The King's Chamber

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Black and white swirled in the mirror as I spun before my dressing mirror. I couldn’t help but laugh as I stopped and took in my reflection. My dress was a surprise, a gift from the King, made by the royal seamstress. It was black, one might not think black was exciting, but this dress was anything but boring. The top was sleeveless leaving my pale shoulders scandalously bare, the corset top was laced tight to keep it in place. Silver thread had been woven into the fabric depicting a flock of ravens taking to flight. It hugged tight to my body till low on my hips where the skirt started. There the dress became something more, for the whole skirt was made of long black feathers. They were woven one on top of the other facing down so that the skirt was sleek only flaring slightly from my body. There were other gifts from the King for the night. Long black silk gloves covered my arms with a flare of feathers at the top. A choker of onyx was clasped around my throat along with onyx earrings dangling from my ears. On the bed sat the final part of the costume, the part that brought it all together. There was a theme for the masquerade, everyone was to come dressed as their insignia, in whatever way they could. Mine was ravens, not very clever considering my family name was Ravendale, but there was nothing I could do about that. On the bed was a mask, but unlike one I had ever seen. The front was like most half faced masks, it would leave the bottom of my face bare while covering the top only revealing my eyes. Feathers covered the mask along with random amethyst gems set into it. What made the mask unique was that the top came up over my head covering the top of my head in a feathery cap long feathers dangled off the end blending into my long dark hair. “What are you doing just staring at yourself in that mirror? You are already late” My lady maid, Tily, scolded as she hurried into the room a box tucked under her arm. “Sorry it’s just so surreal” I replied sheepishly as I stepped away from the mirror. Tily gave me a motherly smile as she set the box on the bed and picked up the mask. “Here let me get this on you” She brought it over and placed in gingerly on my head settling the feathers into my hair. “There you are.” She fussed around me making sure everything was in place before she stepped back. “Not a proper dress for a young lady but who am I to talk against the Kings stylist” She turned back to the box and I leaned over her shoulder to see what it held. Inside several small glass bottles were filled with different shades of color and there were several coal sticks also. “The King thought you were old enough for face paint” Her tone was disapproving as she removed two jars. I stood still as she applied a light pink to my cheeks, then a dark red that was almost black to my lips. “That should be enough for tonight the mask makes no need for eye kohl” She stood back giving me a once over. I quickly went to the mirror and caught my breath. I barely recognized myself, I seemed older more alluring. A small smile twitched at the side of my mouth and it looked seductive with the red on my lips. “Stop staring at yourself and get going before the night is over” Silva scolded but she gave me a loving pat on the arm as I slipped on my black slippers. I hurried out into the hallway dismay filling me as I realized that everyone had already headed down into the Kings waiting chamber. Turning towards the main stairs I paused, I could already hear the sounds of guests arriving and the thought of trying to maneuver through the crowd was not appealing. I turned the other way and headed towards the servant stairs. Those stairs would open up directly into the Kings chambers. Pulling up my skirt I quickly headed to the door, opening it up and finding the stairs brightly lit. The Kings waiting room would be three flights of stairs down not far but it turned out my skirt was not made for traversing stairs. As I gingerly stepped down another stair my skirt pulled far up revealing a scandalous amount of leg. I heard the faint sound of steps coming up the stairs. I paused panicked if it was one of lady servants I would be fine but I rather not give one of the male servants more than they bargained for. “What if someone see’s us?” the voice was familiar to me and I let out a sigh of relief. Ferra was one the servants that helped get me and Princess Beatrice ready for the ball. The voice that answered her was also familiar and panic quickly set back in “Everyone is down stairs already. It is just you and me.” The male voice was smooth, elegant and belonged to the one man who I have tried to avoid since I was 6 years old. The King had three legitimate children with the Queen. His oldest son, Darian, treated me like a little sister and Princess Beatrice thought of me as a sister but Prince Lucian was another story. Ever since I had arrived he had made it a mission to make my life miserable taking the lead from his mother. When I was younger it was mostly trying to put me down, treating me like I was nothing but lately it has turned to something else, like he was trying to woo me and that worried me more than him putting me down. Turning I quickly stepped back into the shadows hoping they didn’t come this far up the stairs. I also put my dress down not needing Lucian to see that much of me. I could hear the rustle of fabric and a quick intake of breath followed by giggle from Ferra. I winced as I realized I might be bearing witness to Prince Lucian having a carnal affair with one of the servants. Something I knew he did on a regular basis but not something I wanted to witness first hand. “My lord, I must get back” Ferra’s voice was breathy and for a moment I wondered what he was doing to make her sound that way. “You won’t be missed” His voice was almost condescending and I could almost feel bad for Ferra being caught in the Prince’s embrace. The click of a door let me know they had gone through one of the doorways below and I quickly pulled up my dress and started back down the stairs. I made it to the bottom without incident and quickly rearranged my dress making sure everything was in place before I stepped into the Kings waiting room. Inside the royal family milled around. King Gregor stood in the middle of the room, still a very handsome man he had the same red hair as three of his four children only with gray starting at his temple. He wore an outfit of green and gold, the colors of the Gavendale family, his mask a brilliant craftsmanship of pounded out gold shaped into a griffins face. The Queen stood regally next to him in the same colors, her mask the same but in a daintier design but unfortunately for her the colors didn’t fit her cool coloring causing her to look dull and pale. Across the room Princess Beatrice stood by herself her hands clasped nervously as she looked around the room. I quickly headed over to her. Her dress was green and gold in a style that was very becoming with her body type. The top was tight causing her full breasts to push out dangerously at the top. Her sleeves were long flaring bell like to her hands and her skirts were wide making her waist seem even tinier. “Look how beautiful you look” I exclaimed as I sided up to her. “Me? Look at you!” She gasped as she took in my full outfit her green eyes wide behind her mask. It was also a griffins mask.. “Let’s go pick out who we will dance with first” without waiting for a response she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the corner where there was an alcove that lead to a curtain that allowed one to look out into the ballroom. We both caught our breath when we peaked around the curtain. The ballroom had been transformed from its regal elegance to something else completely. Long swaths of colored fabric hung from the ceiling connecting to the wall making the ballroom look like the inside of a vibrant tent. Tables upon tables of food lined the wall piled high with fruit and cakes. Peers of the realm milled restlessly as they waited for the King to start the party. Everyone was dressed richly and it seemed as if the more fabric you wore the richer you were. Ladies skirts were wide taking much more room than was truly needed. Men were simpler dressed but their fabric was just as rich. “There!” Princess Beatrice exclaimed loudly jolting me out of perusal of the room “I shall dance with him first” I looked to where she was pointing and was quite surprised. The man was tall which wasn’t unusual around here but he was dark in his coloring. His hair was a dark brown not quit as dark as mine but still a rich brown. Skin tan but it was a natural darkness not one that was acquired from hours outside. His eyes were also brown large and almond shaped over his hawk nose. His outfit was unlike the others that milled around him. It was simple, white silk shirt over white pants, an outfit from his homeland I think. “Your first dance is going to be with Prince Shan-lee?” I asked impressed with her boldness. Not only was Prince Shan-Lee the future King of the Yaman clans but he was also the brother of Princess Rhona who was married to Princess Beatrice’s brother. “He is rather nice, nothing like his sister” She replied as her eyes swept the room. I had to agree with her but it wasn’t really hard for one to be nicer than the Princess Rhona. “And I already know who you want to dance with” Princess Beatrice laughed as her eyes locked onto Kyro who was surveying the room. He looked splendid in his simple green shirt and brown pants. His face was half covered in a simple green mask but it did nothing to hide his handsome features. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I almost snapped back at her as I blushed and looked away. “Oh so I guess you want to dance with my brother Lucian instead?” She replied back a wicked grin twisting the corners of her mouth. I made a face at her but kept my mouth shut. Closing the curtain we walked back into the room and noticed we had been joined by the rest of the family. Princess Rhona was in the corner and she looked beautiful. Her brown hair fell straight to her waist and her outfit was like her brothers but in a pale pink that enhanced her tan skin and small curvy body her face was free of a mask and was heavily made up with makeup she really didn’t need. Her dark brown eyes were heavily lined and were turned up in sultry admiration to the man that was standing next to her, that man was not her husband. Prince Lucian leaned against the wall, a lazy smile on his face as he leaned in close to Princess Rhona whispering something in her ear that caused her to laugh. Prince Lucian was beyond handsome, his facial features perfect as if carved by a master sculpture out of marble. His hair was the same silvery blonde of his mothers, as were his eyes the same blue as hers. He wore black as if in defiance of his father and a simple black mask across his eyes. The outfit may have been simple but it just displayed his beauty more. “You two are going to be the bells of the ball” A voice behind us caused us both to jump and we quickly turned around. Prince Darius was a younger version of his father. Just as tall his fiery red hair fell in waves to his shoulders. As of the moment his face was slightly flushed and I assumed it was from whatever he was drinking in his mug. I quickly bowed showing deference to the future wearer of the crown but Prince Darius quickly waved me up gathering me and his sister in a tight embrace. “Aren’t you two a little young to be here?” I cringed at the high nasally voice and didn’t need to turn to know that Princess Rhona had torn herself away from Prince Lucian to come torture us. “Leave them alone they are plenty old enough to be here” Prince Darius lost his smile as he glared down at his wife. “After their little stunt this morning I’m surprised they are allowed out in public at all” She replied triumphantly as if she was never wrong. “They are not the ones I am worried about causing a problem as you stand over there flirting with my brother” Prince Darius’s voice rose with every word till the room grew silent around us. Prince Darius glared across the room at his brother who smiled smugly back at him. The room remained silent as the brothers faced off. Everyone knew the two brothers had no love for each other and since Princess Rhona had arrived it had only gotten worse, spurred on by her flirting unashamed back with Prince Lucian. I cast a glance at Princess Rhona and she seemed almost excited by the fight that seemed to be brewing over her, if only she knew this fight had been brewing long before she had even came into the picture. “That is enough” The Kings voice boomed through the room causing everyone to jump. “I will have no more of this internal bickering” He gave everyone a hard look as he stepped into the middle of the room “ I expect everyone to behave themselves as befits their station” as he said his last words he gave Princess Rhona a hard look and she crossed her arms a pout on her full lips. He then turned his glare to Prince Lucian who gave a mocking bow not looking at all contrite for his actions. Queen Jullianna quickly went over to him running a soothing hand down his arm. It was no secret he was her favorite child. The sounds of trumpets broke the tension in the room, making everyone line up behind the King and Queen, given their rank. I was last in line being that I wasn’t truly a member of the family but just in front of me was Princess Beatrice being the youngest so I didn’t feel very alone. As the doors opened Princess Beatrice reached back and squeezed my hand. We were ready for our first ball
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