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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN –––––––– “WE’RE APPROACHING SINGAPORE, Ryan. Come out on the deck. We need another pair of hands here,” Nick’s voice thundered from the above deck and made Kate grimace. “Does he always have to thunder like that? Can’t he talk in a normal tone of voice?” she asked Ryan. Ryan just shrugged and went to help his mates with the approach and anchorage. After about a quarter of an hour, he bellowed down to her, “We’re here, Kate. Call the guys to return the yacht, and let’s move! Now!” Her voice thundered as loud as his. “Who made you general, Ryan? Would it be difficult for you to phrase your requests differently? Would it kill you?” Kate ended her speech with a yell. The woman wanted to make sure that Ryan heard her. “My God, the lungs she has on her,” Adam exclaimed, u

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