Chapter 2

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"Ow" I groan as I slowly open my eyes as my head thobs painfully "where am I!" I yell looking around confused. I can see that I'm in a cell like the ones from movies where people would get in basements or something. I try pull myself up only to find that my hands are tied behind my back and my feet are tied together as well "dammit what happened" I can hear the fear in my voice as my heart beat increases through my body "ok I need to calm down and then think. Ok I was with Sarah yesterday and than we were discussing the event she was doing while we ate and than I left to go to the game shop and than.... and than. s**t what happened after that" I raise my voice panicking "that's right I got pulled into one of the rooms in the hall way and that's as far as I can remember", I look up as I hear a rat run across the cell floor which just gets me hoping it avoids me. After a while of observing the room and listening to a dripping of water somewhere I finally hear a door open in the distance and foot steps heading in my direction. Eventually two men reach me with a light in hand to see. Both of them are wearing men in black type of suites but the one guy with light brown hair is more professional looking than the guy with the spiky hair "your coming with us" the say as they pick me up and haul me over their shoulder , the professional looking guy at least doesn't touch any inappropriate places as he keeps me on his shoulder as we finally make our way down the hall to the door they came from. I look around and notice only a few other people are in cells around here too but their in shackles chained to the walls and most full of blood. Soon were out of the basement (I'm guessing) and the light makes my eyes cringe before finally adjusting to see a luxurious looking room with large red and gold curtains handing from the walls as well as some covering a small circle stage attached to a door leading to another room, the rest of the room has a bar and poker tables and other tables and chairs all matching the red , gold and black colors. "We got her boss and she's awake" the man holding me says "thanxs jeremy. Place her there" the next thing I know I'm thrown to the floor and am facing a middle aged looking man with a forming beard and mustache like he shaved a few days ago and the stubble is showing alot. "Hello" he smirks but I just glare at him as I ignore my racing heart and trembling fear as I hold it in the best I can " tough one huh, well than it's no wonder your his girl" the guy laughs smuggly. "Who" I asked now confused which gets a shocked expression from the strange man "you know , your lover Cole " I can feel my eye brows frow in confusion which starts turning the man's confusion into a mix of confusion and annoyance "don't play dumb I know your his mate" he yells with the frustration now in his voice. "Look I don't know what your going on about but I don't know any person named Cole" I declare trying to still sound calm but I can hear fear in my voice. "Bring the picture" the man yells as the spiky hair guy passes him a image "so your telling me you dont know this guy" he smirks as he shows me his evidence "you mean that random guy I run into" I ask him confused again "I've only met him at the cafe I got to once in a while" the man smirks "so you do know him" I can see his smirk has some annoyance in it by the way his eyes look " well I've met him but he's some stranger I met so what". Finally I can see his anger take hold as he stands up and kicks me in the stomach causing me to scream in pain at the blow to my fragile body. I couldn't help but wince in pain "you lying b***h. Take her to the back room" he growls before smirking "have fun boys" at those works I could tell something bad was about to happen so quickly I begin my struggle as some of them men started picking me up with evil smirks on their faces "this is gonna be fun" the only guy whispers "never had a blonde before" the other laughs under his breath. Soon I couldn't stop the tears as I started thrashing around screaming at the men kicking them so that I could try delay it while I try think up a plan but my brain was blank unable to think of anything at this point besides hoping and praying that someone would say me in time. With in seconds were in the room that was attached to the stage as they close the door leading to the stage. Soon they start yanking at my clothes exposing some of my bra but thankfully I could hold my pants up at the back by some miracle which only agitated the men and amused some of them "don't play hard to get" the man ripping at my shirt laughs. I muster all my siliva and spit in his face getting a inhuman growl as he covers my mouth so that I couldn't scream or yell any more. Thinking fast I bite hard into the man's hand as hard as I can causing him to with draw his hand hissing at the pain causing some shock amongst them , I spit out his blood in my mouth before giving them my death glare which I don't think anyone has really gotten before but I can see it shaking some of them "go to hell" I hiss as I spit another batch of his blood out of my mouth, the man finally gets up and with his unharmed hands punches my face 2 times causing me to almost lose consciousness. As two of the other men start coming forward they try to pry my pants off, their all stopped by a knocking at the door. The man I bit spits at me before heading for the door to open it "what" he yells annoyed "bring her on stage" a cold voice answers before closing the door again "dammit. b***h it looks like its your lucky day for now" he groans annoyed as he couldn't get revenge, not bothering to pick me up the man grabs me by my hair and starts dragging to the stage outside the door. Trying to make the pain less as I scream out I try using my legs and knees to follow with out them noticing as he drops my head with full force on the the wooden stage causing me to wince in pain as I feel something dripping down my head. The men all started walking off the stage giving me some time to myself, at furthur inspection I can see the stage is actually half a circle connected to the wall with the door and that now all the curtains are closed preventing anyone from seeing me on stage. After a few minutes the man comes back with his hand now bandaged with a smirk across his face "lets give them a show shall we" my eyes widen in fear as I try struggle but my head starts throbbing violently causing me to wince in pain instead as he drags me by my hair again till were right up against the head red and gold curtains. I look up as the man covers my mouth with his covered hand while I peek through the curtains noticing the big doors opening that lead into the large room. I'm shocked when I see its the guy from the picture and it's the same guy ive been meeting at the cafe. "What do you want" he asks as he takes his hands though his black hair which is styled to fall on his left while the other side looks shaved a bit. I watch as his longer hair on his left just falls by his eye even though it looks a bit messy. I try recalling his name but the annoying middle ages man beats me to it " I found something interesting Cole"I see him smirk as he watches Cole sniffing arou d for something and sit on a long chair while his men that look more like gangsters with large muscles stand behind the chair behind him watching all the men in suits closely. "Oh really I feel like ive heard this before" Cole graons not even looking towards the man and instead to the ceiling as he leans back "oh come one were all friends here why wont you even look at me" he smiles at Cole "I found something I know for sure that will get your attention this time" finally Cole looks towards the man with a cold annoyed stare. "The only thing you want is to gain business from me or to find a weakness and you still have the nerve to call me friend" I can see even from behind the curtains how annoyed Cole is getting , "fine fine I admit I can be difficult but I'm giving you one last chance to give up your group to me and I promise I will make your father proud and you can live your life in peace" the man smiles as he trys to come off friendly. " I have only been trying to stay friends with you cause of my fathers wishes before he passed but you still wish to take my fathers group and company from me shows that there was never a friendship to begin with good bye". Cole quickly gets up and starts to leave causing me to cry out but its replaced with only my muffled voice while the man holding me yanks at my hair again causing me to cry out another muffled cry. When I finally open my eyes again I see Cole has stopped as well as his men and his eyes are wide as he looks in my direction to the curtains before the middle aged man laughs loudly " leaving so soon" he smirks as he walks towards the curtains and grabbing them with his hands "you'll miss the show" he quickly yanks the curtains open revealing the very scared and sore me with this asshole holding me by my hair smirking at Cole. Coles eyes go animal like as his face turns furious as a inhuman growl enters the room from him "how dare you" he yells as the two men that came with him now go into fighting stances as they prepare to aim their attacks at someone "no how dare you" the middle ages man yells " I gave you so many chances and opportunitys and you rejected them all so I think you know what gonna happen next" he yells he faces me now."Ron , Greg" Cole yells quickly as the men start going at them. Slowly his appearnce starts changing as hair starts growing from all parts of his body , I can hear bones breaking and soon in his place stands a large dark brown wolf with a black nose marking and paws. I can feel my eyes widen but no scream come, soon his tackled down by Cole who also starts changing and with in seconds in to a large black jaguar growling and bearing his teeth, the wolf begins its attack and soon the two are sinking their claws and teeth into each other. I cant stop the tears as I watch them fight and again I'm reminded that the annoying guy is still here as he smirks and laughs pulling me by my hair to the back room again "lets have some fun while they fight" I try screaming again even though he is covering my mouth as more tears fall from fear and pain. Within centimetres of the door handle the man is knocked over leaving me to fall to the floor crying out in pain , I look up to see Cole ripping the mans head off as blood drips from his mouth as he faces me. I flinch in fear but the animal lover in me can't help but reach out to touch his fur ,but I'm stopped in my tracks as the wolf lunges onto Cole again as they tumble into the curtains causing it to break to the floor covering both of them as the attack each other. I try getting up to my feet but the ropes stop me from going any where , I look up to see that the room is full of people and wolfs going at the two guys Cole bought with him while Cole fights the wolf. I try again to move but no good so I'm forced to sit and watch the fighting and blood shed. Unable to watch animals being hurt any longer with blood flying around I close my eyes and drift into darkness. I'm woken up by sudden movement as I see one of Coles men with ginger hair taking me to the side behind one of the chairs as I hear the fighting still going on. I wince in pain as he trys setting me down gently "I'm sorry" he says panicked as he starts cutting the ropes off my hands and legs finally letting me move. I look to see how much the rops dug into me which looks and feels painful "stay here and we will be right back he assures as he rushes back to the other guy who was fending off wolves and guys so that he could move me to safety. I touch the sore spot of my head just to see blood on my hands which of course sends me into a panic cause now I would need to go to a doctor and I'm not particularly found of getting injections and the thought of operations scares me but this is enough to distract me long enough to see that the wolves and men are retreating along with the large wolf but Cole refuses to let him go as he starts ripping at the wolfs throat and digging his claws into its body making it howl in pain which makes me feel bad knowing that its a animal in pain but its quickly replaced with why should I feel anything for the man who did that all to me. Soon the wolf is no longer moving as Cole makes his way to me full of blood coming out of his mouth as well as some blood on his body. His face seems calm as he walks over but I can tell from his body language and ears that his is getting more and more worried the closer he gets to me until he is just in front of me swishing his tail in anticipation. I raise my hand causing him to shut his eyes closed not knowing what I'm about to do with my hand but his eyes shoot open surprised as I started stroking his face as I feel his silly smooth fur on my hands "thank you" I tell him as I wince in pain as I place my forehead on his. His eyes are full of wonder and confusion but quickly turn into worry as I collapse from the pain and exhaustion. "Quickly get her to the car and find me some clothes" I hear him yell as I black out.
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