
1896 Words
Arkin     I woke with a start.   The rays of the sun seeping through my blinds made it hard for me to go back to sleep even if I wanted to. And well, maybe because at this rate, it would really be hard for me to.   I groaned loudly as I took a pillow to cover my face.   I’m still not ready to face Fico after what happened last night.   I heaved a heavy sigh as I sat up.   I was not sure if he was serious with what he said. All I was sure about was that, I already promised myself I would no longer listen and swoon at him the way I did before.   I couldn’t have my heart be broken again and again by the same man.   “Arkin? Are you awake?”   I heard Saddie at the door and I had to groan again.   Right.   She’s the reason why I am here.   Her big day.   I can’t ruin it.   I need to set my predicaments aside and not be selfish.   “For a while.”   I said and went for my bag where I took my mouthwash and gargled without bothering to wash my face before I went for the door.   Saddie had seen me at my worst.   A little eye booger won’t hurt her.   “What’s—?”   “Good morning!”   My best friend and I said in unison.   Only, I trailed off and she didn’t.   Although she looked a little uneasy.   “What’s up?”   I asked her as I opened the door wider for her to get in all the while I was eyeing the guy tailing behind her.   “Well, Uhm, I’m here to, invite you for brunch and to ask you for a favor and apologize!”   I nodded at my best friend.   But I’m still confused why the guy I planned on avoiding in the duration of my stay here until her wedding was in my room at the moment.   “Yes, I planned to eat now because I’m hungry. But let’s get on with the reason why you’re apologizing first.”   My best friend smiled sweetly at me before she patted the space beside her on the bed for me to take all the while Fico was standing by the door, quite.   “You see, Briggs went out to get his friends last night, right? That’s why he wasn’t here when you guys arrived?”   She was referring to her fiancé.   “Uhuh.”   I urged her to go on.   “Well, an un precedent number of friends came in and there’s no more room available—.”   I narrowed my eyes at Saddie I think I know where this is heading and I didn’t like it.   “I’m sorry! I know I promised you the best room and the most wonderful stay but there’s no more room available at the moment and you’re the only one without a room mate so please Arkin, take Fico in here with you. Just until we get the first room available for him, please. Besides  you know each other already, it wouldn’t be that bad. Would you rather be rooming with someone else?”   I think I like that idea.   Anyone other than Fico would be nice at the moment.   “I can just stay at your house.”   I suggested.   “What!?! No! Everyone’s going to be in here. There’s a lot of activities you’ll miss out of you stay there.”   I shrugged.   “It’s just twenty minute  drive from here to your place, I can travel everyday.”   Saddie protested.   “Our place is small. That’s basically the reason why we booked a resort to house everyone in before the wedding, you’ll be beating the purpose if you stay there.”   But I’d be beating myself up with Fico here with me.   “Or I could be the one staying at your place, Saddie, no big deal.”   I finally heard the man spoke.   “Nobody’s staying at my house, okay? We’ll stay here. All of us! I’m fixing this, just give me time. For now, Fico, you can stay at our room first until a new room is available. I can’t let you be with Brigg’s loud friends. And you Arkin, don’t worry too much, I’ll handle this. Now, shall we go and get you brunch?”   Saddie smiled that genuine smile and I couldn’t help but feel guilty.   I really didn’t want to be difficult but traveling with Fico was already hard enough, what more rooming with him for a week!?!   But then again, it’s not about me.   It’s about Saddie.   I heaved a sigh and groaned inwardly before I walked with Saddie towards the door.   “He can stay.”   I said when she was already out the door.   “Are you sure?”   Not really.   “Yeah.”   I said instead.   “But he’s sleeping on the sofa.”   I told Saddie without looking at the elephant in the room.   “Are you sure it’s okay?”   I blew raspberry and rolled my eyes at my best friend.   “Don’t make me change my mind.”   She chuckled and hugged me.   “Oh, my gosh! Thank you, Arkin! You’re the best! Don’t worry, as soon as a room gets available, I’ll pull Fico out of your room alright? For now, you guys continue catching up.”   She said excitedly as he regarded her other visitor.   “Fico, I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, but I’m sure you’ll be fine with Arkin.”   I saw the smiled and nodded at Saddie.   “Alright, I’ll fix guy guys your brunch, you just stay here and wait for it, okay?”   I’m not sure I like the idea.   “No it’s fine! I can go the there myself and have him settled first.”   My best friend shook her head.   “I know you guys are tired, so just stay here, I’ll have people bring you food so you can rest. Welcoming party is tonight so you need all the energy you can save before then, okay? Laters!”   That and Saddie was out leaving us two behind in awkward silence.   After what he said last night, Fico didn’t let me respond.   Not that I had anything to say at that moment or even then for that matter.   We went back on the road in utter silence until we arrived at the resort where Saddie was waiting for us at around eleven.   She invited us for a late night dinner but we both declined  politely as we both were tired and sleepy.   Thank God she didn’t press on and led us into our respective room instead.   I didn’t know about the other guy but it was almost morning when I finally was able to sleep that’s why I woke up very late than I intended to.   I mean, aside from the fact that I was really trying to avoid someone who if I may mention, is very ironically, now my roommate.   “Arkin—.”     “The couch. You’re not allowed near my bed and unless it’s about Saddie’s wedding, I’m not talking to you about anything.”   I need to be strong and stand my ground.   I can’t let Fico affect me more than he already does.   I can’t be the same fool for the same person.   Once is enough.   “Are you done?”   I blinked at Fico.   “Not yet. But Uhm, some more rules to follow when I finally get them together.”   The man just shrugged.   “Good. Now let me have my shower before the food arrives.”   He said and walked past me with his bag so casually.   What the hell was that!?!   Didn’t he just tell me he wanted me back!?!   Ugh! Shut up Arkin!   Get a grip you stupid!   I groaned and dived face down on to my bed asking the heavens what I did wrong to deserve this fate.   About ten minutes after, I heard the door to the shower opened.   Finally!   I sat up and prepared for my turn when a half baked Fico, appeared with only a towel around his waits.   Hair wet, with water still dripping off his body.   “Yes? Can I help you?”   Fvck!   Did I just stare at him!?!   “Yes. No towels around the waist. There are bathrobes for a reason.”   I said before I almost run to the shower leaving my toiletries a behind.   Shvt!     I groaned in annoyance before I took a deep breath.   Fico’s body bath still wafting in the air but I really shouldn’t have mentioned that.   It’s my toiletries that I needed.   Alright.   I counted to ten before I gingerly opened the door.   Just when I thought the coast was clear, I hastily went for my toiletries on the other side of my bed only to blink at Fico’s bare ass staring right at me—or I was staring right at really, I didn’t know which was which the moment the jerk turned around and I saw what I shouldn’t have seen.     “I’m just getting my toiletries.”   I said.   Trying so hard to not appear affected as I walked past him to where my bag was.   “You can wear clothes you know. There’s no rule against that!”   I told him not looking way past his chest when he turned towards me casually.   The jerk even looking so smug.   He really thinks he’s that good looking doesn’t he!?!   Tsk!   “I was about to but I didn’t want to disappoint you. You seemed to be enjoying the view.”   I enjoy what!?!   “I’m sorry but I’ve got taste.”   You really think I’d back down, don’t you!?!   “I know, that’s why you like me.”   My eyes widened at him.   Did he just!?!   Unbelievable.   “I’m sorry to burst your bubble but, you’re the worst lay I ever had!”   I’m really getting good at lying as it is.   “I’m the only lay you ever had.”   The jerk casually pointed out before he handed me my tooth brush that fell off my bag.   “You wish!”   I said as I snatched the tooth brush off him and stormed into the shower but not before I heard him respond.   “It already came true. My wish!”   I slammed the door so hard with the hope that it could drown the sound of my heart beating so fast.   The room was fully air conditioned but I was sweating bullets.   What is his problem!?!   What the hell is he torturing me this way and how the hell did he change!?!   It wasn’t not that enormous back then!   Fvck!   Shut up Arkin!   “Right. I need a shower. A cold one at that.”   I was talking to myself while I was still trying to calm my heart down.   I need to be strong.   I should be strong.   Fico was just messing around.   I shouldn’t really get ideas but I looked down and realized I was already having ideas.   Damn!   This is so embarrassing!   It’s way past morning wood hour but Arkin junior was still glaring.   I guess I should really get laid again.   But how?   And with whom!?!   As much as I didn’t want to admit but that jerk Fico was right.   He was my only lay.   And I’ll be damned because I couldn’t get myself to have another even if I wanted to.   It’s not that I didn’t try.   I did.   But it never really worked out.   Not even their touch came as close as Fico’s.   Damn Arkin!   What happened to your defenses man!?!   “Food is here!”   I jolted when Fico called out.   My glaring hard on was still at its peek and so was my embarrassment.   Fvck!   I shouldn’t touch myself.   Fico would obviously know if I did.   And I can’t afford that.   I can’t let him know.   “Be quick or I’ll finish everything myself.”   The jerk called out again.   And I’ll be damned because his voice wasn’t helping me in taming my hard on.   “Suit yourself!”   I called back before I turned the cold shower on to stabilize my heating body.   Damn you, Fico!   “Very well then!”   I was mocking Fico repeating what he just said when I finally felt myself calming down.   Oh, thank heavens!   After all these years of celibacy, you could really never go wrong with cold showers.   I finally finished my shower the same time I was finally able to calm myself down and get out as if nothing happened.   “Sorry, I almost finished everything up. I didn’t know I was that hungry. But I already called for a new batch.”   He informed me as I strutted to where he was and picked a strip of bacon.   I was finishing up the bacon all the while putting my clothes on when Fico decided he wanted to remedied me speechless that morning yet again with what he had to say.   “But I’f you’re really hungry, you could just eat me. I don’t mind.”    
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