The Ball

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As the door opened and we stepped out into the ballroom my breath caught. The small look we had gotten through the curtain didn’t show the splendor that we were now seeing. Everywhere I looked there was color and food. People in elaborate masks and clothing bowed before the King. As the King came to his throne everybody became silent as if everyone waited to even breathe. “Thank you all for coming. May the night bring you good fortune and good drink” He raised his mug and the audience cheered. As soon as the King sat down everyone went about their conversations. A band started in the corner and soon the dance floor was filled. Grabbing my hand Princess Beatrice headed us through the party. We passed lords and ladies dressed richly as they should be in a variety of masks from lions to dragons each unique upon itself. “What do you think this is?” Princess Beatrice asked holding up a spiked fruit from one of the tables. I eyed the fruit weary as I grabbed one of the wine glasses from another table. “I think I would leave that for another night.” I replied as I took a sip of the wine, sweetness bursting out upon my tongue as I rolled it around. “Ah, I found where the most beautiful ladies are.” A rich slightly accented voice came from behind us. I turned quickly curtseying as elegantly as I could while balancing the wine glass. Prince Shan-lees stood before us just as dashing up close. “I was hoping to get to dance with both of you.” He reached out a hand to Princess Beatrice which was fitting due to her station and she giggled delightedly as he led her away. I smiled to myself as I watched the two start across the room. Mostly it was because my best friend was about to have her first dance at a masquerade but another half was wondering if I would get a chance to get to dance with the prince after she had stepped all over his toes. Princess Beatrice had many talents unfortunately dancing wasn’t one. “Would you please give me the pleasure of this dance?” A shy male voice asked beside me and I turned to the large blue eyes of Liam, the future Duke of Halstead. Those blue eyes were behind a rather fierce mask of a wolf and I would have felt rather impressed if I didn’t already know that the man behind it was gentle as a kitten. He was a handsome boy with a face in the middle of changing from boyhood to manhood. His hair a shining gold flowing to his shoulder in soft curls. I could do worse than Liam. “It would be my pleasure.” I replied with a smile as I set my glass down and let him take my hand. His was unfortunately sweaty. At first I thought his stumbling steps were nerves but as the dance continued I realized he was just not graceful enough for dancing. My feet screamed at me each time he stepped on them and he was continually whispering apologies into my ears.. By the time the song was over I was so relieved I pulled him quickly to the side. “Would you like to dance again?” He asked his face hopeful as he gazed down at me. “Um. No I’m rather thirsty.” I hastily replied as I looked in vain for the drink I had put down.. “Let me get you a drink.” He replied enthusiastically as he started off towards the drink table. I really wanted to sit and rub my bruised feet but that wouldn’t be very becoming of a duchess. “That was hard to watch” A voice said beside me and for a minute I was angry that I seemed easy to sneak up on lately. I turned to look fully on the handsome face of Prince Lucian. He wore his usual smirking smile as if he thought he was better than all this. “Then you should have turned away.” I replied back returning my focus to the dance floor. “Ah, but then I would have had to have turned away from you and that would have been a hard feat tonight” He ran a finger over my bare shoulder and I shivered. “Why did you dance with him?” He asked as if he thought I had lowered myself to dance with Liam. “Why wouldn’t I? He will be titled and have his own lands when his father dies.” “You are already titled and you have lands also. You don’t have to settle for the riff raff.” He waved his hand as if my argument wasn’t worth his time. “I am a Duchess of a land over ran by goblins.” I hissed back at him “The only money I have is from the courtesy of the King. I am no better than a beggar and can only hope that someone that I actually like will ask the King for my hand.” I turned to go, fed up with this conversation but he grabbed my arm holding me in place. I would jerked away but that would cause attention on us and I didn’t want that. “Dance with me.” I had expected more arguing, more defamation of my choices in men but being asked to dance had stunned me so much there was no struggle as he led me onto the floor. As the band started their song he pulled me close, far closer than was necessary for the dance. His hand firmly on my waist pressing me tight against him. As we spun across the floor I had to admire his grace, there was no stepping on toes or awkward movement. We must have been a sight two dark figures twirling gracefully in a sea of color, so much so, that I could see other dancers stop to admire us as we went by. “See, we make a perfect couple.” He whispered into my ear as he turned me yet again. “I don’t see how we make a perfect pair. You have been barely able to stand me since I came here.” I replied coolly back. He made a face as he gripped me tighter to him. “I followed the lead of someone I shouldn’t have.” He answered back sharply as he cut a glance to the where the King and Queen sat. My blood ran cold as the Queens words came back to me and I knew that Prince Lucian had told the Queen he wanted me. “Well, you are a Prince and the King is sure to have you marry a Princess” I tried to pull a little away from him but his grip was so tight I didn’t budge. “But I don’t want to marry a Princess from a faraway land, one where I will have to move to. I would rather stay here and marry the most beautiful lady I had ever seen.” He stared down intensely at me and I gulped as I realized he meant every word he said. I was so stunned by his words that I didn’t realize he had maneuvered us across the floor to an area near some secretive alcoves until he pulled me into one trapping me against the wall. I was frozen with fear and a little excitement as I realized he had me trapped. I scowled at the excitement since it was not an emotion I wanted tied to the Prince. I pushed at him trying to get around him. “What are you doing?” I demanded as I tried to duck under his arm. “You don’t seem to believe me that I want you so I’m going to show you how much I desire you.” He leaned into me pressing my back into the cool stone wall. I shivered as he leaned closer, his breath hot against my skin. I was trembling, some because I was scared but mostly because I had a very handsome Prince pressed against me leaning in to kiss me. I had been kissed before, but all were sloppily stolen kisses by inexperienced boys. His lips were soft, warm, demanding. I leaned into him unashamed as he skillfully opened my lips and slid his tongue into my mouth. A jolt of electricity ran through me as his tongue touched mine, caressing soft and I hesitatingly followed his lead. He moaned as I tangled my tongue with his and a sense of power rose through me knocking away the doubt. I had a man next to me who wanted me, it may have been for my land and for the fact if he married me he wouldn’t have to leave the country but he still wanted me. I lost my self in that kiss letting him pull me tight against him. He pulled back his breathing hard as he looked down at me his blue eyes dark with lust. “You will be mine alone.” He whispered as he went back for my lips. Hi words cut through the haze I was in and I quickly stepped back. He wasn’t meant for me and I wasn’t sure I wanted him. “I think I need to get back to the party.” I tried to get around him but he shoved me back hard against the wall knocking the breath out of me. “We are just getting started.” He gripped me tight as his head bent down and though he been rough on keeping me there but his kisses on my neck were gentle and though fear shot through my brain my traitorous body leaned into his mouth. “No” I pushed weakly at him but he was a rock that was not to be moved and I was sending mixed signals with my body leaning into him asking for more. His kisses went lower across the top of my breasts and I could feel my body flushing and certain things tightening. I couldn’t let it go further even though part of me wanted to, I needed to stop this before it got worse. “No more” I said forcefully as I pushed him off giving me a little more breathing room. He brushed back pale blonde hair out of his face as he looked down at me. “You say no, but I can tell you want me” He brushed a finger across my lips and I couldn’t help the small gasp that came out and he smiled knowingly as he stepped closer to me. “No!” I put my hands on his chest trying to keep some distance between us. His hand snaked out, fast, snatching my hair and jerking my head painfully back. Pain hissed out of my mouth. He shoved one hand into my bodice gripping my breast gently though he was rough with my head. “I will have you willingly or not, but I promise at the end of it you will be crying out for more.” He jerked my head forward forcefully taking my lips with his and I did the only thing I could do. I bit him. His head snapped back as he reached up touching the blood that now dripped down his chin and a slow smirk twisted his lips. “I didn’t know you liked it rough Duchess.” He whispered in an amused tone he wiped the blood from his chin. Panic filled me as I tried to think of a way out. If I screamed it would cause a huge scandal, one where both our names would most likely be tarnished though as I stared into his angry face that might be my only option. “I think you heard her. She said no.” A deep voice spoke behind the Prince and I didn’t need to look around him to know who that voice belonged to and even though I was happy he was there I also couldn’t help the blush of embarrassment as I thought of Kyro finding me in this situation. “I would advise you to mind your own business bastard.” Prince Lucian snapped as he straightened up composing himself before he turned. As he turned I could see Kyro standing almost nonchalantly as he took in the two of us. “There are plenty of women who will say yes to you Lucian. Leave the ones who say no alone.” “Is that your pearl of wisdom for the day?” Prince Lucian asked, he was fully recovered now and was now looking at his half-brother with a look of contempt “Then let me give you some words of wisdom. Never stand in the way of something I want, for it will end badly for you if you do.” Kyro’s only response was a smile as he stepped aside for Prince Lucian to pass. “My dear Duchess, we will finish this discussion later.” there was a note of a threat in Prince’s words and I couldn’t help but shiver as he walked away. “Are you fine, Little Bird?” Kyro asked using an old nickname for me that I absolutely couldn’t stand. “Don’t call me that.” I snapped crossly as I stepped out of the alcove and next to him. He smiled down at me and I couldn’t help that my heart skipped a beat. “Seems the Prince is infatuated.” He said as he started towards the party. “If that is what you want to call it.” “Well, you should be careful I will not always be there to rescue you” “I don’t need you to always rescue me” He chuckled as he looked down at me as if I was something amusing. “Girls like you always need saving, you will always be a damsel in distress.” Those were his last words as he walked away leaving me fuming and miserable. How could I not be miserable my crush thought I was nothing more than a silly girl who would always need to be rescued. “Now that is what I call entertaining!” A voice said behind me and I couldn’t help but bristled as I turned around. Lady Vera stood behind me, her dress was ostentatious as only she could do, white lace and silk bellowed widely around her making her already curvy body seem bigger , her mask that of a swan was actually beautifully done, framing her cat like eyes. Her strawberry blond hair was stacked on top her head in tight curls and I felt if she leaned to one side she would topple over from the weight of it. Lady Vera and I had been wards of the King together, but she had always thought herself better than me due to the fact she was related to the royal family. Last year the King had given her away in marriage to an elderly lord who had pleased the King. I had been happy when she had moved out of the castle because every day while she was there it was her personal mission to put me down as much as she could. Now she had seen a personal embarrassment of mine and I was sure she would rub it in my face. “I see you are still following him around like a puppy dog and now he has told you how he really feels about you. How devastating that must be.” She stepped closer and I could smell the reek of wine off of her as if she had bathed in it before the Masquerade. “How is your marriage Vera?” I replied refusing to be pulled into her snare, but deciding to put down one of my own. “Is he here tonight? Or has he decided to stay home with his mistress.” Vera’s face grew red as she glared at me. It was common knowledge that her elderly husband had a mistress that he adored even to the point that if he sired a child on his mistress before he had one with Vera that child could inherited all his wealth. While it was not uncommon for those things to happen it was quite a sore spot for Vera. “At least I have a husband. The King is so embarrassed of you he hasn’t found someone to burden with you.” Her face twisted rather unbecomingly as she sneered at me. Before I could open my mouth for a comeback, Princess Beatrice was by my side her face calm but I could see the fury behind her eyes as she stepped up to defend me. It was obvious to me she thought I also always needed rescuing. “How dare you talk to your better like that.” She snapped, her voice carrying causing several people to turn to see what was going on. “Who is she better than?” Vera asked smugly as if she was holding court. “You for one.” Princess Beatrice straitened her back as she glared at her cousin. “You married a Lord and although he is rich he doesn’t bring a lot of prestige. Alia is a Duchess far above you in her standing and if she wanted to she could bring a complaint before the King for your behavior towards her.” Vera’s face paled as she looked between the two of us. I stood a little taller as she stumbled over her words. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me for my words I get carried away some times” Her face looked like she had bitten into something sour which I took some pride in. I gave a slight nod and she pushed her way through the crowd. “I can’t stand her.” Princess Beatrice sniffed as she watched her cousin walk away. “Well just remember she is related to you.” I answered back trying to break the tension. “Well, now that I have found you, lets go see the entertainers” She pulled me out into the crowd and I was happy not to be alone.
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