The ship

1337 Words
I awoke the next morning my mind muddled and confused due to the noise coming from outside my windows. I sat up slowly and tried to stop my head from spinning, regretting the decision I had made about the wine last night. Outside the sun had not risen yet but the shouts and birds cries let me know something was happening. “What is going on?’ I asked as I winced at how loud my voice sounded in my wine sore ears. Tilly had been running around my room in almost a panic and all I could think of was we were under attack...again. “the ship has been spotted this morning. It should almost be in the harbor now.” I was instantly awake and threw the covers back and jumped up only to regret it as my stomach rolled with the quick movement. “OOh” i cried as I clutched my stomach willing the vomit back down. “Indulge ourselves a little to much last night I see.” Tilly tsked at me a knowing look in her eyes as she headed towards a tray that had been set by the door with a small glass on it. “Here drink this while I ready your clothes.” she handed me the dainty glass filled with a questionable yellow liquid. I tentatively sniffed the cup and was met with a warm spicy smell. “The duke sent it this morning, said you might need it.” taking a small sip I was pleasantly surprised by the sweet mellow taste with a slight hint of cinnamon. As it reached my stomach I could feel it soothing down the angry rolling. “Better?” Tilly asked as she came to the bed with a simple blue day dress in her hands “I must remember to thank the Duke for his thoughtfulness.” I answered as I stood to get dress. The dress was simple in design, a square neckline and was pleasant light blue. Once I was dressed I hurried to the front of the keep to where the Duke was waiting with a carriage. “Good morning duchess I thought you might like a ride down to the docks this fine morning” He smiled as he offered his hand to help me into the carriage. “You have been right about many things this morning. I must thank you for that drink.” I grabbed his hand as I stepped up and he gave it a gentle squeeze. “You will find there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to see you comfortable.” He smiled as he sat across from me. While I was thankful for the carriage the road down from the keep to the docks was full of turns and soon my stomach was souring again. I closed my eyes and willed myself to breath nice a smooth. I felt the duke change his seat and soon he was rubbing my back in soothing slow circles. As soon as the carriage stopped I let a shaky breath and gave him a small smile. “You made it.” he said as he pushed back a stray curl from my face. He was closer than before and for a moment it felt like everything stopped as I got lost in his dark blue eyes. I leaned forward ready to give him another kiss but this time without the wine to strengthen my resolve. “Are we going to meet Corbin.” Kyro’s voice snapped as the carriage door was flung open. I could feel my face turning red as I turned away from the door and took Kyros offered hand out of the carriage. “Your timing is impeccable Kyro.” the Duke muttered as he exited me and I hid my smile as I tried to see the boat. The main sun, Kimets eye, was rising over the sea and was washing out everything in its golden glow. Even if I couldn’t see the boat I could hear the crew calling back and forth as they tied it to the dock. Shielding my eyes I could see dark figures darting around the deck and my heart skipped when I saw a flash of red robes coming to the top of the plank down. I stepped forward excitedly but stopped in shock. The man in the red robes strode down the plank with the confidence of a king though he looked no older than 20. He had black hair that sat on his head in soft curls, smokey blue eye watched the activity of the port with a mischievous twinkle. “Aw Ilium, I remember when you were just a one dock town with the best w***e house this side of the jeweled mountains.” He gave a lazy stretch as he stepped of the plank and before us. “I am the Magnificent Malverick.” he declared throwing his arms wide flaring the sleeves of robe dramatically. “welcome to Ilium Malverick. I am Duke roderick. I am glad you have come.” He stepped forward quickly shaking Malvericks hand. I was watching the boat waiting for Calbin when I noticed Malverick looking at me a lascivious smile on his lips. “i am honored you brought a w***e to welcome me.” He gave a very lecherous look up and down as he stepped closer to me. “I beg your pardon?’ I managed to squeak out as he got closer. “I usually prefer my women to be well endowed but I have learned the less blessed women make up for it in other ways.” I stumbled back as he came even closer and he went to follow but was stopped by Kyros sword. “You are talking to the Duchess of Raventhorne. You owe her a apology.” He managed to ground out between gritted teeth. The Duke came beside me, a hand on my shoulder and warning look in his eyes as he glared at the magician. “Thats how nobles dress these days?” he asked as he looked down at me and looked down also at mt dress which was very modest to some some of my other dresses. “Then please accept my apologies.” he bowed ever so slightly with a hint of mockery in his voice. “Where is Calbin?’ I asked completely ignoring the apology. “He stayed behind. I will explain everything after a long nap and a good meal.” He stepped past us starting up the long windy road to the keep leaving me and Kyro to stare after him wide eyed. The Duke gave some orders to his guards and then we started to follow him up. The towns people had gathered around to watch the activity and they all seemed enthralled with Malverick. He played it up bantering back and forth with some and then decided to do some magic for the kids. He didn’t even have to mutter a incantation, just a wave of his hands and several blue animals ran amongst the children. rabbits and deer frolicked among the amazed onlookers before jumping into the air and exploding into hundreds of blue petals that softly rained down onto them. The crowd oohed and awwed giving a thunderous applause. “I don’t see what the big deal is. I have seen Calbin do the same thing hundreds of time.” i muttered as we followed behind. “Yes but Calbin would have set something on fire.” Kyro remarked and I had to bite my tongue cause i knew it to be true. After the long walk to the keep which I on multiple occasions asked why we couldn’t take the carriage, malverick retired to his rooms claiming he wasin need of rest due to the power he used to open the mist to leave the island. even though I was filled with questions I also retired to my rooms to rest before dinner.
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