
2033 Words
Arkin     I stirred and clutched tightly on to a cloth covering me as I instinctively closed my eyes again and brought the fabric up my nose to snuggle and sniff.   That familiar scent filled my nose and I smiled as I tried to drift back to sleep when my eyes suddenly cracked open as I realized I did not use a varsity jacket to cover my self earlier.   I jolted and instantly sat up on my seat with an undisguised confusion as I whipped the jacket away into the driver’s seat.   It was Fico’s.   I heaved a sigh.   It would really be nice if he did not do that.   I mean, why would he do that!?!   I groaned and looked around.   Right.   I’m still inside the car, but we were not moving and the driver seat was empty.   Where could that annoying guy be?   I rubbed my eyes and looked outside. We were on the side of a quiet high way with only huge trees around.   What could he be on this time!?!   I fixed myself and got off the car.   I circled it into the other side and I had to pivot my self one eighty degrees when I saw the jerk smiling and waving at me doing his business with only that small gemelina tree separating us.   “What do you think you’re doing!?!”   I asked in annoyance.     “Well, if it isn’t obvious, I’m trying to get some excess water off my system.”   I groaned.   He really should not start.   “Why?”   I heard the sound of his pants being zipped up.   “Because I need to pee?”   I rolled my eyes and turned to him only to turn back when I saw that the jerk was not finished yet.   “Tsk! What’s with the reaction? It’s not like you haven’t seen it before. You even held it and stuff.”   My eyes rounded and my skin crawled when I felt him very close on to my ear.   His chin touching my shoulder.   “Excuse me!?!”   I stepped a little further back and pushed him away.   “Oh, my god! You should see your face, Arkin!”   The jerk was laughing at me damn him!   “Fvck you!”   I said as I strutted towards the passengers seat.   Annoyed and embarrassed.   I did not mean to but I could feel my face burning with what he said.   “What are you annoyed for? I’m just stating a fact.”   The jerk was instantly beside me on the driver’s seat.   “Shut. Up!”   I said looking straight ahead as I tried to shake off all the things that was trying to crept in to my head with what Fico just said.   “Oh, come on! Why are you annoyed again? I’m just saying. We’re both men after all, surely, it wouldn’t be your first time seeing and touching it right?”   I looked at him with my knitted face.   My annoyance was gradually replaced with embarrassment with what he just explained and with what I was thinking.   Really, Arkin!?!   “Why would you even do your business there!?! The sign literally said there’s a stop over a hundred meters away.”   I tried to save myself from the embarrassment of stupid thinking by still acting annoyed at him who had his eyes up eyebrows wiggling at me.   “I couldn’t help it any longer, my bladder was about to burst.”   What should I say?   I’m slowly realizing the stupidity of my reaction earlier.   “Whatever! Then, you should have went further away since the side of the road isn’t your comfort room!”   I said as I tried not to be fazed my my own stupidity.   “And. Who said that you can just shove your jacket at me!?!”   I added.   Just to change the subject.   I guess.   “Right. Don’t you need it anymore?”   He said as he raised his jacket at me.   “It wouldn’t be sitting on your lap if I do.”   He snickered and shrugged as he threw the jacket at the back where our bags were.     “I was just trying to be a good boy. You were cold earlier so I lend you my jacket. If only I know that you like my cuddles instead and I was not driving, then I shouldn’t have wasted my energy taking it off and just went for the hug instead.”   I groaned inwardly.   I can’t even with this guy.   The audacity!!!   “Are you joking? Cause it’s not funny.!”   I said as I folded my arms in front of me.   I could literally feel my nostrils flaring in annoyance.   “You’re even crankier now than you were earlier. Are you hungry? Maybe we should stop by somewhere and eat, what do you think?”   I saw him reached at to me and my shoulders? I guess. But I instinctively pushed his hand away with my arm.   “Did you even wash your hands!?!”   I glared at him.   “Hmmm.”   He glared right back at me and raised the wet wipe he got from the compartment at my face.   “I hope you’re happy now.”   He said as he finished wiping his hands.   “You’re not this fussy back then, you know that right?”   He said casually as he discarded his used tissue into the plastic bag at the back of his seat.   “Did you just call me fussy?”   The nerve of this guy to call me names!   “I did.”   He smiled at me as he started driving.   “But I like your being fussy.”   I swallowed dryly as I saw him in my peripheral vision looking at me.   “I like your everything actually.”   I blinked at the guy beside me and with what he just said.   He can’t just say stuff like that and I can’t just swoon with everything he just said.   I mean, what the fvck Arkin, what are you fourteen!?!   Stand your ground, man. You know Fico always say stuff and mean the other.   It’s no big deal!   “I like you...”   He smiled at me when I turned to him.   “To shut up!”   He instantly pouted..   “You need to concentrate on your driving and stop annoying me! It’s just been two seconds Fico. Two seconds since you arrived and you’re already this loud. Just stop!”   I blew an annoyed air out as I saw how Fico had his furrowed brows to the road and back at me.   “What did I even do?”   I heaved a sigh and groaned.   That’s the thing, he wasn’t even doing anything and I already feel this way.   What the hell!   “Look, I’m just stressed, okay? I wasn’t talking to you. I mean about you. It’s not for you.”   I said, trying to apologize.   “Then who is it for?”   For Fico.   For that guy who made me feel things I didn’t know I was capable of feeling.   “I think we need to stop by somewhere for food.”   I looked at him looking at me before I heaved a sigh for the nth time and slouched on my seat when he looked out on to the road.   “Alright. You must just really be hungry.”   He agreed and we were quiet for the whole drive until the stop over and I almost didn’t want to leave the rest room when I got there.   Being with Fico was getting harder by the minute.     “Arkin! Hey! Are you still there?”   Speaking of the devil.   I heard Fico from the outside as I was washing my hands for the hundredth time.   “Almost.”   I called out.   “Can you make it fast? People  are lining up already. And besides, didn’t you say you were hungry? You’ve been in there for almost an hour already, still not getting it off—?”   I annoyingly cracked the door open into a smiling Fico and the line of three people at the back.   “Shut up! I can’t even take a crap peacefully now can I?”   I snapped at him and made my way towards the block where food and grocery shops are located.   Jeez this guy is so annoying!   “Hey, where are you going?”   “To the moon!”   I yelled.   “Ugh! Arkiiiiin!”   He run past me and stopped me by the door of the mini mart.   “I already bought us food, it’s in the car.”   I look at him straight in the eye as if I could endure it which I didn’t so I just masked my embarrassment with resentment yet again.   “I can afford my own food.”   I said as I walked past him into the shop without looking back.   About a quarter of hour after, I stood in front of Fico who was leaning on the car looking as if I bought the whole shop with the hoards of grocery I had in my hands.   “I don’t want to hear it.”   I said as I opened the back seat and deposited the items inside.   “Is this you telling me how you wanted to just drive away and never look back?”   Fico commented as he looked at the rear view mirror to the backseat full of food a sari sari store would be put to shame.   “No. This is me telling you to shut up and just drive.”   Fico made a face at me before he snickered, shook his head and drove away.   We still have about two to three hours before we get to our destination and it’s already getting dark.   “I checked on it, there’s a famous native restaurant about half an hour away. I was thinking maybe we could stop by for dinner, what do you think?”     I think I should really stop sneaking up at you now that I’m fully awake and aware of your presence—that’s what I think.   “It’s getting late, we can’t afford another stop or else we’ll end up arriving at midnight. There’s food at the back, I can drive while you eat.”   But really, I just want to be away from Fico.   This close proximity with him where I could smell his scent wasn’t really helping.   “Oh, come on, Arkinnn! It took me forever to wait for you while you’re doing god knows what in the bathroom and another lifetime while you bought out the whole mini mart at the stop earlier, why can’t you just give me this? Besides, we’re eating together. It’s not like I’m the only one who will get dinner. Aren’t you hungry?”     He regarded me over the wheels and I couldn’t endure looking at his puppy eyes any longer that a second or I’ll embarrass myself even more that I already did about four hours into seeing him again.     “I. Don’t—I just want us to get there already. I’m tired and I want to rest.”   Why the hell did I stutter!?!   “Tsk! It’s not like you’re that tired. I am the one driving.”   He murmured under his breath and why the hell did I find it cute I hate myself!!!   “Did I force you to drive!?! It’s your decision to not let me!”   I glared at him.   “I know. I know. I don’t want you to get tired but I’m also really hungry. So please, let’s just have dinner, Arkin! Please, please. Munch please!”   I blinked at Fico who was looking at me as we stopped idle to give way to a ten wheeler making a right turn at the junction.   He didn’t—.   “Shut up!”   I didn’t want him to open his mouth some more.   “Mu—!”     “Fine! Fine! Dinner it is then, just shut up! Okay!?!”     “I’m—.”     “Sh!Shhhh! Shut up! No more! I don’t want you to speak or call me anything other than my name ever! Do you understand!?!”   I raised my right index finger at him for emphasis.   “But I just—-.”     “Shhhh! I told you to shut up, didn’t I? Now shut up!”     I snapped at him as I randomly reached for anything with all those many junk foods at the back seat.     I was able to get a box of brownies and that’s what I kept myself busy opening.     I took two pieces and brought it to my mouth. Chewing but not actually tasting anything.     I could still feel my heart up my throat with what I heard Fico called me earlier.     I know.   It could have just been a slipped of the tongue or whatever and it could have just mean nothing to him but it’s making me uneasy and it sucks because just when I thought it wouldn’t and would no longer, it’s still affected me in more ways than I could imagine.   “Huh!”   I said loudly as I realized on the fifth chuck of the brownies that it did taste good. I might buy some more later.   “Was it good—?”   Fico coughed when I pushed a brownie into his mouth to stop him from talking.   I can’t have him talking just yet.     “Do you want me dead?—uhmp!”   I pushed another one.   “Armhhhkieee—!”   He chided.   Mouth full of brownies.   “If you don’t stop talking the next one and all those others at the back I’m gonna shove down your throat and up your ass I’m telling you!”   I threatened and I thought it work because Fico kept quiet and concentrated on driving while peacefully chewing on the brownies instead until I got a glance of him narrowing his mischievous eyes at me.   “What?”   I saw him smirked before he said something that made me really lose it.   “So we’re talking about throat and asses now, right, munchies!?!
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