The Uninvited Guest

1357 Words
It was early morning before the last guest left leaving only close family in the ballroom. The King sat on his throne regaling us all with one of his stories of war and glory. Most of us had heard the story before but we listened anyway, the King was a great story teller. The Queen had retired early claiming a headache from the volume of ballroom. Next to the King, Prince Darius lounged his mask sitting askew on top of his head, a flush still high in his cheeks showing his drinking had not ebbed as the night did. Princess Rhona had also retired after unsuccessfully trying to get Prince Lucian to go away with her into one of the alcoves. Princess Beatrice and I sat on little stools, leaning companionably against each other as we listens to the King. Across from us Prince Lucian sat his eyes never straying from me though I tried hard not to look in his direction. Behind the King Kyro stood at watch as we all sat together. “And that is how you behead a Cave Troll.” The Kings voice echoed off the walls as he ended his rather grotesque story of beheading. We all sat quietly for a minute, some of us trying to make the memory of the night last as long as possible. “Alia” the Kings voice jerked me to attention and I quickly stood. “I have something for you.” The King Pulled a small bag out of a pocket holding it out to me. “Your majesty you have already given me so much.” I replied as I stepped up to him. He smiled as he leaned forward placing the bag in my hands. “This is not a gift from me, but from your father. It was in the bag that you came here with, there was a letter written by your father saying to give this to you when I felt you were old enough and after seeing you tonight I feel you are old enough. Your father says it was your mothers and meant to be handed down to you” I quickly opened the bag and a necklace slide out onto my hands. It was petite not like the chunky necklaces that most at the court wore. The metal chain was unlike any metal I had seen before, it was a pale silver but within it were veins of violet like vines creeping along it. In the middle was a small stone also violet. As soon as it fell into my hands I knew it was mine as if a part of myself had been missing and now it was home. “Thank you your majesty.” I curtsied as I held the necklace gingerly. “It is nothing you are a part of my family.” He answered and I felt tears burn my eyes. Quickly before I started to cry like a baby in front of the King I hurried back to my spot by Princess Beatrice, the necklace clutched tightly in my hands. As soon as I sat the quiet was broken by the large doors leading to the front of the castle bursting open slamming heavily into the stone walls. We all jumped, several guards rushed into the room hands on swords. Two people walked through the door unlike anyone I had ever seen before. One was a woman, a very tall woman. I was sure if she stood next to the King she would be as tall as he was. Her hair was loose, waving down to the floor as white as snow. Her face was strong and she wouldn’t be called pretty but she was handsome with large golden eyes, a strong hawk nose and full lips. She was dressed in a red dress that hugged her thin body in the most revealing way and the only way she could walk was because there was a slit in her dress that went clear up to upper thigh. Next to her stood a man who was even taller than she was. His black hair was long past his shoulder and he looked around the room out of angry gold eyes. He wore a heavy cloak which sat weird on his shoulders looking as if he had a hunch back. “Mirra!” the King roared as he jumped to his feet causing us all to flinch away. The lady smiled a slow alluring smile as she stepped further into the room. “My dear King Gregor. Have you missed me.” Her voice was amused as if she was having a conversation with a old friend. “One does not miss a viper in his bed.” The Kings face was turning red as he glared at the woman. “That is not how one should talk to their wife.” She tisked at him. “You are no longer my wife. You were banished and all record of you has been erased from here” Something crossed her face as he said those words and I wasn’t sure if it was anger or amusement. “No matter. I shall rule here again without you this time.” As she said those words she held her hand out to the man next to her who placed a large heart sized stone into her hand. “Do you know what this is?” Her voice was almost sing song as she held the rock up so the light of the candles shimmered of it. The King barely glanced at it before he fixed his glare back at her. “That is a myth” His voice was disdainful. “No, not a myth. I have the blood stone which controls the blood dragon and which will allow me to awaken the Deathwalker.” Her voice was triumphant as she looked around at us as if she expected us to look upon her in fear but mostly everyone seemed confused. “You risked death to wave around a mythical stone, which supposedly controls a dragon and awakens a long dead God.” His voice was condescending as his smile returned cocky and full of Kingly righteousness. Her smile faltered as she looked around seeing her words were not causing the reaction she wanted. “No, I did not come for death.” She handed the stone back to the man who quickly hid it within the folds of his cloak. “I’m giving you a choice. Either hand your kingdom over to me willingly or I will burn it around you.” The King laughed as he stared at her in surprise. As we all stared at her in shock something caught my eye on her leg, a black shape almost like a snakes tail moved along her thigh disappearing into her dress. I blinked staring at the spot but nothing else moved and I thought I may have imagined it. “I will never hand my kingdom over to you and as for your threat I am not scared of stories told to scare children.” He stood straighter. As they had been talking Kyro and two other guards had been trying to side around the pair to trap them in but as Kyro went to step behind them the man turned. He pushed Kyro sending him flying as if he weighed nothing but that wasn’t the most surprising thing. Wings, large and black flared from under neath his cloak. “Two weeks Gregor, than no matter how many prayers to the gods you will burn.” Her last words came as she swung out the door our view blocked by black wings, then they were gone. Kyro rose from where he hit the hall a little shaken but apparently unhurt. We all turned wide eyed to the king. “Everyone to bed.” His voice broke no question and we all rose. As we hurried out of the room I looked back at the King and was surprised to see worry wrinkling his brow. Maybe there was something to worry about
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