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*Flash Back* John POV I drop Ellie off at her house and drive home to my farmhouse. After my father died, my mother moved into an apartment and let me have the farmhouse. It is small, but I love the land and being on the farm. My sister Crissy never cared about the farm when we were growing up, but I loved it here. I could see myself growing old here with someone and raising a family. Mother wanted to put all the bad memories behind her and make new ones somewhere else, but there was no way she would sell the place. She knew how much it meant to me.  I park my truck and go inside. I want out of this suit and to relax. I have to work the early shift tomorrow. I will call Ellie after work. I cannot believe how the night went tonight. It started out terrible and ended with a kiss from the most beautiful creature on earth. I can still smell the sweet scent of her perfume lingering in the air around me.  I lay out my uniform for in the morning. I know I will be hustling to get out the door at six a.m., and it is already late. I need sleep; as I lay down in my bed, the phone rings. I get up to get the phone in the kitchen. I need to put a phone in my bedroom. Who in the hell could be calling me at this hour? I hope it is not work.  I pick up the phone, and before I can even say hello, I hear the sweetest voice on the other end of the line. “John,” Ellie says. “Yes,” I respond. “I hope you are still awake,” Ellie says. “I am awake,” I say. “Good, I wanted to ask you something,” Ellie says. “I see, go ahead,” I say. I am curious. “I was wondering if, and I know this is very forward of me, but I was wondering if you might want to see me tomorrow,” Ellie asks me.  “I have to work until six, but I would love to see you. Do you want me to pick you up?” I ask her. “That would be great. I will see you after six,” Ellie says. “I will come straight after work,” I say. “Okay, see you tomorrow, John,” Ellie says and hangs up the phone.  I hang up the phone in the kitchen. I go to bed. I have to get some sleep before I work twelve hours tomorrow. I do not know if I can sleep now, knowing I will get to see her tomorrow. How did this happen? It is crazy. My alarm is beeping and annoying at five. I get up out of bed. I take a quick shower and get into my uniform. I grab a cup of coffee and stand on the porch waiting for Jeff to pull up to pick me up. Jeff and I have worked together for the last year. He is a good guy and a damn good cop. He knew my father well. After my father died, he took me under his wing and helped me adapt to life as a cop. He is my mentor and father figure.  Jeff pulls into the drive. I walk out to the police car and get into it. “Why in the hell are you so perky this morning?” Jeff asks me as soon as I get into the car.  “I did not realize I was perky,” I say, laughing. “Well, you are, and it is annoying already,” Jeff says. “I met someone, well. I already knew her, so I saw someone last night I have not seen in a long time,” I say. “Oh, yeah, well, I do not want any details,” Jeff says. He is always a straight shooter.  “I was not planning on giving any to you. Besides, there is nothing to tell; we are going out tonight,” I say. “I do not want any tomorrow either, and try not to be so perky in the morning. It is too early for that s**t,” Jeff says. “I will try,” I say.  Jeff drives us to the police station. We have a roll call and get our orders for the day. Jeff and I are usually in the same part of town, doing the same thing every day. Our town is quiet, and everyone knows everyone. It did not take long for everyone to know that I was with the one that snuck off with Ellie last night.  At the end of the shift, Jeff drives me home. “Listen, young buck; I am just an old man who does not know s**t, but be careful with that family. You know, do not piss them off. You don’t want to have a career change over a girl,” Jeff says to me when I get out of the police car. “It is just a date, but I understand what you are saying, and I will be careful,” I say. I go into the house to change. As I unlock the door, my phone is ringing. I rush to the phone and answer it. “Hello,” I say into the phone.  “John, it is Ellie,” she says. “I am about to change clothes, and I will be on my way,” I say. “Is it okay if I have a driver bring me?” Ellie says. “That will be fine. I do not mind picking you up,” I say. “I am on my way, and I am bringing dinner,” Ellie says. “See you soon,” I say. My house is a mess. I take a quick shower and change. I begin trying to clean the house before she arrives, but as I am hustling to clean the house, she walks into the door carrying take-out. She sets the food bags down on the coffee table and hugs me.  “I can help you clean the house, but first, let’s eat. I know you have had a long day,” Ellie says. I cannot remember the last time someone offered to help me or feed me or even give a damn about what kind of day I had.  “I am sorry this place is a mess,” I say. Ellie sits down on the couch and begins taking the white boxes out of the food bags. “Sit, John, you need to eat,” Ellie says.  She hands me a take-out box and a plastic fork. She smiles at me. Damn, I cannot be falling in love with her this fast. It is crazy. She is going to rip my heart out and hand it to me.
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