First Impressions

915 Words
“Please, call me Tobias, Miss Evans.” He said with a grin. “Antonia, please.” She replied kindly."So Tobias, what about these particular pieces caught Mr Griffin’s attention?” She watched as he studied each of the pictures and smiled. She could tell that the designs were appreciated by this man, and he took his time admiring each one. “Overall, he liked the way these designs sat on the body, I believe this jacket was something he really wanted to keep.” Tobias said, holding up a design. “And the pants on this one,” he said, holding up another. Antonia took notes as he spoke and made notes of her own as she started brainstorming her design ideas. “I'm not 100% sure what aspects he liked from these other designs, but the colors and cuts may have caught his eye. “I can start a rough design using the jacket and pants and incorporate the cuts from the other designs. I will need to get his measurements and final approval before anything is actually started, though.” Antonia advised. “Fair enough. I will sign off on the details from today's meeting, and I will let Beau know he's got to meet with you to finalize everything.” “Perfect. Rosalee will have everything ready for your signature this afternoon. Do we have a good email address to send the information to?” “You should. I'll confirm it with her as I leave to be sure. I appreciate your time today, Antonia. It was lovely to meet with you.” “Thank you, Tobias. I look forward to seeing you in the future.” They stood from their seats and shook hands. Antonia walked with him to the door. “Please confirm Mr Smythe's contact details, and when you're done, we can go over the details that need approval.” Rosalee nodded and smiled at Tobias. He turned back to Antonia and smiled. “Have a nice day, Miss Evans.” “You as well, Mr. Smythe.” She replied with a smile before turning and heading back to her desk to review her notes. Within a few minutes, Rosalee was coming into her office. “You can't tell me that man isn't an amazing specimen.” She gushed. “He's certainly nice to look at,” Antonia started. “but I'm not getting involved with anyone. I JUST got divorced.” “But those eyes! That hair! 6 foot something, and he's fit. Wouldn't be a bad rebound.” Antonia laughed. “If you're so taken, you go for it. I'm just not interested.” She quickly turned to her notes, ready to get down to business. “You can send him an email. These are the details I think I'm going to start with. Once I have his approval, then I'll start sketching. After that,” She paused to look at the clock. “I'm starving. Do you know of a good lunch spot around here?” “Yes I do. Give me 15 minutes to type up the email, and I'll grab my stuff. I know the perfect place.” Rosalee quickly headed to her computer to get to work. “The meeting went well, Beau.” Tobias said into his bluetooth. “Miss Evans is clearly competent and seems to be eager to please. She’s already sent me some details to review so she can start designing your suit. She did say that she needed to see you in person as well to get your measurements and opinions. Yes, I can send an email to schedule something.” he paused. “Mr. Greene did see me as well today. I reviewed the plans that he has for future investments. I’m not entirely sure his projects are going to do as well as he is projecting. He’s suggesting we fund private cosmetic medical offices but also says there are other avenues he’d like to explore. It doesn’t feel like a solid plan to me, even if you’d have stock options in each company.” he was silent again as he listened to the response. “I should be at the office in 20 minutes. We can absolutely talk more then. How’s your mother doing? You know I can take care of all the details if you need to take time.” Tobias sat quietly while his friend and employer discussed the health issues his mother was currently facing. They were keeping her situation as quiet as possible as the media would run wild. Beau stood to inherit her wealth and businesses, but he would need to be wed as his mother did not want him to lead “an unfulfilled life” as she called it because of the additional responsibilities she burdened him with. He tried to argue this was unnecessary, but his mother would not be swayed. “Ugh, that's not encouraging. I'll be in shortly and I'll have lunch for us. I doubt you've eaten. ” Tobias disconnected the call and alerted the driver of his plans. He sat back in the seat and reflected on the two very different meetings he’d been to today. No doubt, both were professional. It was more of a feeling he had in his gut. He tried to keep his personal opinions out of professional decisions, but there was something he just couldn't put his finger on. Beau will know what to do. He always does.

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