1397 Words

CHAPTER SIXTEEN –––––––– “OKAY, IN AN HOUR TOPS, we’ll dock in Singapore,” Nick told Ryan, watching the horizon and opening a bottle of beer. “It’s good we get there in the evening. It’s less likely we’d be noticed. What do you think?” he asked. “Yes, I think we timed it well,” Ryan consented. “Adam is much better now. I noticed that he started exercising yesterday afternoon. I’m just a bit concerned that he might exaggerate and reopen one of the wounds, though,” Ryan said pensively, biting into a juicy mango. “I wouldn’t worry about him, Ryan,” Nick shook his head. “Adam’s fine. He knows what he can do or not. He was very attentive. I watched him.” “If you say so,” Ryan replied but didn’t seem convinced. “Is Kate all right?” Nick asked him. “I haven’t seen her since early this morn

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