New life in the city

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Alice’s POV . . I woke up blinking my way through the warm room as the windows automatically opened to a blinding ray of light, to my shock, for a moment I froze trying to organize my thought of where I was, I leaned on the headboard to fully take in my surrounding I was not in my home, but a hotel room. I groggily stood up making my way to the bathroom to wash my face of any sleep, looking up from the sink I stared at my appearance completely awestruck by how disheveled I looked then, glancing to my neck to see red and purple bite make spread across my skin instantly bring me to last night rendezvous. I gasped almost falling as I remembered the dirty things I had uttered to a total stranger, weak in my knees from embarrassment, "f**k" I uttered grabbing my hair in a messy bundle As I remembered my Last night's doings. But oddly I didn't regret it as it left me satisfied and sated as I woke up, and the handsome stranger Luke was nice enough to put me in some clothes, and best of all didn't mark me like most alpha would have, but couldn't I find him anywhere as I made my way through the hotel grabbing my clothes that he dropped on one of the chairs. My phone then rang as I was on the hunt for my underwear finding them under the bed, but banging my bead in the process as I Instantly had risen to get my buzzing phone. "Wow," I uttered in pain as I rubbed the abused part of my skull, to see the caller’s identity to be my little sister Lily, hesitant to pick it up as I didn't know how to explain why I didn't come home last night. "Hi, baby I'm so sorry I didn't come home last night-" "Miss Hart? "A strange voice uttered stopping me in my tracks, "Yes, who's this?" "I'm calling from Saint Beatrice hospital; your sister was rushed in as she collapsed...... " My heart instantly plunged as the person I stopped hearing what the latter on the line said as my mind had already drifted to the worst, packing my belongings I hurriedly wore my pants and heels and ran out of the room, knowing I looked like a mess as to the guest I met at the hotel lobby, staring at me. I didn't care I just need to get back to my sister. Well, you've met me, I'm a mess, I'm Alice hart, a 26-year-old mess, in the span of 24hrs I've had so many experiences that even though I write it as a book no one would believe me, I was a weak person and with my secondary gender assigned as an omega, I wouldn't have survived these last few hours and with my parents being dead for 11 years now, I have been the one taking care of my 17-year-old sister Lily who has a weak heart and asthma attacks, sicknesses that seem minimal to normal people is a big burden to her, and she was also an omega like me. I know I looked like a crazy person crying in the cab right now, but I don't care, because if I lose her, I just don't know what I would do, as she is my sole anchor especially now, I've lost Nolan. Right. Nolan, a mess I don't want to think about right now, as I cleaned my tears, the main reason I didn't want to go home yesterday was for her not to see me like this. Stopping at the hospital I paid the cabman as I ran into the building not caring how stunned people were by my sudden entrance, as I rushed to the emergency ward, passing the bed to see her with an IV drip injected in her left hand as she busied herself with her phone. She looked up and smiled at me widely as she beaconed me over. I groggily tried to get my legs to move as I made my way to her bedside She looked pale nonetheless, I know she was trying to look strong for me because I always cry. "Hey sis," she said happily, "I'm sorry you had to come I told them not to call you." "What won't they call me? I'm guardian aren't I supposed to take care of you, what happened?" I asked as my lavender scent spiked up in worry about my sister's state. "It's nothing I just walked a bit too far today that's why" Not even a minute passed as an older lady came to Lily's bedside to give her, her belongings, Lily looked caught in headlights as she tried yielding eye contact with the lady. " Thank you." "No worries, anything I can do to help" the lady smiled She didn't look like a hospital staff so it made me curious to ask. "Yeah, if you don't mind me asking do you know my sister?" I asked inquisitively "Oh, she's a part-time worker at my cafe, the little omega suddenly collapsed as she tried picking up a box of the coffee mix" I turned back glaring at my sister as her face was turned down, knowing she had been caught. ********************** Making our way home to our house left which consisted of two bedrooms a living room dining area and a bathroom, it wasn't much but it was home, I removed my shoes and placed them on the rack as I hadn't said anything since the hospital, even in the cab as we made our way home. Lily looked anxious, as she should, seeing she just gave me a mini heart attack a few hours ago. I looked at my scrunchie I left on the living room coffee table and used It to pack my dark brunette hair up in a messy bun as I made me to the kitchen still not saying a word as she followed me like a puppy, Pouring cold water into a cup as I sat at the four-set dining chair, sighing after a sip of water with my head still banging from yesterday's drinking "Sit" I quietly uttered crossing my hands as a stared at her hunched form as her head we still down. My face crumbled a little, but still, put up a tough front to scold her "Lily," I said sternly "I know, I know I'm not supposed to do this work, but I wanted to," she explained sadly with tears spilling from her eyes "Why did you do It? why would you risk that? you know how your health is you know the situation, why would you-" I uttered, the remaining word stuck in my throat as it went dry. All I'd just been doing for the past few hours were crying and I was honestly sick of it. " Please, don't do that again, please Lily" "But I want to help, I've been seeing you struggle, it's not fair to you, and pays all my bills, you work so late at night just to look out for my future, that I may not even be alive to see-" "-don't ever say that!" I blurted, my body already shaking from what she just said "don't you ever say that "before I hurriedly stood up and ran to my room. Shutting the door but not locking it in case Lily needed something, After 40 minutes my door slowly opened to reveal Lily, her eyes red as if she just finished crying, I couldn't stay mad at her as I opened the door for her to come to lie down on my bed "You know I love you, right? And I can't help but get mad when you say things like that" "I know, I'm sorry for saying that" she sighed sadly "Alice, I love you so much and would never leave you," We lay across each other as we spilled our hearts out to each other, I traced her face drinking in Lily's beautiful features, gut turning a little as a dark thought came to me, what if I could never see her again? But I brushed it off. We stared at each other for a while before her eyes went to my neck, and her face turned into a sheepish smile "Hey sis, what’s on your neck, don't tell me Nolan did this, you guys are gross, you also had to wear his shirt time. But why does it smell weird-" She said as she made a fake disgusted face. My hand immediately flew to my neck Fuck I forgot about that for a moment "-Okay, times up," I cut in "I need to shower, please go warm up the bacon and eggs I'm starving," I said as I eagerly pushed her out of my room she still had a smug look on her face, "go take your medicine, you twerp " I said before I shut the door, breathing out. My thought now a little free made me think back to the stranger Luke, I couldn't help but think of him again as he consumed my mind momentarily, as took off my clothes I couldn't help but gasp as I was now looking at a full-length mirror in my room to see the bites littered ever, still not believing I had a one night stand, but It didn't feel like that, it felt like I was with a lover, stepping into the shower to wash up all of yesterday's activities away. But as I sat in my room the thought of Mr. Benjamin stormed in like a dark cloud as I turned sour, stopping halfway through combing the knots in my hair, Breaking my thought was my sister calling me to eat breakfast, I ate silently as I wondered what I should do, what do I don't have concrete evidence that he tried to molest me, what if they say I'm just a gold digger trying to vet him for his money, I don't want Lily to know about, it could spread and be on the news since he's such a high profiled figure. My thought swarmed to a point I didn't know my food had run cold until my sister snapped me out of it "Alice! Is something wrong?" she asked worriedly as her eyes searched mine. "Umm, Lily, what do you think about moving to another city?" I asked, after much thought and consideration, knowing I had nothing left for me in Seattle "That's awesome I'm tired of this place!" " thinking of us going to New York?" "s**t! Really?" "Language" I warned "I'm old enough already, are you serious were going to New York, what about Nolan? and your work? she listed excitedly," Honestly, I was tired of hearing that bastard's name but I had to smile in pretense not wanting to break the news to her. **************** Later that evening I called my friend Robin who stayed in New York if there was a place I could rent, miraculously an apartment just opened up right beside hers and I had her book for us as in the coming week we would be moving in, The following week, we were in New York, I decided to jump-start job hunting as my resume was stacked in my hands as I had one interview later in the afternoon, for a secretarial position, this was the last interview as I had been job searching for weeks, and living from pocket alone causes a dent because I still have to pay for Lily's medical fees and school, meaning I had to get this job. I made my way into the building, it was New York and one of the world's biggest high-profiled publishing house Any writer dreamed of getting their work published here as it was the best and most sorted out. I made my way through the entrance, my eyes widened in astonishment as to how lavish the interior of the building was but brushed it off as I had an interview to go to as there would be more time to admire the place later. Making my way to the 27th floor I saw a lot of people there, the room was filled with so many women who looked too fancied up to be here for an interview, the scents of their hairspray clogging the room up as we sat in a half-circle. The girls close to me giggled with themselves as I unintentionally listened in on their conversation as they were not doing a very good job at hiding it "Goodness, I hope they choose me, I heard the CEO is freaking hot" the blond girl who had her packed in a tight bun uttered "Girl, I have seen him, he is so hot! I would let him knot me any day" The red-haired declared making the blond swoon for a person she had never met. "Wow", I whispered, people, come into work for appearance? I then heard my name being called by a staff "Miss Alice Hart?" "Yes, that's me" I immediately stood up and followed the staff to the main interview room which was covered with glass so people outside could see me, but was soundproof so you can't be heard, opened the door to reveal just two people, who sat behind the desk with no expression as they just looked at me. I sat down, as questions were thrown at me but I was calm enough to answer both of them The door then opened and the two interviewers immediately stood up to show their respect it must be the boss, I thought "I just passed by to see how the interview was going," he uttered, that voice, and that familiar scent, I thought sounded very familiar I then turned my head to reveal the man with who I shared one-night escapades looking back me a playful expression as I saw a hint of recognition in his eyes as he stared me down like I was a meal to be eaten. "Mrs. Hart," he abruptly said, breaking me out of my speechless stupor "When tasked with a publication problem and your superior is not there to manage what do you do then?" he asked 'Breath Alice, you know this I told myself as I replied effortlessly, though I was breaking in sweat underneath my whole exterior with the urge for the scent to burst out from the sudden encounter. "I follow the organizational guide rule by solving it by myself especially when there is a publication error, I do it by the agreement of the contract set with the client. "I answered. "Hmm," he hummed as he made his leave without another word, but by the look of the two interviewers, they were impressed I just hoped that I would be chosen as I made my way out of the company but prayed, I wouldn't run into him.
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