Chapter 6

801 Words
"I've had enough" I groan out with clenched teeth "were getting out of here" I say turning to Muffin who looks to me and back at the door protectively. I quickly get to work trying to see where I can try get out with Muffin but to no avail since trying to get a dog out just makes things harder. "There's gotta be a way out of here besides that damn door" I say glaring now at the door along with Muffin. I start pacing the room again in hopes of an idea popping up in my head whrn suddenly a idea appears as I look at the window beside the bed. I look back at Muffin and then back at the window before seeing if I can open it. After a few pulls and pushes the window opens as I push the window up. "Well I can try climb with my non existant climbing ability's" I joke to myself as I look down from the window at the other window panes that I can use to climb down. "So Muffin how's your climbing" I ask Muffin who just tilts her head in confusion before turning her attention back to the door growling. I quickly close the window as the door unlocks revealing Greg again, "what do you want" I say glaring at him as I stand in front of the window. "Pls eat something" he asks softly as he looks up at me worn out "you look like you stayed up a few nights in a row" I say in my cold tone. He laughs under his breath before looking back at me "I wish, but no I had to deal with a few ...... issues" he says after a pause between the word. "I want to go home" I say glaring at him as he ruffels his hair with his hand "this is your home" he says tiredly "no its not" I yell causing Muffin to jump in front of me growling and guarding me from Greg. "I want to leave" I yell out angry. I could see Greg was to tired to fight or even speak with out looking a bit out of it. "Pls just eat" he says as he grabs a plate with sausage rolls and a glass of water and quickly places it on the floor before closing the door and locking it, "DAMMIT" I yell out as I ram the door with my body before kicking it with my leg causing my toes and arm to be sore now. Slowly I slide my body to the floor and Muffin is quick to come as I hold my legs close to my chest " what do we do" I ask Muffin as she lays by my feet "guess you don't know what to do either hey girl" I say as I stroke her soft fur. Im woken up by light knocking at the door which lucky doesn't give me a huge fright. "Tyler" I look to the door behind my back to the soft exhausted voice behind the door but decide to ignore him since im angry "pls talk to me" he asks so soft that its almost a whisper "why so you can lie" , "I'd never lie to you" he says paniced as I hear his hand move on the the other side of the door " so what you tell people you love them until you have enough woman" I snap at him " no I never had a relationship with anyone" he quickly says defending himself "so what you let all woman sit on top of you probably sleep with too" I say with anger raising in my voice. "No no , I never slept with any woman and Veronica always acts like that so I didn't even think twice about it" he says as his voice starts getting softer. "The fact that you say that you didn't even realize she was flirting with you then your denser then you appear" I say rolling my eyes as Muffin moves and lays on my lap. "Your right I am dense and stupid" he says softly with little emotions from his exhaustion. " I didn't say stupid ... But i probably should have" I whispered the last sentence. I can hear him laugh under his breath as I hear him lean his head on the door " can I play come in" he asks softly "I dunno hey cause im still pretty mad at you" I say looking back at the door " I understand" he says sadly. "Don't do it Tyler don't give in" I whisper to myself as as I picture his sad face in my head, I groan as I take my from my face through my hair before standing up and looking at the door.

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