Chapter 5

875 Words
Its been a few days but they still refuse to let me out. Ron has been watching over Cole who is apparently not doing great after what happened and Greg is guarding me from leaving but at least ive had Muffin to keep me sane as he guards me from everyone " here's lunch" Greg says as he unlocks the door bringing in a plate with mash and steak but I just turn my head and face the wall next to the bed "not hungry" I say as I make sure my stomach doesn't respond for me "youve been saying that for days now. You need to eat something or something bad will happen to you" he says worried "what you gonna threaten me or harm me if I dont eat" I snap back at him as I now face him tired and angry "no that's not what I meant" he says looking down as he pulls his hand through his hair before looking back at me "you can get sick if you dont eat properly and that will hurt Cole more" I glare at him at the mention of his name " I dont give a rats ass how he feels , I'm like this cause of him " I motion to my face with a tears going down my eyes "he tried to hit my dog for protecting me and he had the nerve to tell me he loved me and than has a fiance and a woman in his office that's all over him and he just sits there enjoying it and to top it all off with he now keeps me trapped her cause I refuse to stay here and be one of his whores or woman as some say it" I yell causing Greg to step back shocked and sad as he looks down before leaving with out saying anything more. I move body closer to Muffin as I curled around him and fall sleep as I try make the hunger pains fade away. Cole pov I can bearly think after the look Tyler had given me after I hit muffin without thinking. Her fear and panic and sadness is all I can feel from my office from the room she is in, I'm broken from my thoughts by Greg knocking and then opening the door just to look at me sadly as he sees me at my worst state "did she eat" I asked as I try get some energy just to speak "no, im sorry Cole" Greg says sadly as he looks down not knowing how to meet my eyes "its ok it not your fault it mine " I sigh as I bearly my face into my hands trying to keep the tears hidden "I dont know what to do Greg, how do I fix this , how do I get her to trust and believe in me again". Greg sighed before slowly walking towards me as he put his hand on my shoulder "you both need some time and patience and then maybe even to try talk out the problem and ask her instead of waiting on pained silence" greg soothed. I  rubbed my hands up and down my face before looking to Greg to speak but of course were interrupted by Ron who looks worried that he interrupted something big and he peeps his head around the door. "Did I interrupted something important " Ron asks sheepishly only to have Greg smile and walk towards him "don't worry its something that we can discuss another time. What's up" Greg says now close to Ron "she is back " Ron says looking annoyed "Tyler" I asked excited only to have it taken away as I realised he means Veronica. At the mention of her name she quickly bursts open striding towards me until she is in front my my desk places her hands on each side " babe why did you keep me out and who's that slut you ran after" she demands angry while still trying to throw in a bit of what I'm guessing is flirtyness since she doesnt want me mad. I stand up causing my chair to slide back causing a screech to echo in the room before I grab Veronica by her shirt  making our faces almost centimetres apart " dont you dare insult her" I growl causing her face to be full of shock and fear and I throw her back causing her to land on the floor "get out of my sight now!" I yell at her as she adjust her shirt and shorts as she gets up "but sweety-" she starts saying but I quickly cut her off "NOW" I yell even louder as I glare at her with my cat eyes. Slowly she gets up and leaves the room leaving me, Ron and Greg to discuss how to go about the my situation. Third person POV "b***h ill kill you" Veronica spat after she had closed the door and started her way back to her fathers gang "once I get rid you then he will finally be all mine" she smiled wickedly as she got into her car. Quickly she looked back at the mansion before finally driving off.
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