Settling Into Her New Role

1215 Words
Antonia woke before her alarm, excited to start her day. She felt a sense of purpose that had been missing for far too long. She dressed for her role, a tan sheath dress with black tights and tan heels. She finished her look with a black belt and blazer. She tied her hair back into a pony tail and opted for minimal makeup. At the last moment, she swapped her heels for flats and put the heels in her bag. She gave herself a final once over in her full-length mirror and then headed to the kitchen for breakfast. “Well there she is, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed.” Adonis teased. “It's barely 7am. What are you doing here?” “I'm too excited, Don. I needed this, and I'm so mad I didn't realize it sooner.” “Awww baby sister, growing up right before my eyes.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Is there coffee? I feel like I need a coffee.” He laughed. “Of course there's coffee. There's mugs in the cupboard behind you.” She turned and opened the cupboard, and then she selected a pearl colored tumbler. “Yeah, that one definitely suits you.” Adonis said. “I just made a fresh pot, can add a shot of espresso if you like.” “A latte to-go would be perfect.” She said. He laughed again and motioned to the cart stocked with syrups next to an impressive espresso machine. “Add what you want, and I'll get this set for you. But don't get used to it. You'll have to figure it out yourself in the future.” She nodded while searching for the right additives for her drink. She settled on a bit of caramel and whole milk. Her brother added her espresso once she was ready. “I'm heading into the office now to get things straightened before I officially start.” She said. “I figured. I've already called a car and I'm heading in with you.” “Really? You don't need to do that.” “As Chief Securities Officer, I need to give you all your clearances. I don't necessarily need to do it, but it's fewer headaches for everyone if I do it.” “We'll sorry you're heading in so early today.” She said. “It's no big deal, I'll work it out.” The siblings headed out the door and to the blacked out SUV waiting for them in the driveway. The ride to the office was uneventful, Adonis spent his time catching up on emails, and Antonia read as many news articles as she could. She wanted to be as informed as possible on the goings on of the company. “I see Drago Designs has quite the reputation.” Antonia said. “Yeah, we got a few huge contracts that loved mom's work. It really put us on the map.” “Are we still using mom's stuff, or are we designing on our own as well?” “We have designers who work to modify mom's work to make it more mainstream. I think we could use a new designer to be fair.” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “Someone with a real flair for the dramatic but a keen eye for detail. Know anyone?” She blushed. “I haven't sketched in ages.” “So knock the dust off. You have incredible talent. Don't waste it.” “We'll see. It's my first day.” He rolled his eyes at her, and she gave him a quick swat. The truck rolled to a stop at the front entrance of Drago Designs. The driver swiftly exited the vehicle and opened the door for Antonia before she had the chance to do it herself. “Have a nice day, Ma'am, Sir.” He said. “You too, Jerry. We'll see you this afternoon. Thank you.” Adonis said. “Alright kid, you're with me. Let's go.” He took her by the hand and led her into the building. After the first set of doors, they stopped, and he scanned his badge for entry. “First stop, badging. We'll head in here and take your headshot. Then I'll create your badge. You'll need to come up with a PIN for it.” “Sounds good.” She was regretting her natural makeup choice. He sat her on one side of a desk and then stood behind a camera. “We can take as many as you like.” He said. She smiled. He took the shot, and it came out surprisingly good. “We won't get another like that.” She laughed. “We'll keep it.” He slid a pin pad to her. “Enter your pin. And don't use your birthday.” She did as instructed. Within a few minutes, she was holding her new badge. “Antonia Evans Chief Design Officer, Creative Director. I like it. I also like my name change.” “Don't need that loser weighing you down.” She smiled. “OK, now where's my office?” Adonis stood up and led her from the room. “I've got your email set up, and most of your clearances confirmed. Everything will be completed by 9am.” “That's perfect, Don. No worries.” She followed him to the elevator, and he motioned for her to swipe her badge. “Executive offices are on the 3rd floor. Badge access only.” He explained as they rode up the elevator. On their floor, he led her down a corridor to a large corner office with amazing views of the city. Her name plaque had already been installed. “This is you. There's a conference room on either side. Dad's just next to this conference room. He's kind of in the middle of the floor. My office is on the other side of the conference room next to his. Your assistant has the cubicle just there and there are 2 designers in the last office next to that conference room. Any questions?” She shook her head. “Then I'll leave you to get settled. Enjoy and seriously, welcome back.” He gave her a hug and walked toward his office. She turned and admired her space. She was going to be just fine here. She opened her bag and started pulling out her supplies. She had a particular way of organizing things and wanted to maximize efficiency. She lost track of time moving the furniture around the room, and suddenly Rosalee was in the doorway. “You made it!” She squealed. “Finally the dream team is reunited. I come bearing gifts.” She held out a coffee and a potted plant. Antonia laughed and accepted the gifts. “Let me know when you're settled so we can discuss your schedule.” Rosalee said. “As of right now, you only have one meeting at 11 o'clock. I can push it if you need it.” “No, that's perfect. Come back in an hour so we can prep.” “Will do, boss.” Rosalee turned to her desk and closed the door behind her.
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