Girl of his dreams

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***LUCAS'S POV** (A day before the encounter....) *** I woke up on a Thursday day morning, with my alarm blaring as I had a flight for Seattle today my clothes were already packed and ready to go My housekeeper who comes at this time was already used to seeing me half naked as she just sighed in amusement at my antics as I liked to get under her skin, she was an old beta who had been employed by my family for a long time but still, the closest thing I had to a mother, as my real one hardly cared, one of the reasons I moved out when I was 19 twelve years ago, she never comes to visit me unless it was about power, positions, and meeting that she would profit from, I was honestly doing all this to keep father's legacy going, as he was the only parent that cared about me though he passed away tragically, as I've done this for years still love my job regardless. I then felt a soft knock "Lucas your flight is by 9 am so you need to be there soon" my housekeeper Carol reminded me. "Thanks, Carol " I called as I wore my suit I would not have time to change since I would go straight to the meeting. One of our publication houses in Seattle was about to be opened and I needed to be there for the opening ceremony or else my mother would have a fit even though she would not be there. ************* The hours passed as I wanted it to go faster, three meetings and the last one added at the last minute had me tired and in need of a drink. I made my way into my penthouse suite with my assistant tasked for the Seattle visit in view, telling me that I had my remaining night cleared so I could rest. "I don't want to be disturbed", I told him as I made my way to the bathroom turning on the hot shower to relieve my day's stress. Wearing a casual button-up shirt and black slacks as I made my way to the bar to have a nice quiet drink hoping not to be disturbed by other wolves. I sat down at a private booth basking in the silence, as I looked up, I was met with a lady that walked in looking tired but still graceful in her steps Looking like the odd one out because most people here were dressed in killer designer clothes and flashy jewelry but she stood out as she was still in work clothes. Just what I needed she turned her face to survey the bar for a split second before turning back to order, and God, she had the most striking features I had ever come upon, I wanted to get close, so I did. Making my way to the stool right beside her as she immediately turned to me uttering the words that had me chuckling, God I'm sure she's pissed drunk for having the guts to say that to a stranger. She was so endearing, even though she just met me she was telling me about her fiancé and her job, and even though I had never met him, I wanted to punch him in the face because just lost a beautiful woman and f**k, her scent was... so f*****g addicting. She didn't even have to apologize for telling me her problems, but she did what was more shocking was her next works "Can you do me a favor?" the stunning omega asked "Do tell," I said "Can you sleep with me?" If anyone had said this I would have left in a heartbeat thinking she was like other omegas and betas, I just didn't know why I was so drawn to her, but I didn't immediately accept as I wanted her to be sober enough to be sure and that she wanted this as much as I did, wanting to give her ultimate pleasures that her ex would never give in a million years and so I accepted, I may or may not have given her the wrong name, well it wasn’t wrong, I just told her my name was luke instead of Lucas, It was crazy, a woman had never picked me up before it was always me going to them to offer s*x, but that alone was hot and what made it better is that she didn't know who I was. ****************** I woke up after having the most amazing night having the most ethereal-looking woman in my arms as I looked at her, her hair cascaded on the pillows as it covering half of her face, I had the urge to push it out to look at her features, her delicate long eyelashes making my wolf preening at her very essence like is what he had been waiting for, this omega, my omega, my fated. Light flutters now and then. I checked the time to see it at 6 am enough time for me to to the gym and come back before she woke up, I also need to get hangover pills for her. Making my way down I met my friend Eric Ryan, who was also the CFO of our company and a trusted one at that, he always got the job done and our company has never been at a loss a close friend and likewise an alpha like me. He was already on a treadmill as I joint bumping up the speed to meet his pace. "Hey Eric, good morning," "Xander! good morning" he breathed slowing down in the process, but then went silent as he looked at me skeptically "You look good for someone who looked like death yesterday," he said making me laugh, as he always did with his snarky replies. "Seem like you had a good night yesterday" Eric uttered as he pointed to my neck as it had a Hickey. "It's different" "Sure, it is" he eye-rolled "No dude I'm serious, it was...different" "Woah! did lover boy fall in love at first sight? what the hell did the Seattle breeze do to you?" "I can't tell you the details but I like her," "Wow, too soon, you just slept with her what if she just wants something from you" "No, I don't think so? she didn't even know me, I swear she was so ....... we clicked, though she was a little drunk I - "-Drunk!? Dude, you sure she would even remember you, are you sure that she didn't see it as a mistake?" Eric explained "And don't forget your mom wants you to get married soon" I then glared at him, making him stop "Sorry for bringing that up." We then stepped off the treadmill, to get bottles of water "Dude do you have hangover pills? I need some," " But you look fine" "Not for me" "Oh, your guest? Yeah, I do, but we have to go to my room" We then reached his floor and we stepped in his place to get the pills "Thanks, man." "No worries, and remember we need to be on the plane by 11 back to New York." "Sure," I uttered as I jogged to the elevator hoping she was still sleeping. I reached the room opening it to find it silent and empty. Fuck I uttered as I made my way to the bedroom to find the sheets turned, her scent faint, but not a body insight I wanted to at least get her number As I paced in the room I couldn't stop thinking about her but I had a flight to get to a job to do, a one-night can't take up my mind, can it? ************** I dead was wrong, it can, it's been weeks and I can't still get her in my mind at a point I felt I saw her everywhere, as I woke up to Mornings with a bulging hard-on. I'm going crazy, I must be, how can one night with a woman, make me crave her like this? I sat down in my office and turned on the swivel chair looking at everything and nothing as if I was in a trance. my friend Eric had been calling me for a while but I don't hear. "Dude! Hey we have a business meeting right now with the shareholders" he said to me "I'll be right there," I said as I grabbed my suit Jacket, buttoning it upon reaching the door, We made our way through the quiet hallway and I saw many people going to the waiting room "The interviews are today right?" I uttered, "Yeah for the secretarial position for me, you, and also the director of publication" Eric explained I hummed in approval as we made our way past the waiting room so many eyes widened as they saw us, it wasn't that common for us to take this route so it wasn't surprising to see their expressions as they stared As we passed, we still felt a lot of onlookers as we reached the glass offices where most meetings are held, but one was occupied for the interview, Curiously, glancing in as what I saw made me stop in my tracks. It's her, Alice, the woman that had appeared in his dreams these past weeks, I then made a beeline for the door before I even thought about it, startling the interviewers in the process as I came right in. She was still facing forward them but I knew she felt my presence as I spoke. Her eyes met mine as they widened in recognition making my inside jumble as I looked back at her I tried to feign ignorance so the interviewers will not catch what was going on, coming up with a blatant lie of me checking the interview out, as I tried asking her questions which she immediately answered even though she looked a little shocked at me being there, but she was intelligent and a fast thinker which left me all the more impressed. I immediately left as my mind was still pounding from seeing her. "Dude, what was that about?" Eric whispered. "I'll tell you later, "I said before we made our way to the other conference room for the meeting. ******************* Fuck I couldn't believe it, this has to be fate cause the woman I’d been yearning for, was right in my building I then called the head of employment to my office. Hearing a soft knock after some minutes, he looked a little shocked because I had never called him personally, "You called for me sir?" "Yes, the lady you interviewed today when I walked in" " yes, Alice Scott" "Affirmative Mr. Fisher, her, I was impressed by her fast thinking he said But I also want to hear from you what you thought about her during the interview," I asked not only wanting to put her for my selfish desires but to also see if she is worth the role. " she was a good candidate she answered the Question effortlessly and passed with reliable points, Sir " "Then I want her as my secretary " He looked a bit shocked but relieved that's all he had been called for "Consider it done sir". "You can leave now thank you," I said quietly. Hours past closing time, Eric immediately barged with an unreadable look on his face as he made his way to my desk "Typical Lucas Romano, still in his office by 9 pm, you need to live a little and get a girlfriend or something." "What do you want Eric?" I said chuckling. "Yeah, I heard from the employees that you wanted to change your secretary." "How did you hear that?" "The word goes around in this company and Mr. fisher's assistant is the office high-class gossip you see." "How do you know all this by the way Eric," I said raising an eyebrow at him. "Dude doesn't change the subject, you want to get a new secretary? we already had you prepared though." "No, I want her and no one else," "There a reason isn't there, because the way you barged into the interview, something was up" I could never hide something from him his senses were just too good, I know I couldn't keep it to myself for long so I just told him. "It's her." "Huh? oh" the realization that appeared on his face was priceless as his mouth was left open in a formed 'O' "H-how is that possible? This doesn't even make sense anymore, Man, did you do this? He asked "I wish, but I don't know, I swear Eric I just don't, but it has to mean something if I was able to see her again." And f**k, I couldn't wait to see her again
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