Coming Home

1089 Words
Mara made herself comfortable in Matthew's bed. She'd done this many times, but never with Antonia home. She heard the two of them in a brief, heated exchange, and she scowled. He was supposed to be over her. Why is he not just handing her the divorce papers and returning to her? She looked around the room. This would all be hers, sooner than she originally planned. She pasted a smile on her face as the bedroom door opened, and Matthew appeared. “There you are handsome,” she purred, “I was worried you got lost.” “I just had to make sure she signed those papers.” He said. “The sooner she does, the sooner we can be together.” Mara nodded. “She didn't deserve this life, honey. I'm so glad you came to your senses.” He chuckled and climbed into bed beside her. He pushed her black hair aside, and their lips collided in a passionate kiss. He ran his hand under her shirt and fondled her n*pples. She moaned in his ear and gasped when he pinched. She climbed on top of him, and they continued kissing. She gyrated her hips into his lap, and he groaned. She was making him hard, and she was so good at it. Suddenly, he was distracted by the sound of a vehicle pulling up to the house and Antonia opening the door. “Don't bother Matthew. He brought his trash home tonight. My stuff is just through here.” A man's voice responded. “No worries. I'm glad you came to your senses about that loser. It's about time.” “Sssshhh. He can probably hear you.” She scolded. “He wasted five years of your life. Only to replace you with some woman with no self-respect. What a fool.” The man laughs. “I hope he hears me. He's a coward.” Antonia laughed. “OK big guy. Here's my stuff. Let's get this out of here so this can be a distant memory.” Matthew was furious. How dare she bring a man into his house and allow him to speak that way about him. After all he provided for her? Mara placed her hand on his chest. “It's not worth it, darling. Let her do her little show and leave.” He removed her hand and put it on the bed. “Call me a coward? I'm not going to allow that in my home.” Mara sighed as he rose from the bed. Matthew stormed into the living room. “Antonia, who do you think you are? Who are you allowing in my home?” A 6’5 muscular figure appeared in the doorway of her office. “Name’s Adonis. Thanks for finally revealing how much of a loser you are to Antonia. I thought I had lost her forever.” Matthew's face grew hot. Mara came to see what the commotion was, and her jaw dropped at the sight of the strange man carrying Antonia's belongings. Antonia laughed, pulling her suitcases behind her. “This is the last of it. Let's leave the happy couple.” She spat. “Sounds good. Let's get you settled in your new home.” “Antonia, who is this man?” Matthew demanded. “Not your concern. I left your papers signed on the table.” She responded as she led Adonis out into the night. Matthew and Mara watched in a stunned silence as Antonia loaded her belongings into the truck outside before hugging the strange man and climbing in herself. They didn't move until the truck was gone from sight. Matthew was surprised to see the signed divorce papers where Antonia said she had left them. He was not expecting to see her engagement ring and wedding band along with them, but they were there. “I'm going to bed.” He said, still processing what had just happened. Mara pouted and followed him to his room. Adonis and Antonia barely made it to the end of the street before they had to pull over from laughing so hard. “What a dunce! He thinks I'm your lover!” Adonis exclaimed through his laughter. “He's probably sulking in his bed, and she's sulking because I'm in his head.” Antonia laughed. “They deserve each other. Truly. I'm glad you're back, sis.” Adonis said. “I missed you.” “I don't know what I was thinking. I was young and in love. I won't be making that mistake again.” “I'm glad you found your self-respect. Dad will be happy, too.” He smiled and pulled the truck back onto the road, heading back to the family home. In the darkness, she smiled. She hadn't seen her family since her wedding. She saw this as an opportunity to heal and grow. It took less than 20 minutes for them to pull through the gates and down the long driveway. Antonia could barely contain her excitement as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She went to grab her suitcases and Adonis put his hand up. “Go inside. Everyone is waiting. Also, dad would lose his mind if his precious Antonia lifted a finger to do any work in his presence.” She laughed. He wasn't wrong. She was the baby of the family and the only girl. She walked ahead of Adonis and opened the front door to the mansion. “Toni's home!” He announced. “She brought so many things with her. I think she's here to stay!” She laughed and playfully slapped his chest. “Oh you be nice to your sister.” Her father chided, entering from the living room. “And you, it has been far too long since you've visited.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. “Now, let me look at you, my child. You've lost weight. Come, eat.” “Oh father. I couldn't eat right now. It has been too stressful of a day.” “Nonsense. You will have some salad and chicken. A meal made with love is good for the soul.” She sighed. She knew her father was not taking no for an answer. He smiled. “Come now. A nice salad and chicken paired with the perfect white wine and conversation. Come tell me everything.” She nodded and followed him to the dining room where she found a place already set for her.
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