Chapter 4

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After much more convincing Cole finally drove me back to my house to get my stuff cause apparently I can't live alone , which translates to I can't live without him. As we reach the door of my apartment I quickly catch my breath from the stairs just to look back and see Cole not even breaking a sweat damn fitness I groan to myself in my head before hearing Muffin run up to the door and start barking on the other side "I prefer cats their quieter" Cole comments getting a like really look from me as I roll my eyes at him before looking back at the door while unlocked it. Within seconds Muffin is jumping up and down wagging her tail as she gets excited before pausing and glaring at Cole from behind my legs as he slowly comes out in front of me in his protective stance against Cole. I could see the shock on Coles face as the dog trys intimidating him before the two begin a growl match between each other. Soon I'm past my hall way and in my room packing my stuff just to have Cole coming up behind me and grabbing the clothes out of my bag "hey!" I groan looking up at him from behind me "I will get you new clothes" he smirks "only bring valuable stuff " he says while looking back at Muffin who is following and growling at him in attack stance "did you close the door at least" he looks back for a second before looking back at me with relief on his face as he nods remembering that he did. "Does my laptop and phone count as valuable"I asked him smirking , he looks down at me with a smirk "nope cause I can buy you better stuff. Only memorable stuff can come with" I roll my eyes still smiling at him as I start packing my fox rag doll teady and other stuff like pictures and ect before zipping up my bag and looking back at Cole as he grabs my bags and heads for the hallway. Im honestly shocked with myself for giving in so easily but ive always been a bit of a push over I think to myself as I mentally slap my self. I run and grab Muffins collar and place it on him while he still stands guard over me while growling at Cole. With much convincing I eventually get Muffin in the car but his condition was to sit on top of me in the back seat while Cole sits in front and drives while he still growls at him. We finally arrive back at Coles big house which has many smaller houses sorounding inside a large property with a wall around "who lives in the houses around your mansion" I asked as we drive past the houses and start going up his drive way "their all the family's and people in the gang cause its the safest way to keep them safe and we consider every member family" I ponder for a second before I ask him my question but soon decide rather ask than be left guessing "and what happens when someone betrays or hurts someone in the family " Cole looks at me through his mirror before answering back " we kill them" I could hear the seriousness in his voice which sent shivers down my spine but at the same time I could understand where he was coming from with a large gang like this. Cole assists me with my bags while I hold back Muffin as we take my stuff into his house, after a few minutes I realized we are walking towards his room " where am I gonna sleep" I question him , but he just looks back and smirks at me while he is still walking " in my room of course" "and where are you gonna sleep" I ask him now a bit worried " in my room of course". We finally reach his room at he plants my bags on the bed before looking back at me with a smile across his face " I'm not sleeping in the same bed as a guy I bearly even know" I tell him not impressed , he sighs before scratching through his hair and looking back at me "I promise I won't do anything" he says with his puppy dog eyes which I guess I should actually call his kitty eyes. I sigh before looking down at a still on guard Muffin "I'm gonna take a walk quick" I say as I walk off with Muffin. I reach outside Coles house and I can feel his stare from his bedroom window as I look up quick and see him but he just quickly ducks just out of sight causing a little giggle to come out as I start walk through the property allowing Muffin to take in all the smell and sights as he slowly calms down. Before long I notice a park which I allowed Muffin to have a run and sniff around as I find a bench to take a seat from my walk while taking in the sight of Muffin going nuts in the grass since we didn't have a garden. "Who's that" I hear someone say behind me , I bend down pretending to check my shoes while taking a quick peek to see some woman walking around in groups looking at me as they started their daily gossip "I hear the master brought her in" I hear the other woman in the circle of 5 whispers but of course is failing horribly. I just rolled my eyes and looked back as Muffin starts coming back with grass and some flowers stuck in his mass amount of hair " I wonder why he brought her. Maybe its for his friend" one of them say "well that's the most logical solution since he has a fiance already but I can guess she will still be mad that her brought a woman home in his car". Soon they finally started lowering their voices enough that I cant hear as I stand up and starting walking away with Muffin who's is happily running around me with out his leash off as he also guards me from all the strangers. I could feel my blood boiling at Coles sweet words of how we are soul mates but than I hear this and it feels like all his words just add fire to the fuel of my anger. After what probably was hours I finally find the mansion in this enormous place and make my way inside. Muffin quickly changes his position and walks in front of me in guard mode as we walk the hallways. After a while of getting lost I finally find a person to ask for directions  "excuse me where can I find Cole" the man looks me up and down as he hesitation before speaking "down the hall here to the left and then turn right at the third door , he's in there" he says while pointing down the hallway. I thank him as I now fast walk towards the door until I'm inches from the door knob "come on babe" I hear a woman say on the other side , my anger hits and my fear of this being the wrong door becomes second priority as I slam the door open to see a Cole sitting in his office chair with a woman with ginger hair and a skimpy red tight dress. I could see the shock and horror on Coles face but my eyes were more drawn to the woman pressing her self and boobs closer to his body as she moves more on his lap "who's this babe" she smiles as she draws her face closer to Coles. I give Cole my death glare before slamming my fist into his open door which hurts my hand but I could careless "good bye Cole" I say angerly as I storm out as I put the leash back on Muffin and walk off quickly. I could hear him fall and run into things as I quickly made my way as he calls my name to make me stop "babe come back" I hear the woman say , I look back one final time to see Cole by the chair suite just nearing the door and the woman holding onto him as she pulls her self closer to him "dont run after some random woman I'm right here babe " she soothes which is my final insentive to start walking again "get off me Veronica" he says as I hear a a thud and soon are followed by foot steps coming fast and close to me " Tyler wait" Cole yells but I just keep walking "Tyler" Cole yells as he grabs my wrist "let me explain" I turn to see the worry and shock in his face "I'm not one of your damn woman to bring to your house. I can't believe that I even started hoping and thinking that the soul mate thing was real but since you want so many woman in your life leave me out of it" I yell hurt as I try pull my wrist away but unfortunately his hold is to strong. Muffin is quick to see what's going on and jumps and bites into Coles arm, Cole is quick to respond as he instinctively takes his hand and starts to go and slap Muffin off but I'm quick and move in front of Muffin just in time as Coles hand lands and send me and Muffin flying. I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks as the sting and pain hits in on my face as I lay collapsed on the floor covering Muffin, Muffin quickly gets up whimpering at my pain as he gently touches my cheek with his cold nose before licking it and than turning to Cole full of aggression. I slowly move my body and face up to see a horrified looking Cole as he falls to his knees holding his mouth closed with his hands as tears fall from his eyes "babe I didnt mean to I.." Within seconds the two guys from that time when I was kidnapped appear. The two are shocked at the scene and are quick to come and help. The one guy trys to get Cole up who has now buried his face into the floor crying while the other takes the lifeless me with protective Muffin following suit.
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