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Arkin     “Good luck for tonight!”   Saddie patted me on the shoulder when she passed by our table as she went around checking on everyone.   It’s her welcoming party.   Tonight, her week long pre wedding activities are officially starting.   “I should be the one telling you that. As far as I can see, you’ll have a long and tiring evening.”   I motioned my free hand towards the pod of about thirty or more people from hers and Brigg’s guest list.   “Nah! I’ll be fine. You on the other hand, I hope you last the night without starting a fight.”   I furrowed at my best friend winking at me and before I could ask her what she meant, I saw Lee laughing with a very familiar figure in a corner.     The guy he was with, was wearing a bluish gray summer shirt paired with a washed out cargo shorts completed by a pair of one band adidas slippers.   I should know, I suggested him the slippers over the spandrils he initially thought of wearing back in our room earlier.     I scoffed.   Trust Fico to be such a man w***e!   I mean, of course that’s none of my business, but still, it’s just kind of feels awkward on my side given our history or lack thereof—to actually see him flirt with someone before my eyes.   In flesh.   I’m not stupid, it’s given that over the course of time before this, Fico has had relationships and I couldn’t care less, only if he didn’t just say all those stuff to me yesterday up until earlier today then I wouldn’t feel anything.   So I guess my feelings of a little irritation mixed with a pint of annoyance at the moment is valid.   No wonder he was so into dressing up earlier, he’s got a date!   And Lee isn’t that bad either.   Okay fine!    Lee is the bomb!   I tried to deflect it since I learned that he’s taking dibs on Fico but if I may be honest, Lee looks like he just walked out of a Vogue magazine with his chiseled face and broad shoulders.   What more he’s a surgeon so yeah, poor me!   Wait.   Why am I even comparing!?!   I groaned and chugged on my beer at one go before I went and forayed the dessert table.   Might as well provide me with serotonin myself.   I took a plate and went over where the chocolate fountain was and started losing myself when someone came over and ruined the fun.   “You’re not supposed to eat too much chocolate or you’ll get rashes.”   It was melted chocolate but I suddenly find it hard to swallow the moment I saw Fico standing in front of me.   I looked around to see if he’d brought Lee with him but I saw no one.   Okay, I didn’t mentally smile.   Not really.   No.   “Are you talking to me?”   I deadpanned.   “Well, there’s just the two of us here. Unless you’re seeing people I don’t.”   I tutted.   What do I say!?!   “Hmm...”   At least he still remembers how I get allergies from too much sweets.   “Mind your chocolates.”   He reminded me once again and I had to bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling.   I don’t think Lee’s ever going to get the same concern from Fico.   Okay,  I’m being pompous but I’m just also being honest.   “Alright, see you around. I’m just gonna bring these brownies to Lee.”   I almost pushed Fico’s hand on my shoulder away the moment I heard what he just said.   I didn’t want to explain but I’m annoyed.   The jerk didn’t even look back as he made his way back to where Lee was with the brownies.   Why did this event even have brownies I thought the theme was summer boho!?!   I had that thought in mind all the time I was putting random sweets on my plate and occasionally tasting it as I made my way towards a secluded spot at the party area.   I was assigned to be in the same table as our old friends who I met and had caught up with earlier and I planned to sit with them tonight but I suddenly changed my mind.   I was no longer up for pleasantries and stuff.   Not when I’m annoyed and mad.   “I hope you didn’t eat too much of the brownies, it’s got nuts in it, you know, nuts, that thing that made you puked during PE that one time.”   I looked up from my plate to Fico already sitting beside me on the wooden bench I found securely stationed away from the rest of the party.   “If I wanted company, I would have joined the party.”   I snapped at Fico who just laughed at my sarcasm.   “You know what, you’re the most irritable chocolate eater I’ve ever known.”   He said as he trespassed on my plate and took all my remaining  three chocolate sticks.   “Hey! Can’t you get your own!?!”   I tried to snatch the sticks away from him but he was too quick to bite on it.   “You’ve eaten too much sweets already.”   I narrowed my eyes at him.   “And your point is?”   Fico snickered before he eyed me.   He had two sticks in his mouth as he held the other one.   He looked as him he wanted to say something but decided against it and concentrated on eating the chocolate sticks instead.   “I like this one better than the sticks.”   I was about to address the awkward silence between us when he spoke and regarded the last piece of brownie on my plate.   “This is mine! You go get your own!”   I glared at him when he made a move to snatch the brownie which in turn made him laughed.   “Why are you so stingy!?!”   He glared at me.   Amused.   “Why are you here?”   I just had to say what’s on my mind.   “I saw that you’re alone so I thought you might need some company.”   He answered almost instantly.   “I told you if I wanted company I would have gotten myself some.”   I reiterated.   “I said need. Not want.”   He told me as if I’m a toddler he needed to explain everything to.   “Okay, but, Uhm, who are you again to decide for me?”   I asked.   Actually liking this whole conversation.   It may seemed calloused to others but for me, considering what had happened and all those stuff, this is progress for me.   “Oh, Arkin.”   I raised my eyebrows at him when he just stared at me and I didn’t know what to do when he continued what he had to say.   “Crazy how I enjoy all your sarcasm towards me. I must have really missed you a lot.”   I blinked at him.   There he went again.   Saying things I know I should never make a meaning out of.   “Fico, I just want to eat my sweets in peace so can you leave me alone and  go back to Lee or something?”   I tried to dismiss him because I didn’t know what to say when he was looking at me that way.   “There you are again dismissing me when all I ever did was tell you the truth.”   He said as he tapped the tip of my nose with his right index finger and I hate how my heart had gotten excited over it that I had no time to react.   “Can you not say stuff like that???”   I didn’t really pan to but I spoke my mind out loud.   “And Uhm, I think, Lee is looking for you.”   I told Fico when I saw Lee walked passed by us still sitting behind the flower stands away from the party.   “Let him look.”   I eyed Fico.   “What?”   He asked.   “What’s with the indifference? Just earlier you were bringing him brownies and you looked so inseparable.”   Fico shrugged.   “Turns out, he’s not really interested about engineering but the engineer instead.”   I tutted and rolled my eyes.   Did I mention how Fico can be so pompous and so full of himself!?!   “Why are you laughing?”   He asked me, chiding.   “I’m not laughing. I’m just really amused because you just referred to yourself in third person.”   Fico narrowed his eyes at me.   “Am I not supposed to?”   I rolled my eyes god he just looked so adorable and he smells so clean too!   Shut up Arkin!   “Lee is nice.”   I said randomly.   “And good looking too.”   Fico furrowed his brows at me.   “And your point exactly?”   He was now facing me by the bench it was starting to get awkward I didn’t know what to do.   “I don’t know. Maybe you go to Lee and enjoy the rest of your night. He’s nice. Saddie can vouch for him.”     I just saw Fico rolled his eyes and what the fvck am I even thinking!?!     I’m supposed to be wiser now, right!?!     “For the record, I’m currently having fun sitting here. Also,  I know that Lee is nice. But people don’t always like nice, Arkin. Sometimes they are more fascinated with people who are irritable and don’t share their brownies.”   I bit on my lower lip before I glared at Fico.   What is he trying to do again!?!   “Whatever! Suit yourself. I’m just gonna stay here and eat my desert in peace.”   I finally said after what seemed to be minutes of thinking for a great neutral comeback.    I heard Fico groaned as I was finally eating the last of my brownies trying  not get swayed by everything that he had been making me feel this way. "It has almonds in it. You're occasionally allergic to it right?" He mentioned. "Lee told you?" I quipped. "Nah, I tried it myself." I rolled my eyes. As if! "How do you know I'm occasionally allergic?" Fico turned towards me and I had to scoot a little farther away so I could breathe properly. "I know everything about you." I swallowed dryly. I tried not to hold his gaze but he made it very impossible for me to do so. I blinked at him as I held the last piece of my brownie between my agaped mouth and the next thing I know, Fico had snatched it away from mine into his. Fvck! That was nuts.  
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