the clouds. I turned a weary eye to the man who was coming towards me. “How far is it up?” I asked nervously as he came closer. He smirked as he came up right in front of me. ’What is the delegate for the King nervous of heights?” “That’s none of your concern” I replied as I grabbed my bag waiting on him to take me up. I wasn’t ready for him to scoop me up into his arms and I let out a little squeak which he laughed at as he launched us up into the sky. I clung to his neck for dear life my eyes tightly shut as he went higher and higher. As we went up I could feel the air get colder and a shiver ran through me wishing I had put the thick cloak on before we had started up. It seemed like a eternity we were in the air, one side of me stayed very warm next to the Paragonian, it seemed like he was pouring off heat while the other felt near frozen. I also found breathing was starting to become harder as the air thinned the higher we got. Finally I felt him turn and I opened my eyes to a wonderful sight in front of me. The Paragonians had built a whole city on top of the mountain entirely made of marble, several towers shot into the sky while verandas seemed to come straight out of the mountain with no railing so it’s inhabitants could take flight at any time. The Paragonain landed gently and placed me gently to my feet and I threw open my bag quickly pulling the cloak out and placing it on my shoulders. It helped bring the warmth back into my joints but I found I had to take deep breaths to fill as if I was getting enough air. “I forget how thin blooded your people are.” Marcus said hastily as I shivered within the cloak and I really wanted to stick my tongue out at him but didn’t think that would be very diplomatic. “Welcome to our city.” A older man stepped out to welcome us. He was dressed in the same fashion as the others but his wings were pure white. “Thank you” I gave what I hoped was a graceful curtsey with how bad I wa shivering. “I hear you have a letter from your King. Things must be very dire if he sends someone other than himself to bring us a letter.” “Gavendale has been attacked, the castle burnt to the ground, the King has gone to Terril to gather his army.” Kyro said as he stepped forward giving a small bow as he came up next to me. I was thankful he left out who did it not knowing how the Paragonians would take it if we told them it was one of their own that had decimated Gavendale. Several of the Paragonians gasped as others started to whisper. The older man raised his hand and a hush went over the crowd. “Let me have the letter.” Kyro quickly dug the letter out of his bag and handed it to the man. “My name is Marius and I am the High Council leader. I will take this letter to the council and we will discuss it’s details. Please feel at home, eat with us and stay the night.” He gave us a regal nod before heading off. “Were you there?” Marcus asked as he came up his face tight a muscle jumping in his jaw. “We were both in the castle. A dragon burned it to a crisp and she is the one who saved us.” Kyro said nonchalantly as he gathered up his bag. I gave him a look. “How did you save them?” Marcus asked and I looked at him, there was none of that earlier hautiness but he was truly interested. “I’m not quite sure.” I started hesitantly as I also gathered my bag ” Somehow I shot purple flames from my hand.” I winced ready for him to laugh to say we jested but his face was very serious. “Then you are blessed by your Gods to have such a gift” He replied as he walked with us showing us to where our rooms will be. Kyro scoffed when he got to his door. “Our Gods do not care about us any more.” He said as he went to open the door. “Maybe they are trying to show you with this gift that they care.” Marcus answered but Kyro just gave a short bow and closed the door on us. “Thank you for showing me to my room.” I said as I opened the door. “Your welcome.” He grabbed my hand giving it a hasty kiss before hurrying the same way his father had gone. The room was beautiful and the best part was the roaring fire. I hurried to it to warm up my hands. Everything was made of marble including the bed frame with a large feathered mattress upon it. There was a open balcony no doors to block it and I got close realizing there was no railing. I peeked out but I couldn’t make myself step out. I quickly changed for bed aware of how tired my body was from the trip up here. Laying in bed I wondered what the King had written in his note and how the Paragonian council would take it.
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