Chapter 12

1002 Words
The place was surrounded by tall trees, which was giving fresh air. A lake was also there, about five-meter-away from me. I enjoyed having a walk since no one was around me. I happily turned around and round as the trees danced with me. When I was satisfied enough, I laid my back again on the ground and felt the warm hug of the grasses. Never in my life did I become comfortable and free as this. I smelled the balmy fragrance of the air with my eyes still closed, but a few minutes after, something seemed to have changed. There were little drops that started to touch my skin. When I opened my eyes, the gloomy skies surprised me. I got up to find a shelter as the little drops of rain became bigger. But as soon as I stepped my foot forward, I heard someone screaming. The sudden change of weather wasn't just the thing that confused me, but also that sudden noise. Who was that? As the screaming continued, I roamed around to look for it. However, I wasn't able to keep moving when I saw a big creature that was almost near me. I was stuck in my place and was totally speechless. I never knew a dragon would exist, or perhaps... was I just only dreaming? When the dragon moved his head forward, a young boy running away had caught my sight. Right, the screaming was from that kid. I just watched them, but when the dragon barely turned his gaze at my spot, I immediately hid at the trunk of the tree that was beside me. My heart pounded, thinking the dragon might have caught me. "HELP!" the kid shouted. I peeked through the trunk to see what was happening, and there I saw the little boy still running away from the dragon that was chasing him. I had the thought to go and help him, but I was too afraid. It was my first time seeing such a creature, and I didn't know how to fight it. Trying to think of something to do, I hid again at the trunk, so I could focus and wouldn't be distracted. But as I was trying to brainstorm, I got interrupted by the sudden tranquility. Minutes ago, I was just hearing shouts of screams, but now it was all gone. My heart fluttered with the thought the kid ended up being eaten by the dragon. "God, help me..." I whispered. I was praying when a deafening sound ruined my eardrums. As I peeked over the trunk, a dazzling light welcomed my eyes. The dragon was already close to the kid, and it seemed like it was putting something to his chest. With just that, it made the little boy calm down, and it turned out the poor kid was being hypnotized. "I gotta do something," I told myself. The moment I stepped my foot forward, the lighting had stopped because the dragon finally left the boy and it came down to the lake. I couldn't move in shock. I slapped my face just to confirm if I wasn't really dreaming. Presently, the weather came back to its original form. It was bright again. The rain had also subsided. The fast-changing of the weather had scathed my brow. Nevertheless, I tried to not mind since I wanted to prioritize helping the kid who was already lying on the ground and totally unconscious. "Aleera!" someone called my name as I walked towards the little boy. I turned around and saw a strange woman coming. The woman was wearing a simple yet elegant white dress that really suited her black long wavy hair and white skin. She came near me, and it gave me an epiphany that she was even more beautiful when she was close. "I've been looking for you. Thanks, you're safe," she said as she hugged me. "Why are you here, huh?" she asked when she let go of me. I just stared at her, not uttering any word. "Aleera, please, answer me. What are you doing here, all alone?" "W-who are you?" I asked, puckering my eyebrow. The woman laughed. "Dear, are you kidding me? Of course, I'm your mom!" "M-mom?" "Aleera, please, enough for the jokes. Let's go home now because your dad is waiting for you." She held my hand and started to walk. "My goodness, you're making us worry." Before completely leaving the place, I turned around and looked at the kid who was still lying unconsciously on the ground. "Wait," I told the woman, "can we please help him?" I pointed out the poor boy. "Who is he?" "I don't know, but he needs help. So please, can we take him with us?" The woman smiled. "You really have a good heart, my dear Aleera," she said. "Sure we can help him, but we better take him to the elders. They know better." "Yes, sure," I smiled. "So, can I carry him now?" "Y-you?" the woman stuttered. "Of course no, you can't carry him. I'll be the one who will take charge of that." "I'll handle." "Aleera..." "Please..." I insisted. The woman sighed. "Okay, you go," she said. "But if you can't, just tell me so I could assist you." I nodded before going to the boy. "This kid got a big body, huh?" I whispered as I noticed him somewhat taller than me. Carrying him at my back, I went to the woman and left the place. As promised, we took him to the elders living near the lake. The woman was wearing a simple yet elegant white dress that really suited her black long wavy hair and white skin. She came near me, and it gave me an epiphany that she was even more beautiful when she was close. "I've been looking for you. Thanks, you're safe," she said as she hugged me. "Why are you here, huh?" she asked when she let go of me. "Hi," she smiled at me.
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