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I woke from a dreamless sleep thankfully and looked around the brightly lit room. Tilly was already up and packing things away and I could tell I had slept well into the morning. “I’ve set out a day dress for you and if you hurry we may have time to eat a warm breakfast before we have to go.” She said briskly as she packed the last things away. I hurried through dressing and hurried down where the inn keeper was bustling around serving breakfast. I quickly sat my mouth watering over the smell of sausage and eggs. “Here you are” She sat a plate filled high with everything one would want for breakfast and cup fresh milk. I dove into the food a little embarrassed by how fast I shoveled it into my mouth but it was so good I couldn’t slow down. “How come you look like a stiff wind could blow you over but you can eat that much food.” Kyro asked as he sat beside me and my face turned red as I swallowed the bite I had just taken. “I wasn’t sure when I would eat next since traveling with you seems to be highly unpredictable.” I answered back as I stabbed a sausage and shoved into my mouth. He just smile as he dove into his own plate of food that was set in front of him and we sat in silence as we both enjoyed our food. We left shortly after wards, fully supplied and two new guards to replace the two that had to stay behind due to injuries. The rest of the trip went without incident, though it was long and tedious, taking us two weeks on roads barely populated. By the time Ilium came into view, I felt as if I couldn’t ride another mile more, my dress was road dirty and I was sure I smelled as bad as the guards we rode with. “There we are. ” Kyro said as we looked down at Ilium from our perch on the road. It was beautiful city, built into the rocky cliffs above the ocean, wielding miles of shore line for ships to come into port. It was the largest city for trading and it had boomed since the Kings half brother had been named Duke of Ilium. A high favor given to his favorite brother who was born a bastard. I smiled as I looked down at the sparkling white buildings, it was one my favorite places the King had taken us to visit every year. We made our way down the winding road to where we would start our accent to the Dukes keep and were surprised by a large group of mounted guards. In front sat the Kings brother, Rodrick, Duke of Ilium. The Duke was several years older than his royal brother and there were few if any family resemblance between the two. The Duke wore his dark hair in short waves close to his head, gray starting at the temples. He was short, while most men of the kingdom stood well over 6ft he was barely 5′9 with broad shouldered and muscled body. For a older man his face was still very exquisite with sharp cheekbones and square jaw. “May I welcome you, Duchess of Raventhorne to Ilium” He dismounted from his horse and I quickly did the same. He approached smiling, his blue eyes twinkling and I hurried forward quickly giving him a curtsey before he gathered me into a hug. “How is my favorite ward of the King.?” He asked as he spun me around like he always did since I first met him when I was seven. “Giving the circumstances I am in one piece and I have to thank the gods for that.” I answered breathlessly as he sat me down. “We must thank the Gods for that. The King has sent a bird letting me know what has happened and how I can help. We can go to the keep, get you all cleaned and we may discuss everything that needs to be done.” He gave my hand a quick kiss and I blushed to think how dirty we must have seemed to him. “But I must go right away!” Calbin cried out as he brought his horse forward. “The seas around the Isle of Mist are quite dangerous and it will be getting dark soon adding to the dangers. Your quest can wait til the morning.” The Dukes words had a note of finality just like the Kings when the conversation was done. We all rode up to the keep on a road that whined through the city past houses and markets til we were high above the shore. “I’ll see you for dinner” The Duke kissed my hand before he left and everyone was taken to their rooms and the guards went to the barracks. Tilly came with me as a young maid lead us down a hallway to my room. I gasped when she opened the room, I was use to opulence living in the castle with the King who’s tastes were rather rich but this room was finer than any at the castle. Silk panels covered the walls and where they weren’t large beautifully made tapestries hung depicting various stories of the gods. The bed was far bigger than any I would need, the frame made of white oak. I ran my fingers over the red coverlet surprised by how soft it was. On the floor was a thick rug matching the color of the bed and just as soft as the coverlet. A fire was already lit in the fire place keeping the chill out of the room that was coming with the sun setting. “I will have a bath brought immediately.” The maid curtsied and hurried from the room. I looked around but kept my hands to myself scared I would soil something with the road grim I was covered in. Once the tub was set up and filled to the brim with steaming water I quickly disrobed while Tilly picked from the jars of oils the maid had also brought in. She grabbed one, smelled and nodded while she poured a generous amount into and the room was suddenly filled with sweet smell of jasmine. I eased myself into the steaming water and groaned in delight. The tub was big allowing me to sink into till the water was just under my chin. I stayed in there for quite awhile til it started to cool. Once I was out i wrapped myself into a warm robe and sat by the fire as Tilly brushed my hair allowing the heat of the fire to help it dry. I closed my eye weariness coming over me as I rested. “The Duke has had some clothes dropped off for you.” Tilly said as she gave one last brush to my hair “It looks to be in your size too, though how he had so much in that small of size is a wonder to me.” I got up slowly following her back into the bedroom and to the bed where several gowns were laid out , including undergarments, corsets and slippers. I reached out to feel a particularity beautiful dark purple evening gown. The silk was light and soft sliding caressing through my finger tips. I turned to Tilly in shock. “This is Argentus silk!” I exclaimed as I pick the dress up gingerly. Argentus silk was the most expensive material since it came from far over sea and could be very fragile. I quickly looked over the other dresses and they were all made of the same silk, exquisitely made. Everything was expensive that was lying on the bed down to the dainty slippers that matched the dresses. Argentus silk was rarely seen in Gavendale and the only dress I knew of made of it belonged to the Queen. “These are to fine for me to wear.” I said as I stared down at the bed. “Oh Bobby c**k!” Tilly explaimened as she grabbed up a under gown and tossed it to me “If he is supplying then you will wear it. It will be rude not to wear it and these will look beautiful on you and that would be a crime if you didn’t wear it.” I didn’t argue with her mostly because I wanted to wear the ridiculesy expensive clothes, to feel the soft silk next to skin. Tilly quickly laced up the corset and we slid the dress into place, hundreds of onyx buttons held the back together and it took awhile for Tilly to get them all buttoned. Once she was done she wouldn’t let me look in the mirror but quickly did my hair sweeping it up into a pile on my head allowing a few curls to cascade against my shoulders. I sat impatiently while she applied kohl to my eyes and red tint to my lips. “There you are. You are the prettiest little lass I ever seen.” Her voice choked up as she stepped back letting me move over to the mirror. The dress held my attention first just the color was beautiful, a rich deep amethyst color but it was also a beautiful design, off the shoulders with belled sleeves, the square front the lowest I had ever worn, my waist was small with beautiful black flower details woven into it. The skirt started low on my hips a didn’t flare out far but cascade to the floor in deep folds. My gaze traveled up to my face and my breath caught. My eyes were framed in kohl making them seem mysterious and they almost matched the dress in color, my lips were red and plumped. “This is perfect.” I gave Tilly a quick hug before hurrying out the door towards the dining hall. I peaked inside wondering if anyone was here yet. Calbin and the duke sat in quiet conversation at one end of the large table but no one else was in the room. I wasn’t sure if the Duke ate with any one on a regular basis especially after his wife had died 5 years ago. I felt sad if he ate by himself every night, he and his wife had no children but they had been deeply in love. I came into the room quietly so I wouldn’t disturb their conversation and neither man noticed me as I came closer. “How are you sure you will be able to even get close to the Isle?” The Duke asked curiously as he sipped his wine. “Malverick left detailed instructions on how to open the mist to get to the island.” Calbin answered excitedly as he spread a particuallary used piece of parchment onto the table. “I recite these words three times and the mist will part showing me the way.” “Not to be rude but are you skilled enough to do this spell? Malverick was a great wizard and unfortunately none have reached that greatness since” The Duke’s face was curious as he looked over at Calbin. Calbin turned red as he folded the parchment back up. “Wither I am skilled or not isn’t the question. I have to try because we are in danger and if I don’t we could be turned to ashes.” Calbin looked brave in what he said and I felt proud of him for his faith in what he needed to do but there was a question that was eating at me that I needed to ask. “What if he doesn’t want to come when you get there?” I asked startling both men and causing Calbin to knock over his glass of wine. “Duchess Alia, y y you l l look very n n nice.” Calbin stuttered as he stood hastily straighning his new clean crimson gowns. Duke Galen rose also though his rise was much more elegant and he stepped around the table quickly taking up both my hands. “I’m so thankful the dresses fit. You look ravishing my dear.” He drew me close and kissed my cheek I breathed in the scent of him, he smelled of sandalwood. I stepped back beaming. “Thank you for the dresses. They were far too generous.” I replied as I spun to give him the full view. “Nothing is to expensive for a beautiful woman to be dressed to match her beauty.” He replied as he pulled a chair out for me and I sat feeling more than grown up in a beautiful dress with two men with their eyes solely on me. “Well, how do you know he will want to leave.?” I reasked as a servant filled my goblet with wine. I took a sip as Calbin sat back down the wines was sweet and crisp on my tongue, the best I had drank in awhile. “Why would he not want to leave?” Calbin asked back his brows drawn together. “He has been on this Isle for what? about two hundred years? Why hasn’t he left before now?” I gave Calbin a expectant look. “She has a point.” Duke Galen said as he sat back down lounging in his seat. “Maybe he has been waiting for us to need him.” Calbin said defensively as he stabbed a piece of meat from the platter in front of him. I arched a eyebrow as I set about filling my plate with fresh fish cooked with lemon and sage, fruit brazed in wine and fresh baked bread. We all fell silent as we ate, me eating much more slowly using all my manners to eat delicately like a woman should. I could feel the heat of the Dukes eyes on me and I smiled to myself. “The King had sent a note with a side quest for you though I fear it will be quite dangerous and I don’t approve putting you in danger” Duke Galens eyes were dark as he looked at me. I set my fork down a lump in my throat. “What kind of quest?” I asked softly. “My lands are next to the flat lands where Mount Parigan is.” My breath froze in my chest at at his words. There was only one group of people that live at Mount Parigan. “Why would he want me to go?” My voice higher than I wanted it to be “He should have someone more diplomatic than me.” “He thought you would be the best to do this, you and Kyro.” He paused as he looked at me “You will be fine, just know that the Parigonins like honesty and frank speak plus they like beautiful things so you will go a long way.” “When am I to go?” I asked as I looked down at my food no longer hungry. “He wants you to go tomorrow, it will be a two day trip there.” He answered. “Will I be able to see Calbin off?” I asked weakly. “Shouldn’t be a problem.” I stood and both men got quickly to their feet. “Please excuse me I have lost my appetite” I started quickly off down the hall. “Alia” The Dukes voice called as I headed to the stairs. I stopped surprised he had followed me. “Do not worry you will excel at this” He gathered my hands into his his thumbs drawing calming circles along my palms. “I’m not meant for this. I’m meant to get married and be happy, not be a freak and traipse around the country side.” I wiped angrily at tears that started down my face. “You are not a freak” He said gently as he folded me into his arms ” and you deserved to be loved by a man that can not breath without you but the King will always come first for people like you and I” I leaned into his chest closing my eyes feeling safe for the first time in a long time. “We do what the King bids and hope we will have time for a life we have dreamed of in between,” He kissed my hair as I nodded feeling slightly better. “Now go to bed and you will right as rain in the morning.” I pulled back reluctantly from the warmth and safety of his arms. “Thank You” I whispered as I smiled weakly up at him. “You’ll find there is nothing I wouldn’t say or do to see that smile.” He kissed my hand and turned to walk down the hall.
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