Breaking Free

1067 Words
"You don't want dinner?" He called after her. "No, I ate with Rosalee. It's been kind of a long day. I'd like to unwind and read a good book with a glass of wine.” "OK, I'll order in. Let me know if you change your mind." He replied. “I'm fine, not much of an appetite today.” She walked into her office and settled into her armchair with her laptop. She opened her email and formally accepted Jared as her attorney for the divorce. She paid his retainer from a separate account her father had created when she was young. She pulled up the footage from their security system and easily located footage of her husband and his mistress, a slim, dark-haired woman who threw herself at him at every chance she got. She had footage of them making out as they walked into the house, undressing in the living room. Footage of her on her knees between his legs while he fondled her chest, and finally, him bending her over and thrusting from behind. She attached these to her email with a warning regarding their graphic nature and sent them to Jared. Once she had completed the emails, she sat back and opened her novel. She was reeling from all of the footage she had seen and surprised he hadn't yet deleted it. She knew she needed to plan departure, and she didn't want to be emotional about it. Before long, there was a knock at her office door. “Toni, why are there so many charges today?” Matthew asked. “You can come in here and speak to me. You don't need to do it through the door.” She said. Matthew opened the door and stood in the frame. “I want to know how you spent $10,000 today. That's extreme - even for you.” He said. She laughed. This was the perfect time. “Oh honey. You know how all I do is spend your money on useless things for myself.” The color slowly drained from his face. “What did you say?” “I just can't help it.” She replied in a mocking tone. “I don't have anything for myself, so I'm using you to get it.” She started laughing again. “How long have you been bringing that woman to my home, Matthew?” “I don't know what you're talking about.” He lied. “You do. See, I was here reviewing paperwork when you stopped by earlier today. I've also reviewed the security cameras. You didn't even bother to delete your little home videos. So I'm going to ask again, how long have you been bringing that woman into my home?” “I don't have to listen to this. I bring home the money and fund your luxurious life. So what if I want someone who's new and adventurous?” “I've seen what you do, darling. There's no adventure there, and such little effort from both parties.” His cheeks flushed red. “It's OK, Matthew. I'm not here to judge. I've scheduled movers to arrive in the morning, and I will be leaving. You can have your adventure. I've lost interest.” “You'll be making the biggest mistake if you leave.” He said. “No, it'd be a bigger mistake to stay. Your behavior is disgusting, and I will not tolerate it. It is a privilege to be married to me, and you've lost that.” “You're nothing without me.” He sneered. “Believe what you'd like to.” She shrugged. She pulled the paperwork from her bag. “You can sign these now, and I'll be packing to leave.” “I'll have my lawyer review this. I'm not just giving you half of everything.” “Drag it out if you'd like. We're still over.” “Fine.” He said, slamming the door. She was thankful that he left. She was trembling with anger. How could he think so little of her? They'd known each other since they were very young. Her idea that he was the perfect partner was completely shattered. She wondered how many other women had paraded through their door. How many times had he bedded her after bedding them? Her stomach turned. She'd make an appointment to be tested as soon as possible. She heard the front door slam as Matthew left the house. After a few moments, she stood up and began packing up her belongings. She didn't bring much to the house, so it went fairly quickly. She filled her suitcases with all of her clothing and walked around collecting the small trinkets she had accumulated over the years. When she was satisfied she had all of her belongings from the main home, she moved to her office. She took her time packing her books and files, organizing as she went. She looked at the bare walls when she was done and felt a pang of sadness. All of her work was now crammed into various boxes and totes. She heard the front door open again, signaling Matthew's return. She heard a woman's voice and paused to listen. “Are you sure it's OK for me to be here now?” “She wants a divorce. This is my house. I'll do what I want. Wait here, babe.” She heard him approach her office door, and she opened it before he could knock. “Really Matthew? This is what you do?” She hissed. “Here's an updated version of the paperwork. I think you'll find it more than fair. Just sign it so I never have to speak to you again.” She took the signed papers from his hands. “I'll look these over.” She said coldly and shut the door. “It didn't have to be this way.” He said through the door. She didn't respond. She was busy reading the changes, which were surprisingly minimal. She would still receive half of their joint accounts, including monies spent on his affairs. But his retirement was his alone. She would not receive any spousal support or property. She rolled her eyes and signed below his name. She took pictures of the documents and sent them to Jared. She then called her brother. She wanted out of the house immediately.
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