The forest

3056 Words
The morning came like my mood, gray and dreary. I moved stiffly from my tent, my muscles screaming in objection from the day of riding and I knew by the end of this day I would barley be able to move. I ate a bowl of cold porridge apparently I was the last to wake and we were to leave immediately. Tilly efficiently packed away everything while I saddled Grendall though I was going much slower than I usually would be going. “I have something for you.” Kyro spoke behind me and I turned pushing back my cloaks hood so I could look up at him. A fine mist fell around us and immediately my face was wet. “What?” I asked curiously. He pulled something from behind his back, wrapped in leather. He quickly unwrapped it showing a small bow, a quiver full of arrows and a small plain dagger in a waist sheath. “I was just wondering if you still knew how to use them?” He said as he handed them to me. “Well I did have a very good teacher.” I said as I smiled quickly, placing the dagger on my waist and then packed the bow behind the saddle with the quiver. “You did” Kyro replied smugly as he walked away to mount his horse. I quickly mounted up as the guards got assembled. We moved out quickly on to the empty road misty rain falling around us. I pulled the hood of my cloak further forward trying to stay as dry as I could but it seemed as if I had a hole as tiny drops of water ran down my neck. Grendall shook his soggy mane in annoyance and I didn’t need to read his thoughts to know he was not happy. As the morning wore on the rain increase till it was soggy down pour soaking us all and making the roads a muddy mess. “Nice weather we are having.” Calbin road up to me and I gasped as I noticed the rain didn’t fall on him or his horse but went around him. “Hey how about sharing your wizard magic.” I snapped at him as I wiped my wet face. He looked chagrin as he looked around us. “I tried to make it larger but it kind backfired on me.” He held up his burnt sleeve and I couldn’t help but sigh. “How long do you think this will last?” I asked as I huddled into my cloak but it offered no warmth and my teeth chattered. Calbin looked up at the sky as if it held the answers and I looked up too but saw nothing but dark rolling clouds and got a face full of rain for my efforts. “No telling” Calbin said with a shrug and I felt like slapping him, of course it didn’t bother him, he had his wizard power to keep him dry. I looked down at my hands wondering if my power could do anything else besides knock blood dragons from the sky. Looking around to see if anyone was watching me but everyone seemed to have their thoughts inward and to be as miserable as me. Calbin had wandered off whistling a song. I turned my hand trying to feel where the power came from but nothing happened and I drew my cold hand back into my cloak disappointed. “Halt” Kyro voice cut through the soft roar of the rain causing everyone to to stop short. Ahead of us on the road was a downed tree laying fully across the road blocking our path. Kyro and several guards went up ahead to look at the tree and I brought my horse up next to Calbin. I could see the worry in Kyro face as he looked around at the forest and I looked too but nothing could be seen through the curtains of rain. Kyro and the guards brought their horses back in a hurry guards pulling swords out as the made a circle. “What’s wrong?” I asked him as he came next to me. “That tree was cut on purpose and didn’t fall there but was drug. It’s a trap by bandits” His green eyes never left the forest searching for the unseen enemy. “Surly they would not attack the Kings guard?” I gasped as I grabbed the bow and slung the quiver across my shoulder. “Desperate men do desperate things” He answered. “You mean stupid things” I muttered as I reached out with my senses looking for anything out there. Behind the tree coming around on us I could see thin silver threads. “There” I pointed to where I saw the threads lead to. “I don’t see anything” Kyro’s eyes narrowed as he tried to see through the rain. “I saw something” I lied. A branch snapped in that area and Kyro drew his sword advancing slowly. “Show yourself by order of the Kings guard or your life will be forfeit.” Kyro’s voice was strong and purposeful. Shadows moved through the rain coming into view. I had always thought bandits would be roguish, misunderstood men who really wanted to do good like in all the tales we were told to as children. The men who came into view were not like those visions. Tattered and dirty the men that came forward had nothing but desperation in their eyes. They looked half starved, cheeks sunken in. I was shocked to see anyone living in Gavindale to be without. “We do not bow to your King, Bastard, and it is you who will forfeit your life unless you hand over all your supplies.” The leader stepped forward a large man with a meaty nose and bulging eyes which scanned over our company coming to a stop on me and I wished I hadn’t pulled my hood back so I could see because the look he gave me made me shiver with dread. “And the Lady.” He pointed to me as he licked his lips . I could hear the growl deep in Kyro’s throat as he took a menacing step forward. “Take your low life eyes off her. Make one move on us and I will have you strung up and gutted for the thieves you are.” The man laughed and the others did too, but it didn’t stop there I could hear laughter coming from the forest all around us. Kyro turned his horse trying to see the threat that now surrounded us. “Do you surrender?” the leader asked a smirk on his face. “We will not surrender to the likes of you, Men protective circle.” Kyro yelled as he brought his horse back joining the guards around us keeping Tilly , Calbin and I in the middle. I drew a arrow fitting it into the bow though I couldn’t see through the guards. “If you see a chance I want you to ride. Take the road straight till you reach a town called Hedge, there is a small group of guards at the tower. Do not let them catch you.” Kyro gave me a hard look and I weakly nodded my head. I rather face the blood dragon again then let the bulgy eye man touch me. “Protect her.” Kyro pointed at Calbin who gave a sharp nod. I didn’t see most of what happened next though I could hear it well enough. Clashes of swords and grunts of men. A man cried out in pain but I wasn’t sure if it was one of ours. It was one of the guards being pulled off his horse that let me see how the battle was going. There was a lot of them surging towards us but they were poorly armed but what they lacked in weapons they made up for in pure mass. I clutched Grendalls reigns to my chest trying to see a way through the bodies I could use to get away but there was nothing. Raising my bow I swallowed hard as I aimed at a man advancing with a wicked looking scythe. I had never killed anything with a bow not even a animal and my fingers trembled as I sighted down the arrow at him. I gave a prayer to the gods as I let go sending the arrow flying to its target. It hit true the arrow protruding from his eye socket and he fell to the ground. My stomach rolled but I didn’t pause as I drew another arrow taking aim at yet another man. “There you are pretty lady” A voice said to my right and it surprised me sending my arrow far from its target. Next to Grendall the Bulgy eyed leader leered up at me. I gulped as I dropped the bow and unsheathed the dagger at my waist. “Do not come any closer” I said trying to channel the haughty look the Queen always had when she spoke to someone lower to her. “Aw come on sweet little chicky. I won’t hurt you much.” He smiled a nasty smile and my stomach rolled at the smell of rotting teeth and onions that wafted from him. He grabbed Grendalls reigns and I slashed at him but he laughed as he dodged my efforts. I looked frantically to Calbin but he was surrounded by three bandits who he was keeping back with blue fireballs. Tilly was swinging a bag at a very large man who had her trapped next to a tree and Kyro was lost within the crowd of bandits. I wished I knew how to make the purple fire come but my hands stayed their very pale white. “Now your going to come down like a good girl.” He reached for my leg and I kicked at him. That is when I noticed Grendalls ears flattened, sometimes it was easy to forget the gentle giant who would rather stay in his comfy stall and nibble on alfalfa all day was a trained War Charger. The man was so focused on me he didn’t notice the gray head that was turning to him. In a flash Grendall struck grabbing the man within his mouth. The man screamed a loud high pitch scream as the horse shook him back and forth. Dropping the man to the ground Grendall proceeded to stomp him almost displacing me with the violent act. Soon the man no longer screamed and I almost lost my breakfast as I looked down at the bloody mass under Grendalls feet. I sent a quick thank you to him and he snorted tossing his head. I wheeled him around to face the man who had Tilly caught against the tree. Grendall took over quickly darting forward grabbing the man and giving the same treatment he had given the leader. Grendall was caught in the moment of eyeing the bandits and taking them down he had forgotten I was upon his back. When he made a wild turn to grab another man I lost my balance and I crashed to the ground into a particularly large puddle of mud. Sputtering I stood up drenched from head to toe but in front of me was a welcomed sight the bandits were on the run racing into the rain. “What happened to you? You look horrible.” Kyro asked as he rode up on his horse blood splattered on his armor. “I know you were raised with better manners than that Kyro Gavendale.” Tilly snapped as she came next to the puddle i was stuck in and I smile at the sheepish look that Kyro now wore. “If we ride hard we can get to Hedge by tonight and you can have a bath.” He offered as he dismounted a reached out a hand to help me out. I grabbed his hand thrill running through me at feel of his rough hands. Grendall walked up to me a sheepish tilt to his head as he bumped me with his nose. “I’m glad that horse is on our side.” Kyro said as he mounted up and I followed feeling very uncomfortable in my mud soaked clothed but there wasn’t much I could do about that. It turns out though the bandits out numbered us greatly they were no fighters and while they lost a lot of people we lost no one though two guards were hurt. Once everyone was safely onto horses we pushed out racing through the roads pushing the horses hard. I clung to Grendall leaning into him trying to stay out of the wind as it whizzed by me. It was hours and I could see the horses around me start to wear down and I knew it wouldn’t be long before Grendall also wore down. We turned a corner and the forest suddenly opened up revealing a giant wall causing them all to pull up hard on the horses. The small town was hidden nicely behind the protective barrier a tall tower guarded the gate. “Company at the gate” Kyro yelled as his horse turned in a circle. A grizzled head poked out of the tower window looking down at our tattered group. “Kyro?” He asked as he squinted down. “No other. We are on a mission for the King but were waylaid by bandits. We need shelter, food and a good night sleep.” The man spat, a look of disgust on his face. “Damn bandits, no good lay abouts have been getting worse the last couple weeks. I’ll raise the gate.” He ducked in and we all waited for the gate to go up. As soon as it was up hurried in and it slammed down behind us. Guards came out to greet Kyro and gather up the injured. “There is a inn over there where the lady can stay, not the cleanest place but the only one in town.” The grizzled guard said as he pointed to a rather shoddy looking building. “I will take your horse Duchess and you can go get cleaned and sleep.” Kyro grabbed Grendall and Tilly and I headed towards the inn. Smoke hit me in the face when we opened the door and it wasn’t smoke from pipes but from a poorly cleaned fireplace. Several men sat a corner table gave us curious glances but quickly returned to their tankers and conversation. A large woman emerged from the kitchen and gave us friendly look. “How may I help you this wet night?” She asked her eyes traveling over my mud stained clothes. “I am in need of a room, a bath and a warm meal for me and my servant if you are able.” I answered trying not to be self conscious of my attire. “We have that will cost you a silver coin” She said as she moved closer. I nodded to Tilly who dug out a coin and flipped it to the lady. She quickly shoved the coin into her bosom and gestured for us to follow her up the stairs. Opening a door she lead us into a small room. “I will have the tub brought up.” She said before she shut the door. I looked around the room, the room was small and the furniture well used but everything was clean and I didn’t fear we would catch any fleas or lice from the bedding. “Get out of those wet clothes and wrap your self in this sheet.” Tilly said as she grabbed the sheet from the bed and I quickly removed the riding habit sad to see how ruined the material was from rain and mud. Wrapping the sheet I shivered as Tilly gathered up the clothes. “I don’t think there will be any saving the riding outfit but I will clean the cloak off and it should be just fine.” As soon as she finished those words there was a knock at the door and I made sure I was adequately covered before I said to come in. A tall girl, a skinny replica of her mother came in carrying a tub barely big enough for me and a young boy with a steaming bucket followed his face turning red when he saw me in the sheet. The tub was quickly placed and it took 5 more trips for water before it was set up and they left. I sunk in quickly moaning in relief as the warm water soften my hard muscles. “Scrub your self good” Tilly instructed as she busied herself around the room. I did as I was told and she helped me with my hair. As soon as I was done I felt so tired but Tilly forced me to eat the food that was brought up for us. The wine was sour and I quickly set it aside but the soup was good fresh rabbit and vegetables warmed my stomach and eased the quesyness that had sat there since I had killed that first man. “Get a good nights sleep” Tilly said as she started to blow out candles. “I don’t think I can.” I replied as I slid into the bed. “Why forever not. I am about to fall over right here.” “I killed men today, I fear when I close my eyes I will see only them.” I said hugging my knees to my body. “Those men were going to take our stuff and do bad things to you. You had no choice and the Gods guided your hand when you shot them so accurately so don’t waste another thought on them.” She huffed as she gave me a tight hug. I laid my head on the pillow staring at the ceiling as she blew out the last candle and sleep came slowly.
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