The diplomat

2364 Words
I watched the sun rise from the opening out onto the balcony. My sleep had been restless and as the dawn approached I had finally given up on sleep. What if I had failed in my only diplomatic quest? I had barely been able to say 2 words before they had left to discuss matters. Should I have been more force full? I paced the large room nervously as parts of yesterday kept running through my head. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and gimmicked at the dark circles under my eyes. Since sleep had evaded me I had taken particular care of my appearance. The dark purple velvet dress I had chosen didn’t need a corset so I didn’ need help lacing it up and with the matching amethyst jewels I was able to at least look like a dignified diplomat. I pulled on the fur cloak and took a deep breath. I couldn’t sit in my room all day and wonder what their decision was going to be. I was heading towards the door when a knock caused me to jump. Opening the door I was a little surprised to see it was the young Paragonian, Marcus, waiting on the other side. “My father has spoken to the council and is ready to give you their reply.” His demeanor was tight like he was holding back something. I was about to question him about it but was interrupted by the door across the hall opening. I couldn’t help my mouth from falling open as I watched the patagonian woman who who had helped to guide us up walk out of Kyro's room. Her clothes had crumpled and appearance and her hair was ina state of array that suggested she had just woke up. Behind her Kyro come to the door a small smile on his lips that quickly disappeared as soon as our eyes met. “I enjoyed our night.” the woman cooed at him as she leaned in and kissed him. Turning she smirked as she saw us there before sauntering off down the hall. The three us stood in a awkward silence as her footsteps soon disappeared down the hall. Thankfully I was able to shut my mouth so I didn’t look like a gaping fish when Marcus cleared his throat. “We will see you in the main hall.” He said before beating a hasty retreat down the hall. “What was he doing at your door?’ Kyro demanded as he crossed his arms. My eyes narrowed and anger helped me cover the fact that seeing Kyro with another woman had hurt me more than I ever thought it would. “You are here to protect me not worry who I choose to invite into my room.” I replied coolly before starting off down the hall “As you wish Duchess.” His reply was just as cold and I felt my spine stiffen. “You should put a shirt on. I’m sure the councilor wont be as taken by by your chest as his kinswoman was.” was my only reply as I continued down the hall. As soon as I turned the corner my shoulders slumped and I could feel tears burn my eyes. “Get it together you fool.” I muttered to myself as I angrily wiped the tears away thankful I decided not to wear kohl today. “Is he your lover?’ I jumped at the voice realizing that Marcus hadn’t traveled that far. “Who?’ I I asked trying to feign innocents to the awkward scene he had just witnessed. “I saw your face face when Portia exited the knights room.” “I have no interest in who Sir Kyro spends his nights with.” I looked away as I said it hoping he couldn’t see what a blatant lie that was. “In our culture there is no shame in sharing ones body with another unless you are in a committed relationship.” “Sir Kyro and I are not committed to one another on any level except that he is here to protect me.” I stated firmly. “ Even if we were it would be none of your business Marcus.” Kyro's voice was brisk as he came up on us. He was somehow dressed and put himself together in the short amount of time I had walked away. I stiffened as he came up next to me and I made sure not to make eye contact with him. “Of course, I was just making sure I didn’t need to smooth out a diplomatic incident.” Marcus replied smoothly as he gave a small bow of his head. “My father waits for you in the main chamber.” he quickly changed the subject and I let him, thankful i didn’t need to talk about it anymore. When we entered the main building I was surprised to see it was only the councilor Marius in the room. “Good morning Duchess Alia, Sir Kyro. I hope your accommodations were adequate for the night.” His voice was pleasant but his face was oddly emotionless. “More than adequate councilor.” I replied politely back though I was quivering with nerves on the inside. “I will not preamble and waste your time. The council met and was in session all night.” He paused as he glanced at one the doors leading from the room “ after careful deliberation, we have concluded we can not and will not aid you in this fight.” “What?” two voices cried out. One was Kyro and that didn’t surprise me but the other was Marcus. ‘Father, we can’t leave them at the mercy of my sister, your daughters evilness.” “You are her father?’ I asked shocked by the revelation. “Yes she was my daughter but not anymore. She is banished and wiped from our history.” he glared at his son “This is as much your problem as it is ours” Kyro snapped as got much to close the councilor than he should, his body stiff with anger. “We are only responsible for ourselves and we will not put our people in danger over your quarrel.” Marius moved closer to Kyro and soon they were almost nose to nose. I quickly moved forward placing a warning hand on Kyros arm. He glanced down at me and I shook my head. Violence was not the answer and would not help us with the problem. As Kyro stepped back everyone took moment to compose themselves. “Is that the final answer I am to take back to my king?” I asked calmly making sure to I made full eye contact with councilor. “It is.” He replied as he pulled a rolled parchment from his robes. “This letter will explain it to your king. It also holds some lure we were able to find about the rebirth of the deathwalker.. It is all we are able to do for you” he handed me the roll and I stared at the rejection I was to take back to my king. “ I am terribly disappointed that this is the outcome of our meeting.’ I replied as I met the councilors eyes “We will not burden you with our presence any longer. It is time we head back to our king and the many responsibilities we have.” I turned with as much gracefulness as I could muster. I paused at the door heading to our rooms, turning to where Marius and Marcus were whispering furiously. “You do know that if we are unable to stop her she will come for you. Then you may have wished to have joined us before it was to late.” I didn’t wait for a reply as I turned heading down the hall. “I see why my father sent you.” Kyro said as he came beside me as we walked down the hall. “I don’t. I failed, We didn’t get what we needed.” I snapped as I increased my pace ready to get as far from this place as I could. “My father knew the council would never agree to join us. It is filled with old men, who think they are safe and untouchable on top of their mountain. It was the younger generation he wanted to get behind us and you heard marcus. They want to help.” “So is that what you were doing with Portia last night.” As soon as the words left my mouth I wished I could have not said that. I didn’t make eye contact as I hurried into my room. to pack. “ You are too immature to understand.” Kyro replied as he turned to his room leaving me sputtering in my room. I angrily packed my bags trying not to wrinkle the dressed to badly but in my haste knew some would need some care when I got back. I left my room quickly not waiting for Kyro to join me and headed to the area we were brought up at. The walk to the platform felt like a walk of shame. Several Paragonians were loitering around, whispering in small groups as I walked by and I could feel their eyes on me once I passed. I kept my back rigid and my chin up trying to keep as much of my dignity as I could. Marcus and Portia were both at the platform as I walked up deep in conversation. “Where is your knight?” Marcus asked as he looked behind me. “ It doesn’t matter where Sir Kyro is.” I answered as I adjusted my bag “I am ready to leave and he can catch up.” Marcus’s eyebrows shot up as he looked over at Portia “You heard her she wants to leave and she is a big girl.” Portia replied with a smug look on her face. I chose to ignore her completely and c****d my head at Marcus. “Of course Duchess.” He replied To say the decent down was even more harrowing than the accent would be a understatement. It felt like my stomach was in my mouth and I had to fight the urge to vomit all over Marcus. As soon as his feet touched the ground I jumped from his arms tottering unsteadily on my feet as my stomach rolled. “Takes a little getting use to.” Marcus said a small smile on his lips as he reached out to steady me. “I'm fine.’ I lied as I tried to compose myself. “My father and the council is wrong for not helping.” He said as he stared off to the horizon. “It seems we agree on something.” I answered as I hurried to the stall where Grendel greeted me with a annoyed swish of his tail. Apparently the accommodations were not up to his standards. “When the time comes the Paragonians will have to decide to wither stay in the past or join others in the future.” I turned surprised at his words. “That sounds like treason.” I replied wearily as I adjusted Grendels saddle. “Not treason. Just a generation that is ready to join the rest of the world,” He gave a small bow before disappearing up into the clouds. Maybe Kyro had a point I thought as I put my bag onto saddle. Kyro’s horse gave a small nicker when he realized he was being left behind. “Don't worry, kyro will be here soon.” I said as I mounted Grendel. I glanced up into the clouds knowing at any moment Kyro would be descending and probably in a nasty mood about me going ahead but I needed to get away, be alone and clear my head. Grenel seemed eager to leave also though through my connection to his thoughts it was because he like the stable in Ilium better. I kept my pace slow so Kyro would catch up easily. It was a hour into the ride back that I started feel at ease again. The quietness and steady trot of grendel lolled me into a almost catatonic state. It was the sound of approaching hooves that brought me back. Kyro pulled up quickly beside me and I pointedly didn’t make eye contact with him. “what were you thinking leaving like that?” He growled. “I was ready to go and I didn’t need your permission to leave” I replied curtly still not looking at him. “acting like a child and leaving in a tantrum doesn’t look good.” he snapped I felt my face turn red with fury as I turned to him. “Sleeping with someone as a act of diplomacy doesn’t look good either.” I snapped back at him. His eyes met mine and there was something there for a moment that looked a lot like pain before they turned the coldest I have ever seen them. “who I choose to spread my favors to is of no concern of yours duchess but your safety is my concern till we get back to Ilium.” I sucked in a breath as I kept my eyes in front of me hoping he couldn’t see the hurt on my face. It felt with those words he was saying it would never be me and the part of my heart that had longed for him for all these years broke into a million pieces. “Well now that we have that sorted out we shouldn’t have any more problems.” I replied surprised my voice was steady and strong as I spurred grendel forward. Thankfully we didn’t talk much after that leaving the silence to help me piece together my broken heart. Even when we camped for the night few words were spoken between us and I was thankful for that.
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