Meeting Mr Smythe

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Rosalee returned a short while later, a coffee in each hand and a folder under her arm. Antonia smiled. If Rosalee kept this up, she was going to have the shakes from all the caffeine. “I know you said an hour, but I thought you'd like to go over the client's wishes before he arrives.” she said. “It's probably a good idea. I'm hoping I'm not jumping into this too quickly.” Antonia agreed. “Toni, you'll be great. This is mostly an introduction anyway.” Rosalee sat on the couch in the office. “The client's name is ..” She started as she pulled the folder out from under her arm, “Beau Griffin. He runs Griffin Enterprises, and there's a charity gala he's attending in 6 weeks. He's looking at some of these designs and wants them updated if possible.” Antonia took the inspiration pictures and shuffled through them. “He wants each of these looks or a combination of the four?” Rosalee shrugged. “His assistant Tobias picked these four, and you'll have to clarify what he's envisioning.” “Got it. Seems easy enough. These suits themselves are timeless.” “They really are. I do believe he'll want accessories as well for a put-together look.” “I have a few ideas in mind, but I'll wait to talk to him before I start designing.” “Sounds good. Now, how are you doing? It's been a bit of a weekend for you.” “I feel as if a weight has been lifted.” She replied. “I've been smiling more than I have in years. Looking back, there were red flags, but I ignored them. It's really been a lesson in better ways to manage my life.” Rosalee nodded. “I'll leave you with these. I've got some administrative stuff to take care of, but I'll be ready when Mr Griffin arrives.” “Thank you.” Antonia said. “Do you want to go to dinner later?” “Of course! There's this cute restaurant that just opened. I've been looking for a reason to try it out.” Then Rosalee got up and made her way back to her cubicle. “Mr. Greene, Tobias Smythe is here to see you.” Matthew's secretary poked her head into his office. “Thanks Julia, you can send him in.” Matthew said. He put the paperwork he was reviewing into his file cabinet and made his way to his desk. The door opened again, and an attractive man came into the office. “Tobias! It's good to see you.” Matthew smiled. “Hello Mr. Greene. I apologize for the change in plans, but Mr Griffin was called away.” “ That's quite alright. I hope all is well. Please, have a seat.” Matthew said, motioning to the chairs across his desk. “And please, call me Matthew.” “Thank you.” Tobias said, taking his seat in the cushioned leather chair. “I understand you had some projects you'd like to discuss.” “Yes. As you know, we were asked to look over some of Griffin Enterprises' investments. I've found that this project here has the potential to increase profits by 30% the first year, and rates continue to rise.” “That sounds wonderful, but we're weary of such a large return so quickly.. how is it possible?” “There are a few startup medical companies that would utilize the monies, and in return, you'd see a percentage of their earnings each quarter.” “I see. So this project is to fund other projects and hope for a good profit?” “These are in demand medical facilities. The return rate is promising.” “You say medical .. I assume this is not routine or emergency care.” “No, primarily cosmetic. Elective surgeries in affluent areas. Private offices.” “I see. I'm happy to take the information back to Mr. Griffin, we will be in touch.” Tobias started to rise from his seat. “Thank you. Griffin Enterprises would be involved every step of the way. You would also own 30% of shares in the company. It's all noted in these files.” Matthew handed a manila folder to Tobias. “Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.” Tobias nodded and accepted the folder. “Thank you again, Mr. Greene. We'll be in touch.” Rosalee knocked on Antonia's door. “Hey, sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Griffin can't make it today after all. Something came up. Tobias, his assistant, is free to stop by if you're OK with that.” Antonia frowned. She wanted to meet the man she was dressing, but if he was unavailable, there wasn't much she could do. “That's fine. Hopefully, he'll have some answers for me.” “I'll let him know.” Rosalee said, turning back to her cubicle. At precisely 11 o'clock, there was a knock at her office door. “Come in.” Antonia said as she positioned herself in front of her desk. Rosalee opened the door and introduced the handsome man beside her. “Antonia Evans, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Tobias Smythe.” “Thank you, Rosalee.” She smiled. “Mr. Smythe, before we begin, may I offer you something to drink? We've got water, coffee, and a variety of tea available.” “Water does sound good, if you don't mind.” He said. “Not at all. Rosalee, could you please bring 2 waters?” Rosalee nodded and walked down the hall. She quickly returned with 2 waters. “Please let me know if there's anything else you need.” She said, smiling as she set the waters on Antonia's desk. “Thank you, Rosalee. We'll let you know.” Antonia smiled again, and Rosalee left, closing the door behind her. Antonia turned her attention to Tobias. “Please, have a seat.” She said, gesturing to the couches and armchairs around the room. Tobias sat on the couch, and she took the armchair beside it. “I just want to say, im sorry Mr Griffin couldn't make it today. I understand something came up, which is often at inconvenient times, and I appreciate you taking the time to keep his appointment.” Tobias smiled. “Absolutely. I apologize for the change in plans, but I'll do my best to ensure this runs smoothly.” “Great.” She said, pulling out the inspiration photos. “My understanding is that these pieces are what caught his eye.” “This is true. There were certain aspects of each piece he admired, and he wanted to see if there was a way to combine them and also honor their individual qualities.” “Ah, so a small challenge.” She replied with a grin. “I like that. My next question, Mr. Smythe a small challenge for you, what is it about each piece did Mr. Griffin want to keep?”
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