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Lucas chuckled. "Too many to count. She prefers to work alone these days." Lucas was still a tattletale. "I'm sure you've forgiven us already,right? Hunter?" Cane asked awkwardly. I knew it wasn't his idea and he just went with whatever his brother wanted. I chuckled. "I forgive but I don't forget." The three of us laughed. "See? She's a sport." Lucas slapped Chester's shoulders while laughing. Wayne only gave me a deadly glare and everyone noticed. The laughter died awkwardly and the three of us composed ourselves well to be serious again. Chester cleared his throat. "They are here to secure the pack while we're gone,Hunter. They can help you and the young pups." He told me. "Where did you get these two?" Wayne asked. "Alpha Trex recommended them, he said they were good fighters." Chester replied. "They are. I can vouch for them." I told him. He sighed. "It's only for a couple of hours. Chester will give you instructions." Wayne said finally. I thought he was having a second thought with these two. "Come with me." Chester ordered and the two followed him. I decided to come with them since Wayne and I are done talking. I let Chester take the two and I went back to the kitchen and ordered Judy to continue cooking in the kitchen. Shienna was busy changing into her gown upstairs. They'd be leaving soon for the gathering. "The warriors can't leave their posts. Pack their dinner,Judy. I'll deliver them myself." I told her. She nodded and smiled at me. I winked at her and left to go around and check out where Chester assigned Lucas and Cane but before I did, I went back into my cabin to change into my hunting clothes. I took my blades with me and hit the areas one by one. Lucas was with the five pups on the east part of the territory. Cane was on the west side with the three pups. The west side is more secure than the north side where I entered without discovery. I've got the north side for tonight, perfect. I went back to the pack house to retrieve their dinner. I was waiting outside the kitchen door when I saw Chester walking towards me. I bet he is going to give me instructions for my assigned area for the night. "Hi." He greeted me. He was looking great in a suit. "North side. Got it." I told him before he could speak. He chuckled. "Right." He took out a cellphone inside his pocket and handed it to me. "Alpha Wayne wanted you to have this for tonight. He's going to have a check up call on you,Lucas and Cane." "Tell him I'd be too busy to answer." I told him after I took the cellphone. I'll give them to one of the pups later. To tell him everything is fine. "I'd rather not tell him that." Chester said lightly. "Enjoy your night." I said and picked up the packed dinners for the pups. I saw Wayne's car left from a distance where I was standing. I decided to feed the pups near the gate first and go circle around. Cane gave me a nod and eyed my clothes. He knew what I was wearing. We were young pups when we met. We took some jobs together and lived together. I know he knew what I was up to tonight but he was silent. I just gave him the same knowing look. "You be careful, Hunter. Ok?" He said, before I left to deliver the rest of the dinner. "Always." I assured him. The five pups were having a great time with Lucas. He was teaching them about traps and some nasty tricks. I handed the packed dinners without interrupting Lucas, I thought it would be better not to talk to him. The way his eyes looked at me and I knew he didn't approve. They used to forbid me from hunting rogues because it was too dangerous. They're the ones that named me Hunter since I never said my name to them. I had more skills and got the stomach for killing rogues when we were pups. I rescued them from rogues while I was on a hunting trip. I killed and I robbed rogues to survive back then, no one would hire a pup especially a female one but that changed over time when I started making a name in the field. They left me one day, Lucas couldn't take it any more. I was doing more dangerous jobs and sometimes it almost had us killed. Lucas was just looking out for Cane and when he decided to leave, Cane had no choice but to go with him. I wanted to save enough money to support myself and my future pack. I promised them they would be part of it one day and they stuck around because they believed in me. It was my fault, that heist was too dangerous so I never really blamed them for leaving me in the middle of it. I managed to get the job done on my own anyway,so I started to work alone. He pretended not to see me and so I left. Lucas and Cane decided to take less dangerous jobs, jobs that are less likely to make more enemies. "Your job is to guard and supervise these pups. This isn't part of it." Lucas scolded me before I could completely disappear in his area. "Remember the Death Valley?" I asked. He was silent. I reminded him of his old pack. Lucas and Cane were so scared to go back to that valley. Their parents heads were placed on a spike to keep trespassers out. Their pack was massacred by another rival pack, Milton's pack, and they were the only ones left that survived. Just like me. Alpha Milton of Death Valley Pack made them watch while he slaughtered their parents, their whole pack to be more specific and made them hang all the heads on the spike before leaving them outside his borders. "I'd never forget." He answered coldly. "Rogues like us never trespass that land. We know why. If I don't put the same sign outside these borders, this pack will fall in a heartbeat. You've seen the pups. They're not ready for that kind of battle. Do your part. I'll do mine,Lucas." I told him. "Don't get too attached to this pack,Hunter. You'll hurt yourself." He reminded me. I was too attached to him and Cane before, I was broken when they left me. I'd like to think they knew that even though I didn't say anything. "I'd never forget. This is just a job." I replied. I went back to my cabin to pick up the sticks. I have until midnight to hunt. Better get started. I ordered the pups on the north side border to stay and patrol together. I left them on the phone and instructed them to tell the Alpha I went to check up other areas. They didn't know I was going out so covering up for me wouldn't get them in trouble. They can't disobey their own Alpha. If I had told them where I was going, one growl and they'd spill my whereabouts to Wayne. I kissed my ring that my father gave me. It brings me luck. I slowly entered the dark woods, eloping with the darkness. My senses were sharp and active, moving swiftly without disturbing the natural order of things. My nose sniffed the air, carefully distinguishing scents. My ear listened to the sounds of dancing trees while my eyes watched the dark surroundings in outstanding diligence. Crack! "Twigs cracking ahead." Lex told me attentively. My senses stalked the location of the sound until my nose picked up a scent. "They're near." I told Lex. I listened again and moved in haste. My nose picked up other scents. Five different nasty scents. Too many to handle all at once and so I have to stalk them in the darkness and wait. I'll start with the weakest or take out whoever separates from the group. I stayed low and quiet so their nose can't pick up my scent and their ears won't notice my movements. I stayed calm and composed myself well, it's not easy to hide a Tyrant's presence. My father used to say that if you pay enough attention, you can sniff the danger in the air and that's the last thing I wanted them to sniff right now. "We camp here. This place is buried deep enough in these woods." A man announced to his comrades. He looks like a leader in this rogue camp. The rest didn't complain and just gathered leaves to soften the sleeping grounds. I hid not too far from where they camped, positioning myself in the opposite direction of the air so they couldn't smell me lurking near them. I listened to their conversation with each other. They seem to have settled completely for the night. One man was left awake while the other slept. Perfect. "Now we just have to lure him out of the place." Lex grinned. We waited for a little while to let the others deepen their sleep. I set up some traps, in case they panic and go frenzy. Every possible escape route was covered with traps.
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