Guys night

1512 Words
It was a Friday night and Lucas had already finished everything down at the office, making his way home to take a quick shower before heading out, He was meeting up with Eric and his only other Close friend and an alpha, Kenny who owned a bar on the east side of town, seeing it had been a long since they hung out with each other, even though the and Eric worked together, they just see themselves in-between breaks and work hours without much time to talk about everything. Kenny on the other hand was happily married to his childhood sweetheart Sarah, ahh love, something he always gagged about when Kenny was talking about Sarah and got all lovey-dovey his head stuck in a cloud somewhere, he always thought the feeling was too far-fetched and exaggerated but now that he has Alice, he feels something close to that, even more. He made his way to the curb of the bar parking it in front, he adjusted his hoodie to matching swear pants. Not wanting to dress up since it was a guy's night, and he was pretty seeing he would be at a private booth most of his time here. Even with his minimal effort in what he was wearing, heads turned as soon as he entered the bar, even with his scent kept at a minimum it still drew in a crowd as they were couple whispers and eyeing filled with lust but his concentration was on his dramatic friend Kenny who signaled enthusiastically, with Eric who laughed quietly behind his drink. "Yeah yeah, make everyone snap their neck because of you" Kenny continued as he ushered Lucas into one of the booths. And signaled one of the waiters to bring Lucas a drink, the perks of being the boss. "Hey man long time no see, " Kenny said bringing Lucas into a Handshake and hug which Lucas returned. "How's Sarah doing, is she still living with your ass?" Lucas snickered earning a light punch on his arm before he sat, but not without acknowledging Eric with a shake. The night came fast, and the drinks came after but that doesn't stop them from having fun and talking about anything to everything. "Dude" Lucas said I want to get Sarah that wine she loved on the last trip to Malta we had for her birthday, what was it called? Lucas asked inquisitively, "Sorry man she can't have wine" "Oh? is something wrong? Is it her heat?" "Oh, nothing," Kenny said quietly sipping his drink "it's just that…she having a baby!!" He shouted making Both Lucas and Eric’s eyes widen "s**t!? Congrats man" "Thank you, guys, I can't believe I'm about to be a dad" "I can't believe it also I feel sorry for the pup, " Eric snickered earning laughter as a fake hurt look from the father to be "Hey, I'm going to be an awesome dad" "Says the person who practically confessed to Sarah from the fifth floor of the University building with 'go out with me ' written with red paint on his cheat" Lucas added. Making them all laugh "Enough about me, what about you guys, any love interests?" At that moment a female wearing a short blue dress that hugged her curves, blond hair falling off her shoulders as she leaned seductively on the couch trying to catch Lucas's eyes, even spreading her scent he was not budging, but she didn't relent or back down. "Um hi, I saw you across the bar and wanted to ask if you'd like to join us. My friends like you" she said, hoping for an answer from Lucas "I'm sorry but I'm with my friends " "No worries we can join you alpha," the omega said persistently, at this point now knowing if this was being brave it was just shameless. "Sorry let me rephrase that, I'm not interested," he said sternly earning a disappointed look from the blond, her lips in a pout that protruded her overly colored red lips in disdain. Kenny just watched the confrontation in silence, as he turned to Eric who didn't seem to mind like they know something he didn't He then connected the dots as Eric signaled stealthy to Lucas, "Seriously!?? f**k Lucas you have someone don't you!? never thought I'd see the day, is it Monica?" "What? f**k no, you know she's my mom's posy and from that only it can never happen." "Thank God, Then who?" Kenny asked excitedly "Her name is Alice, Eric said exposing him immediately, verbally, there was nothing to hide, the name making Lucas smile in the process, giving him that lovesick look on his face. "Dude," Kenny said quietly as he observed how Lucas acted from the mention of his lover's name. "Tell me how you met" "No can't do, it’s a very explicit scenario" Eric suggested earning a jab to the knee "Ow!" "It wasn't planned but, we clicked should I say, but I've never met anyone like her, God you should see her Kenny she's so beautiful, kindhearted, and just an amazing being" "And now his secretary" "What!?" " yeah that kind of happened also" "Ok ok! from everything I've heard she sounds lovely" Kenny added "She is," Lucas immediately said going closer to nurse his drink you would love her when you meet her" now he was even planning of introducing her to his friends, most to say, Kenny was a little shocked yet so happy for his friend as he started in wonderment at Lucas demeanor as he spoke about Alice "Lucas, " "Yeah" "You have that whipped look in your eyes like you are in love" Knowing Lucas, he would have denied it right away but Lucas’s right was silent and in thought. The next word is unbelievable, "I think I am" Making the latter's eyes widen "I'm happy for you dude, " Kenny called, "finally one of my friends I out of the singles club " "Not so fast, not only me, what about this sucker beside me. He had a girlfriend also What?! This night just keeps getting better, the stoic uptight Eric, that's Amazing. "I think I do?", Eric said quietly Making Kenny confused "He kind of does, but she's busy a lot, and they don't spend enough time together " "But f**k, guys I think I'm f****d she's so amazing, fun to be with, and just, her, I miss her so much, " Eric said drowsily from the drink he just gulped Lucas had stopped for a while sticking to water as he wanted to sober up, looking at the time to be 11 pm he had to be at home knowing the important day of meeting Alice’s sister is tomorrow. Eric was passing out his phone in his hand ringing, Lucas picked it up to hope thing it was his designated driver only for it to be a call from 'Lily' "Hmm," Lucas hummed, he also was to meet someone named Lily tomorrow too. He had then mistakenly picked up the call which turned out to be a video and for a few seconds met with a face of a young omega, who looked spooked out of her mind before ending the call, she looked so familiar that Lucas had to ponder over it, where had he seen this face, the name Lily popped back to his thoughts as he remembered seeing a framed picture in his lover’s house and lo and behold the younger sister of his lover Lily, stayed, wearing a sundress in front of a picnic spread smiling widely her familiar eyes staring into the camera as wallpaper. Fuck, this was unexpected, he couldn't say anything to his drunk and passed-out friend, even if he was awake, this was not his business Was it? He didn't want to get involved, he took his friend out to the parking lot where the driver was. Putting him in the backseat before he sped off, then turning to his car as he rose down the streets of New York. The longer he thought about their entangled situation the more confused he got, How do they know each other, and wasn't Lily like 17? Does her sister know, he couldn't help but worry because no matter what scenario he envisioned, it didn't play out well, and Eric would feel so guilty knowing he was in a relationship with her. “s**t” Lucas muttered as he would ul to the reserved parking space in his building. One thing he was bad at was, hiring his emotions, he just hopes he was not too obvious tomorrow when he meets her. He quietly made his way to his penthouse, immediately washing up and going to sleep trying to cloud his thoughts with Alice only, but thinking about her, eventually made him think of her sister Fuck, he mumbled turning for a better position, to sleep trying to get rid of the biting thoughts on his mind on how he was going to keep calm on meeting her tomorrow.
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