Chapter 5.2

1388 Words
“Do students really eat almost simultaneously here?” I asked Mikan as I noticed that we were walking together with a lot of people heading towards the dining hall. She shrugged. “I guess it’s just something we’ve gotten used to.” I didn’t say anything more. Upon reaching the dining hall, I was immediately greeted with unfriendly stares from almost all the students inside, right from the moment we entered. I just kept walking straight ahead. I didn’t have time to focus on them right now. Luckily, the line was not that long anymore. After buying our food, we chose to sit in the same spot we occupied yesterday. “At last, I can finally eat,” I immediately started eating as soon as we sat down. Mikan chuckled. “Why?” I picked up my glass of water. “Because I didn’t have dinner last night and I missed breakfast too because of the rush. Then, my lunch was ruined because of those annoying girls.” I frowned as I recalled what happened earlier. “I didn’t eat after leaving the clinic because I lost my appetite. That’s why my stomach is acting up now because of extreme hunger,” I irritably replied. I wanted to pity myself. This is the first time I’ve experienced such hunger in my entire life. I thought I was going to die. She was about to speak again when suddenly, the door of the dining hall opened. It made a loud noise, causing almost everyone here to look. My mouth dropped open when I noticed the women around us behaving like they were swooning, and I couldn’t understand why. Some of them even made an effort to look prettier. What’s going on? We’re at the farthest and most secluded corner, so I haven’t seen who just arrived yet. It’s taking them so long to come in. Are they making a grand entrance or something? The wandering question in my mind was finally answered when the six of them started walking inside. Ignoring the glances, stares, and attention that most people around were giving them. My mouth dropped open. It was the first time I saw all six of them together. They looked like a group of models. No. More like Greek gods and goddesses who had descended to Earth. I couldn’t deny the fact that they were all gorgeous and stunning. Their looks were definitely eye-catching, to the point that it drove the crowd wild. I followed them with my gaze. Miley and Reiri walked ahead, happily conversing with each other as if they were oblivious to their surroundings. Following closely behind them were Kyle and Vincent, their hands buried in their pockets. Behind them were Kira and Hiro. Hiro smiled and waved at every girl they passed, while Kira simply smiled back at those who greeted him. Meanwhile, the two cousins seemed indifferent to their surroundings. Now, I knew who the girls would be flocking to among the four of them. But I still couldn’t fully comprehend how they became princes and princesses. Or maybe it’s just a title bestowed upon them by the people here. I let out a deep sigh. Maybe I’ll find out about that later. They sat in the seats I was supposed to occupy yesterday. Despite the distance between us, I couldn’t understand why I felt a strange aura emanating from them. It was something extraordinary, unbreakable, and powerful. “At last, they’re finally complete. Do you know that it’s been my dream to become friends with them? Or at least to have a conversation with them. That would be enough. But I’m just too shy,” Mikan sighed dreamily. I just stared at her. I wonder what her reaction would be once she finds out that I’ve been talking to them. I continued with my meal. But I looked up when I noticed that her plate was still full. I was taken aback when I realized that she was actually lost in thought. This girl was definitely nuts. I followed her gaze to see who she was looking at. I secretly smiled when I realized something. “You, huh. You didn’t even tell me that you had a crush on Kira,” I teased her. Her eyes widened as she turned to my direction. “W-what are you talking about? No way!” she said defensively. I just nodded. “Okay. That explains why your face is so red.” She suddenly touched both of her cheeks. “Really?” “Yeah.” I continued teasing her because I enjoyed her reaction and the blush on her face. Somehow, it made me feel a little lighter. When I glanced again at the so-called royalties of this school, Miley happened to turn our way. Reiri did too. So, the four guys also turned to look at me. Hiro and Kira were the only ones who smiled at me. The cousins had poker faces. They really are related. I just nodded at them and averted my gaze. I noticed that they didn’t seem to have anything else to do and were just talking. It seemed like they didn’t plan on eating either. After finishing our meal, we immediately left. It was only the second day of school, but we already had a lot of assignments. So, I wanted to finish them as soon as possible. “You can go ahead, Mikan. I’ll just go to the library for a moment. I need to find a book,” I told her as we left the dining hall. She nods at me and wave a goodbye. After she leaves, I quickly run towards the library. I glance down at the sports watch I’m wearing. It’s fifteen minutes before seven o‘clock. The library is still open until seven o‘clock in the evening. I hope I make it in time. When I arrive, the librarian greets me right away. I estimate that she’s around thirty years old. She’s wearing glasses, and her straight hair reaches her waist. I just nod politely at her. Her gaze at me feels creepy. I head straight to the farthest aisle where the book I need is placed. I let out a frustrated sigh when I notice that it’s still placed on the top shelf. “Why am I so tall?” I mutter while looking up. There’s a ladder I could use, but it’s difficult, and I might end up falling flat on the floor. I stumbled and tried to reach for the book, but to my surprise, it fell into my hands even before I could touch it. Luckily, I caught it quickly. How did it fall? It seemed to be placed properly. I turned around to leave, but I almost screamed when I saw Vincent standing not far away. Did they really plan to startle me all day today? He looked at the book I was holding, then smirked at me. I was about to ask him something when he suddenly walked away. I was about to chase after him when a strong gust of wind blew. I felt a shiver down my spine, and in an instant, he disappeared. He’s really fast. After leaving my library card with the librarian, I immediately left. It was dark outside and even in the hallway. Only the lights from the lampposts provided illumination. When I exited the administration building, I was taken aback by the sight of Mikan sitting on one of the benches there, talking on her cellphone. Wasn’t she supposed to be ahead of me? “Mikan?” I called out softly to her. She lowered her phone before looking up at me. “Were you there all this time?” she asked. I shrugged. “I just came out. Are you okay?” She seemed pale all of a sudden. She smiled at me. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just didn’t feel like going back to the room right away, so I decided to take a walk, and then someone suddenly called me. That’s why I thought of stopping here and maybe seeing you. So, we can go back together.” I wanted to ask her what was wrong because something seemed off about her. But I let it go. “Okay. Let’s go.”
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