Chapter 3

1491 Words
"Five more minutes Muffin" I groan as I hear the door creak open while cuddling into my very comfy pillows. The next second a viscous growl echo's through the room causing me to jump up , quickly I notice that I'm not in my room or house as I notice the grey and white bed covers and black and white forest look on the walls. My focus is now on a very angry Cole staring at me with dark eyes "who is muffin" he growls angry. My heart started racing as I hide a bit by holding the covers up "my dog" I stutter scared. Coles face quickly turns showing signs of guilt and worry " I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about a boyfriend or something" he says while looking down at the tray he is holding with food on. Scared I just keep the covers up hoping that it can shield me from any danger "I bought you some food" he says while placing the tray at the end of the bed while making sure the glass of water on it doesn't fall "how can I trust that you didn't put something in it" I softly say. "I would never hurt or drug you " he says looking at me with hurt in his eyes "I don't know you so how can I trust you" I weakly say as I stroke my throbbing head " does your head still hurt" he trys stretching his arm out to touch me but I flinch causing him to retract his hand back "sorry I didn't mean to scare you but I promise the food and water is safe and if it isn't I'll do anything you say", I look between him and the food before listening to my noisy tummy "pinky promise" I say stretching out my pinky finger causing him to laugh before entwining our pinky fingers "pinky promise" he says while passing me the plate with chips and a pie. After finishing the meal Cole finally takes his eyes off me for a moment as he takes the plate and glass before looking back at me again "do you want a tour of the place" he smiles, I nod my head as I follow him out the room through the hallway towards the kitchen. As we reach the kitchen I'm met by eyes as some of the guys stop talking while having coffee to watch me. I can't help but move closer to Cole and grabbing a piece of his shirt as to not lose him, I could see Coles shock at my action as he turned his head to look at me behind him before turning fully around and pulling me into a hug and staring back at the men by the kettle "mine " he smiled proudly cause me to look up at him annoyed "what do you mean mine " I glare "I'm not a piece of property" which causes Cole to freak as he trys to come up with something while the guys by the kettle chuckle before quickly exiting the room as Cole glares at them. "I didn't mean it like that" he says flustered as he tries to find words to fix the situation he made "I bearly even know you" I say as he looks at me before pulling his hand through his hair "well...". "Well first of all you probably have lots of questions about what happened" he says now looking down at me while holding each of my arms "well of course" ," ok come with me and I'll answer everything question honestly" he tells me as he steps past me while offering his hand. I can't help but hesitate while reaching out for his hand causing a bit of sadness to flicker in his eyes before I take his hand praying that this isn't another trap, but hey its not like I have much of a choice at this point. After going through some hallways and than down stairs we reach a large room with the colors red and black with red and white pattern wallpaper. He pulls me passes the red chairs with wood bases towards his fancy wooden desk with a red mat like thing on before stopping and motioning for me to sit in he red and wooden chairs in front of the desk while he sits of the desk while leaning. "Ok ask away" he motions with his hands. "ok why was I kidnapped by that physco" "He found out about you being my mate some how" he growls "Ok what is this about mates" I asked him confused. I can see him getting flustered as he ruffs up his hair before looking back at me " well as you saw I'm a were jaguar and every were creature has a mate be it of their own kind or human but since its been a long time since a were female was born its mainly guys". " Ok so you guys find a mate but what does that mean" I ask as I start getting impatient and frustrated "well a mate is basically the other half of your soul , so basically their your soul mate and your made for each other" I can't help but look at him questionably "so what happens when you find your mate , is it like one of those scenarios like in books where he can't live with out her" he does a slight blush while looking away "thats basically it and we can't help but love them and every part of them" he looks back at me while covering his face with his one hand "that sounds like my werewolf romance novels on my dreame app" I giggle which causes him to look down sad "are you sad I'm not a wolf than" he pouts causing me to giggle again before putting my hands on both sides of his face making him face me "I could care less what species you are " his face lights up as he pulls me into a hug before holding me while he starts spinning in joy. "Ok ok" I giggle as I enjoy the spinning as he starts slowing down "I'm so happy" he smiles causing me to melt before mentally slapping my self back as he kisses me. I pull away quickly to breath while he still holds me as he walks back to his desk. He placed my butt on the desk while still holding my waist as he buries his face into my shoulder as I release my legs were wrapped around him the whole time causing me to blush cause this is so unlike me. " I'm glad your happy but even if we are mates its still hard to believe and I bearly even know you" I say looking down as he pulls his head up to look at me before cupping my cheeks as he gently pulls my face up to his "than let's get to know each other and over time you can decide if what I say is true or not" he smiles as he places a kiss on my forehead as he still refuses to move from our position even though I have moved my legs. "I need to go home" he groans at that before looking back at me "you can live here" he says giving me those cute eyes "I have a dog at home and friends and I dont even know where I am". He thinks for a moment before smiling happily as he looks back at me " I can send someome to fetch your dog than" I can't help but look at him with a straight face " and what about my clothes and other stuff" which doesn't seem to faze Cole "I can buy you better stuff " he proudly smirks "and than what about all my important things " this catches him as he thinks for a moment before asnwering me "ok we can go back and get those but I'm gonna buy you new clothes and stuff",  "why do you want to buy me new clothes and why can't I just stay in my place" I asked angrly "cause I don't want anything to happen to you when I'm not around and able to protect you and as for the clothes I wanna spoil you. Don't all girls like clothes" he states. I can feel my blood boiling at his words " you think I'm like all other girls" I say angryly as I push him away and walk away from him " no that's not what I mean " he groans " your more special to me than any other woman out there and I just wanna make you happy" he half pouts half groans "I need to think about all of this" I say still facing away from him "ok" he pouts.
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