Chapter 11

1105 Words
BRIELLE "Go to your respective teams, in the count of three! One..." the coordinator of the camp announced as he stood on the stage. I wandered my eyes all over the place and to the people who were running through their groups. My entire body had shaken as the man continued counting because everyone had their team already, but here I was... still finding one. "And, three!" I stopped running and just stood at the spot where I had been when the counting ended. I did not know where to go because I wasn't sure where the group did I belong. It was all unplanned, and that was why I didn't have a permanent and certain team. After the talk with my father last night, a decision was made. He really wanted me to join the camp for some reason, so the next day, he went to the campus just to make sure that my name would be written on the list of the participants. On the contrary, I didn't really want to join because I wanted to work on my boyfriend's case about his lost jar of remnants. However, I wasn't able to resist because my father was firmer and more stubborn compared to me— what be wanted should be happened. Nevertheless, the coordinator neither the leader of the group nor the members would notice me being in line with them because we were too many here. As the coordinator continued speaking and informing everyone to prepare themselves for the first activities, I was looking everywhere to find Queen. Since I went to the university for this camp, I had never seen him, neither did I have contact with him. I knew he was so excited about this and he might have not bothered himself anymore to check his phone because, in the first place, he didn't know I would be joining. My heart was beating so fast because I observed the team I was in, I didn't know a single person; every one of them was new to my eyes. If ever I knew them by their faces, I wasn't close to them, unfortunately. I was not also used to socializing with others because when Zayden was still alive, he was all I was with. I let out a deep sigh as I thought of my sudden and unexpected participation in this camp that had nothing to do with me; if ever it wasn't because of Daddy, I would not be joining and would just choose to lay on my bed all day and find the rest I had been needing and seeking for. When the announcement and orientation were done, everyone was told to have a short meeting in every group so that a plan could be made before the start of the games. In accordance with that, every group formed a circle and began making a framework. However, as the group I was joining with, was talking about the tactics, someone from the other team went to us, which interrupted the leader. Everyone in the group looked at that man and got surprised, even I, when knew it was my new classmate, Cheveyo, trying to approach us. "Are you Brielle Mayton?" Cheveyo asked. None of the group answered, just looking at him instead. It seemed that no one planned to respond to that question because they were not Brielle, obviously. "Who are you referring to, Mister Cheveyo?" the leader in the group asked, puckering her brow. "You," Cheveyo pointed me out, which didn't make me surprised because, in the first place, I knew it was me he was talking about. "You are Miss Brielle Mayton, right?" From sitting on the ground, I stood and rubbed my hands and even brushed my white shorts before speaking. "I am, why?" Cheveyo looked straight at my eyes and said, "You are mine." I creased my brow, trying to understand what he wanted to convey with that message and not minding the others at my back gossipping and making weird sounds. "U-uh... Mister Cheveyo?" the leader of the group stuttered in confusion. "What do you mean? She's in my group, as you can see." "No, she's mine," Cheveyo said. "She belongs in my group. She might just be lost." He went to me, held my hands, and pulled me out of the group. "You must have attended the first orientation so you could know the right team where you are enlisted," he said as we walked through the spot of his group. I remained silent until we finally arrived at Cheveyo's team, my team as well. I looked at the members as he went in front to continue speaking, and fortunately, I knew someone there. A smile touched my lip as I realized some of the members were my classmates and acquaintances. "Hey," one of them tapped me, "where did you go? Since the start of the meeting, he's been looking for you." My eyes widened a bit. "Really?" "Yeah, but we don't know where you did you go since this place is very crowded." "I actually didn't know what group I belonged to, and so I just went anywhere I could go. I didn't attend the orientation, and that's why." "Uh, alright. I knew it. I am surprised you joined the camp. It rests assured you'll be enjoying this." "I hope so..." I said before turning my gaze again to Cheveyo who was still speaking in front. Cheveyo was good to his core. As he stood and speak in front of the team, he was carrying his inner flower bloom and soul petals which made him stand out from the rest. He acted as if he wasn't new to the environment. He seemed competitive, and throughout the years, he had been leading a team. He might be appearing rigorous, but the tone of his voice was like petting his members. His confidence was his inner golden caramel indeed, a sweetness that was strong and giving. After some time, everyone was told again by the coordinator to pause from the meeting because the first activity would now be starting. For the last time, he wished everyone good luck. Before moving, I caught Cheveyo glanced at me as I barely glanced at him as well. However, I immediately turned away that gaze to him because he was giving off a different sense, something ambiguous but not dangerous, I could guess. Those blue eyes of him, that could not get off my mind, were ocean-strong, swimming with warm sun-lit currents; I hadn't realized that blue could be such hot as fire until I saw those eyes.
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