Chapter 5.1: The Royalties

1374 Words
Nicole Jane’s POV “Are you really sure you’re okay? I’m sorry earlier for not being able to help you.” Mikan kept on talking beside me with her head bowed down. Since our class ended, she didn’t stop talking even though I wasn’t paying any attention to her. I don’t have any ill feelings towards her. Honestly, it’s better that she didn’t do anything earlier. The thing is, she’s too kind. I’m just not used to someone talking to me and being concerned like this. It feels weird. “I’m really fine. Besides, I’m not expecting any help because I don’t even need it.” I crossed my arms. She looked up at me this time. “One more thing is that, I can handle those girls by myself. If Kyle didn’t show up, they would’ve surely regretted it,” I determinedly replied. I continued walking, and suddenly she screamed beside me. Other students around us turned to our direction. I turned to her with a puzzled expression. Did I say something wrong? “Do you know how adorable the two of you were earlier? Especially when he carried you! It looked like a newlywed scene. If only you could’ve seen the faces of the girls who blocked your way. They were so jealous!” She even held onto my arm. This girl changes her mood so quickly. “You’re something else! You just arrived here, and luck has already smiled upon you.” She even rested her head on my shoulder as if she was daydreaming. I feel like throwing up because of what she said. Lucky? She must be kidding me. We continued walking until we reached the dorm and stopped in front of our respective rooms. I was about to open the door when she suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. Reluctantly, I turned to look at her. “We’ll have dinner together, right? I’ll just knock on your door later.” She smiled widely. I shrugged at her before finally entering my room. But I almost screamed when I saw the two princesses of this school lying on my bed. They were pretending to be asleep. “Were you planning to scare me to death?” I clutched my chest and glared at them. They sat down and turned to face me. “Sorry! We found out about what happened to you earlier, so we decided to visit and check on you.” Miley pouted. I looked at them skeptically. “Okay. But how did you manage to enter here?” I shifted my gaze between the two of them. Reiri pointed at the door. “It’s not locked,” she answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I slapped my forehead. I had forgotten to lock the door earlier due to being in a rush. “But still, just because you’re princesses doesn’t mean you can just come in here unannounced.” I placed my bag on the table. “You already know,” they both said simultaneously. I leaned against the dresser and looked at them seriously. “Can you please explain to me how that happened? Who are you really? Are you from a royal family from another country?” To be honest, I was still finding it hard to believe that matter. Miley smiled slightly. “Don’t worry, Nics. You’ll eventually find out about us, but not now.” I rolled my eyes. It seems that this academy is not the only place full of mysteries. Even the students themselves. I didn’t press further. If they didn’t intend to tell me the truth, then I would discover it on my own. “I bet you already met my brother and our friends,” Reiri said, then winked at me. I raised my eyebrow at her. What was that wink for? “Which one of them is your sibling?” I asked, even though I already had an idea of who he was referring to. “It’s Vince.” I nodded. I knew it. They almost have the same aura as Kyle. I started walking towards them, then sat on the edge of my bed. “Anyway, I’m fine. So, you can go now.” I thought my world would finally quiet down after being separated from Mikan. But apparently not. They both looked at my left arm, where there is currently a band-aid. “As you can see, I’m still alive, so don’t act like something serious happened. It’s just a scratch.” I just shrugged. I couldn’t understand why they made such a big deal out of what happened. Miley gave me a scrutinizing look, so I quickly averted my gaze. There’s something different in the way she looks at me. It’s as if I’m being hypnotized by her gaze. “Nics, you don’t have an idea how a simple scratch will turn into a big one,” she said seriously. I raised an eyebrow at her. Why do I feel like she wants to imply something deeper with her words? These two are driving me crazy. Just like Mikan earlier. They change moods so quickly. “Whatever. You two better go. I want to take some rest. I don’t want any noise and chaos around me.” I shooed them away. They’re already creeping me out. But I was taken aback when they suddenly approached me. Miley hugged me from my side, while Reiri held my hand tightly. I tried to distance myself from them. They’re so damn cold, for crying out loud! And they’re so pale too. They almost look sick. “You know what, you’re really different. That’s why we like you!” Miley said. I faced them. “What do you mean by different?” They both smiled. “Because you’re not scared or intimidated by us, even though you know we’re princesses here. Most of the students here are afraid to approach and talk to us. That’s why sometimes we’re the ones who have to approach and try to mingle with them. But whenever we do that, they automatically distance themselves. That’s why we don’t have any other friends around. You’re the only one.” Reiri seemed like a child complaining to me. Their faces suddenly turned sad. I nodded. Well, earlier in the hallway, I saw how the students here respected and feared Kyle. So, it’s likely they feel the same way about these two. I know how difficult and sad it is because I’ve been through the same situation. Maybe in the eyes of others, it’s considered lucky to be born into a wealthy family. But all the wealth and power mean nothing if you’re not happy and free. Those kinds of things can never be compensated for, no matter how much money you have. “Weren’t you friends with anyone in your previous school?” Miley asked as her brown eyes met mine. Her eyes are the same color as her brother’s. “Yeah. I may not be a princess or anything, but people there were also intimidated by me. It’s pretty obvious why,” I replied dismissively. “And some of them only wanted to befriend me because of my family’s influence and to become popular in school. So, it became difficult for me to trust other people. I’m happier being alone.” I stood up and walked towards the cabinet to get my things. “I’ll take a shower. Just lock the door when you leave.” Miley gave a half-hearted smile. “Okay. We’re leaving too. See you!” I just nodded at them. I was about to enter the bathroom when Miley spoke up again. “We just wanted to let you know that you can trust us, and that’s how we feel about you too.” I froze on my spot. Talking about trust and friendship is not really my thing. I was just about to face them when suddenly, the wind blew. I was taken aback when I turned around and realized they were no longer in their seats earlier. I didn’t even hear their footsteps as they left, or the opening and closing of the door. How on earth did they manage to leave?
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