Chapter 6.1: Heartbeat

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Miley’s POV I couldn’t help but smile as we walked down the hallway towards Nics’ room. Thankfully, we managed to convince my brother to agree to what Reiri and I wanted. I thought it would be difficult to persuade him, but it seems he can be swayed by a little bit of drama. “I don’t really understand my brother. It seems that he doesn’t really like Nics at all,” Rei said, confused. She looked up, seemingly lost in deep thought. Vince was the one who strongly opposed when we asked for permission earlier. I shrugged. “Me too. But we both know that Vince and Kyle are both aloof.” Honestly, I’m also puzzled as to why Vince suddenly gets annoyed whenever we mention or talk about Nics in front of them. But before heading straight to Nics’ room, we stopped by the main office of the academy to get a duplicate key to her room. Yes, we took it without asking. They can’t do anything about it anyway. We’re sure she’ll ask again how we managed to open her door. She might start suspecting us, and we shouldn’t let that happen. We know that she’s a human, an enemy, and a threat to us. But I don’t know why I feel at ease with her and why I feel like we can trust her. I can sense that she’s different. She’s not like those people who are after us just to kill us. Another reason is that we’ve wanted to have a human friend for a long time. That’s why I’m glad we finally found one. It’s only my brother and cousin who’s been holding us back from getting close to people, even though I know they’re just trying to protect us. But we can take care of ourselves, and there’s nothing they can do about it anymore. “We’re here!” Rei whispered. But as we exchanged glances, we suddenly heard a scream coming from inside the room. “I think, we just came in time,” I said, and we both giggled. *** Nicole Jane’s POV I’ve been staring at the ceiling for a while now. It’s Saturday today, and I have nothing to do. Boredom is killing me slowly. “Ugh, so boring!” I exclaimed loudly, covering my face with a pillow. Mikan left early this morning, which I secretly thanked for. She went home and won’t be back until tomorrow night. Students are allowed to go home on weekends, at least to some extent. I had also planned to go home. However, when my mom called me last night, she mentioned that they are currently in another country with Dad. So, there’s no use. No matter how much I deny it, I know very well that they’re the main reason why I wanted to come home anyway. I thought being alone here would be good. But apparently, it’s not. I’m used to being alone, so I don’t understand why I’m feeling down now. When will I ever have a roommate? I wish they had placed me in Mikan’s room, at least. As far as I know, she’s also alone there. I paused as a thought crossed my mind. Since when did I want to be with that girl? “Wow, you shouted so loudly, big sister. You almost startled the remaining students here,” a familiar voice said. I almost fell onto my bed upon hearing that voice. I turned my attention to the door and widened my eyes while pointing a finger at them. “What are you doing here again? How did you manage to get in? Don’t blame the door, I’m sure it’s locked!” Seriously, just what the hell are they? Some sort of fortune-tellers or ninjas? Or maybe both? I can’t decide whether I should be amazed or worried because of their mysterious and sudden appearances. Miley raised a key with a smile. I was left gaping when I realized it was mine. “It’s my key! How the hell did you get that?” I hurriedly went to where my bag was. But when I opened it, my key was still there. “No, not yours. It’s a duplicate.” I gave her a disapproving look. “How did you even get that thing? That’s an invasion of privacy!” I couldn’t help but become hysterical. They both shrugged. “It’s not important for you to know that anymore. We’re here to pick you up, and we have something exciting to do,” Reiri said with a grin. I raised an eyebrow because of what she said. “Where are we going and what exciting thing are we going to do?” I questioned them with doubt. They both smirked, and I didn’t have a good feeling about it. They approached me and even pushed me towards the bathroom. “You’ll know later. For now, you better hurry, and we’ll wait for you.” *** “He’s so cute!” Miley squealed on my left side. “Don’t be like that! The star-shaped one is much cuter,” Rei objected while clapping her hands on my right side. We were sitting on a long couch, and I was sandwiched between the two of them, so I could barely hear anything else because of their loud voices. Meanwhile, Kira and Hiro were both seated on a single couch on opposite sides. Luckily, the two grumpy ones weren’t here. If they were, I might not be able to handle it anymore. “I wonder how it feels if I pinch his cheek.” I just covered my face when Hiro said that. He had a serious expression while uttering those words. Seriously? Even him? I noticed Kira, who was quiet on the side but clearly holding back his laughter. I gave him a pleading look, asking him to keep me away from these three. He just smiled at me. I don’t know why, but instead of getting annoyed, I felt somewhat delighted about it. I’m hopeless! I was even excited when they told me earlier that we’d be watching all sorts of things all day. But if I had known this is what we were going to watch, I would have stayed behind and sulked in my room! I didn’t know that this is what excitement meant to them. I don’t even know how they managed to persuade me to come along with them. If you’re asking me what we’re watching... SPONGEBOB! I really can’t stand these cousins. I never expected that there could be something worse than Mikan’s craziness. “Can you please keep quiet? You’re so noisy!” I glared at the three of them, which made them shut their mouths. But after a few seconds of silence... “Spongebob!” “Patrick!” “Squidward!” I just closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. They called themselves a prince and princess, but they’re not even acting like one. I stood up. “I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat here?” I looked at them intently. But none of them bothered to answer or pay attention to me. Do they forget that they were the ones who invited me here? They could at least make it up to me with some food. I was about to speak again when suddenly, a cold hand held me in my arm and dragged me straight to the kitchen. I looked up to see who it was. “Kira,” I muttered. He glanced at me, then smiled. “Just bear with them. They really act like kids when they’re together.” I gulped and looked away. Why does my heart suddenly beat so fast? I sat on the stool at the kitchen island, while he walked towards the refrigerator and opened it. “You’re probably eating cake and ice cream, right? That’s the only decent food we have right now,” he said while pulling out those yummy foods. I nodded. But I couldn’t help but wonder what they consider as decent food. My eyes probably sparkled when he mentioned those items. I love desserts and sweets! As he placed the plates containing them right in front of me, I immediately started eating. I’ve been hungry for a while now. “You want?” I offered him, but he just shook his head. “You can eat all of that.” I smiled and started eating again. It’s a good thing I gained something from this, at least. I’ve run out of food in my room, so sometimes I don’t have to go to the dining hall. Maybe I’ll invite Mikan to go shopping and go out when she returns. I stopped eating when I heard Kira’s soft laughter beside me. “Why?” I looked at him, confused. But he just laughed even more when I faced him. I hit his arm and glared at him. I thought he was different from them. But I held my breath when he finally stopped laughing and looked at me seriously. He leaned in closer, and then his right hand landed on my cheek, rubbing his finger at the side of my lips. “W-what are you d-doing?” I asked, stuttering. I bit my lower lip. His face was about an inch away from mine, and I could almost feel his breath. But my heart raced even faster when he lowered his gaze to my lips. Wait. Is he planning to kiss me? I should push him away now. But why can’t I do it? And it seems like I don’t want to. I don’t really like what I’m feeling right now. This is not me. But I almost fell off my seat when someone suddenly spoke from behind us.
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