The Kiss

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Kyro and I kept conversation to a minimum the next day and only talked when absolutely necessary.While it hurt it was better than saying something one couldn’t take back. It took half of the day to travel back to Ilium and once the plains opened up to the coast I could feel the weight of the last two days lifting off my shoulders. Calbin should have been back and maybe something could have least gone right. Duke Roderick was waiting with two guards outside the city and at the moment there was no one else I was happier to see. “how was your journey?.” he asked as he pulled his horse up besides mine. “not very good I’m afraid.” I answered wincing at what the duke would think of my failure. “doesn’t surprise me. The Paragonian council doesn't’t like change but you tried and that is all you could do.” He shrugged as he gave me a smile. I gave a tentative smile back. “Is Calbin back?” I asked as I looked out onto the bay not seeing the royal ship he had taken. “I’m afraid we havn’t heard from the ship or Calbin since they entered the mist.” The Duke avoided looking at me. I gave a worried look to Kyro who also seemed worried by the Dukes words. “Is there a chance he is ok?” I asked trying to keep my voice from going up with the wave of emotions going through me. “unfortunately Alia there isn’t good odds. there was a particularly violent storm around the isle before we lost contact.” Duke Roderick answered his eyes sad as he looked at me. We rode in silence the rest of the way to the castle. As soon as we reached the stables I quickly excused my self and hurried to my room. I barely made it to my room before the tears started. I hurried to window looking out onto the ocean. All I could remember was Calbins excited face as he boarded the ship ready for adventure. “How are you darling?” Tilly asked as she came up behind me worry written all over her face. “everything is going wrong.” I turned away from the window “I’m not sure how much more of this I take.” “You will make it through.” She assured as she reached out to pull me into her embrace but I pulled away. “I’m not strong enough for this.” I wiped at the tears angrily. “You are. You have survived so much already. Things one so young should not have to face but you have and you will come out stronger for it.” she grabbed my shoulders and gave them a stern shake I nodded my head weakly as I sunk down onto my bed not sure if I believed her but i didn’t have the energy to argue. “Dinner will be ready shortly.” she said as she busied herself around the room. “I’m not sure if I’m up for that.” “I will have them send something up for you then.”she started to head towards the door. “wait” I stood up. The thought of leaving Duke Roderick to eat alone when he felt just as bad for letting Calbin go seemed wrong to me. “I’ll go.” “Good lets get you ready.” “Something simple Tilly. If we have it.” I said as I set about brushing my hair. I quickly pinned it up into a bun. I could here Tilly muttering to herself as she shifted through the dresses and I knew I had sent her into a nearly impossible task. Most of the clothes the Duke had gifted me were very elaborate. I walked over to the mirror and frowned at my complexion. My eyes were red from my tears and my skin even paler than usual. I sighed as I stepped away not putting on anything on my face. I wasn’t in the mood. “Here” Tilly cried triumphantly as she held a dress up for me. It was simple in design a long sleeve, square low neckline and slime align skirt. The color was a blue so dark it was almost black and seemed to fit the mood i was in. I knew I would be somber company but I came to the realization I didn’t want to eat alone either. When I walked into the dining room Duke Roderick was already seated his elbows on the table with his head cradled in his hands. I must have made enough noise because his head lifted and he quickly stood. “My dear Alia, I wasn’t expecting you.” He quickly pulled the chair out next to him and sat down. “I didn’t want to eat alone.’ I said as I gave him a small smile. “Me either.” he said as he returned my smile. We ate in amenable silence the only noise was the clinking of our silverware and glasses. I drank more than usual of the wine in hopes it would make me better company. The food was probably delicious but I didn’t seem to taste any of it as the events of the last month kept running through my head. “How are you holding up my dear?” The dukes words startled me out of memories and i met his tired eyes. “As well as you are i’m guessing” I tried a small smile but it didn’t work. It surprised me when he stood up and walked over to me. Kneeling down so we were face to face he reached out cupping my face in his hands. “I would do anything to erase that haunted look from your beautiful eyes.” “I fear the only way to do that is to erase the last month from my memory.” I replied my breath catching as he moved his face closer. “If only one had that kind of power.” His lips were now only a breath away from mine. There are many things I could blame for what happened next. I kissed him. It was a mix of the wine, loneliness, mutual attraction and a small bit of hurt over Kyro that drove me to it. For a brief second he didn’t respond and I feared I had read the whole situation wrong, that he still only thought of a child and his care for me was one of a adult to a child. I was contemplating pulling away when he responded. I had had the sloppy stolen kisses of boys and the forceful kiss of Prince Lucian but this was much different. He was a skillful kisser just as passionate as Prince Lucian had been but his hold was light. He kept one hand gently cupping my jaw, the other stroking a piece of hair that had escaped my bun. In that hold he was telling me it was my choice, that I could pull back at any time I wanted. I leaned further into him losing myself in the kiss. “Am I interrupting?” Kyro’s voice cut through my lust filled brain and I pulled back with gasp. “Seeing how this is my home and I didn’t invite you to dinner, yes you are interrupting.” duke Roderick grounded out curtly giving Kyro a glowering look. Before Kyro could respond I stood up causing the Duke to rise with me. “I think I will retire for the night.” I said as i could feel the heat in my face growing. “Of course Alia. It was a pleasure dining with you tonight.” He had drawn out the word pleasure and I could feel my face go even redder. I headed quickly to the door pointedly ignoring Kyro. As I walked down the hall I could feel the heat leave my face both from the kiss and the fact that Kyro had seen it. I smiled as I touched my still tingling lips. Footsteps behind me caused my smile to replaced by a scowl. “I don’t need a escort to walk to my rooms, Kyro.” I snapped as I picked up my pace. “From what I saw in there I can’t let you go anywhere by yourself.” I stopped abruptly in the hall narrowing my eyes as I turned to him,. “you are here to protect me from harm, whatever else I chose to do is my business and whoever I chose to share my favors with is of none of your concern..” I stated coldly throwing his own words back at him. “He is to old for you and is using your nativity against you.” He said sullenly as he looked down the hall. “Not that is is any of your business but I kissed him so who is using who?” I started down the hall again. “You are free to chose whoever you want. I dont see why you would chose to entertain my uncle.” still sullen he walked beside me. I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips. “Free? I am anything but free and if you believe otherwise you are just as naive as you think I am.” I paused at my door and looked up at Kyro. “i will have no choice in who I marry. I can only hope I care for the person the King chooses. I care for the Duke and I would be nothing but grateful if the king chose him for me and if he would accept me as his wife.” Kyro reached out and gently touched the silky sleeve of my dress. “He has already accepted you. All these clothes in your size and all the gifts. He has probably already asked my father for your hand.” he ran a hand through his fiery hair before sighing and giving me a small smile. “You and I will never be able to follow our hearts.” he said as he started to walk away. I opened my door. “Not if we want to protect our hearts from being broken.” I said as I stepped inside and closed the door.
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