Secrets of the tame hearts

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Lucas arrived at Alice’s apartment the next day with an excited yet heavy heart, he was ecstatic about being in his lover’s home non the less but the prospect of meeting Lily had his mind in a bit of a downturn, s**t what was he going to tell her or say, could he even tell Alice what he knew, it was not his relationship but from what he knew she was still young, The door had opened up to reveal Alice, with a stunning smile that had him melting, the sun illuminating her figure like a halo-like light, she was an angel in his eyes She had surged forward arms open in a hug as Lucas took her in warmly before caressing her nape up to a much-awaited kiss "Come in" she called kissing his lips again "I um brought this for you" he called over to her showing her the gift basket of overly expensive products that he had hidden behind, it probably won’t even cause a dent to him but it meant so much to her that he cared "Thank you so much" Sanger replied taking it to the counter He had looked around the cozy apartment seeing her pictures with Lily's, as they stood with wide smiles, they had some very old pictures with a couple behind them which he insinuated to be her parents He had then heard the door open to reveal Alice’s sister, Lily, as she came out of her room, spotting him and putting a smile on her face. as she came closer, he could see the nervous lines on her face the entire time they spoke as he was sure she was trying to figure if he had spilled the details to her sister "Hi you must be alpha Lucas," she said with a welcoming smile, that alone had the alpha blank with no way to bring the issue up, so for now he just let it go and get to know his omegas family, he would deal with that later ***** "So, how was it? meeting my sister and all" Alice had called they had finished dinner and Lily had gone out leaving them alone in the apartment," it was amazing Alice" he spoke making the omega preen with satisfaction that the dinner wasn't a failure "Well I'm glad you liked it alpha," she said without much thought, but that word alone made Lucas grab onto her thighs tighter, as alphas were known to be possessives with their omegas and she was not helping as it felt like physical torture Alice, he said with a low voice as he was already pent up. "Huh?" "You know what you're doing and you know I won't stop if I start" the alpha warned making the omega hot in excitement as her scent wafted around the room "f**k, as much as I'd love to take you here and now, I don't want to taint the eyes of your sister, so come home with me Alice" he insisted, with the omega reacting as she put her hand on his nape catching the small baby hair and pushing him forward for their lips to melt into a short kiss with much intent and longing "I'm sorry alpha, not tonight, I have to get work done" "I'm your boss miss Scott" he huffed earning a smile from her. "I know Mr. Romano, but when I'm done you can have me all over and over again," she whispered, "I'll put your word on that" he called before departing ****** Lucas had reached outside she had bid Alice goodbye but stopped short when he saw a figure leaning down the curb of the driveway, "Hi, Mr. Romano," Lily called nervously she had probably been waiting for him to come, he could tell he had been crying by her dark spots "You can call me Lucas, Lily" "About what you saw," she said cutting right through the chase, "about me and Eric," "So, it is true" he sighed, leaning against his car "Please don't tell him." Lily pleaded as he could smell her honey apricot scent turn sour by the second, as he heard her sniffle and fresh tears spilled "Lily, I don't want to be the bad guy here, but I think you should tell him, I don't want you to build a relationship on a lie, and he is a very understanding person, I thought a lot about it yesterday, and I wouldn't want him to find out from anyone else but you, imagine how to hurt you both would be" "I will tell him, I swear" she added "Alright then," he called patting her head before he went to the car door, "and if there's anything you need just tell me, Lily," he assured her, with omega nodding intensely as her respect grew for the alphas as she could see clearly why the alpha is so special to her sister "Bye Lucas" "You too miss Scott" he called with a smile before zooming off, but before he did, he couldn't help but get the looming feeling that he was being watched from somewhere but brushed it off as he sped off. ***** ROMANO FAMILY HOUSE*** "As you can see ma'am, I had followed him all day to see that he had gone to his secretary's house, and to my findings, he does have a s****l relationship with her," the private investigator said as he laid out the pictures he had taken for Vera Romano, who looked angered but not shocked a she turned over to Monica who sat by her side, eyes red with anger as she fisted her palm in annoyance "I told you," she called to Lucas’s mother who was still in disbelief," I can't believe that slut has bewitched my son after going to seduce a mated man, and worst of all her, lacking background" she called "Yes, madam, I also did a background check on her and saw that both her parents Richard and Aubrey Scott passed away a few years back," for some reason, the name seemed so familiar to Vera but she didn't dwell on it as her thoughts were interrupted by a fuming Monica. "Of course, she would use her sob story to get her hands all over him!" She screamed "Don't worry my dear, ill deal with this" Vera said as her thoughts trailed far to her evil scheme, her assured words made Monica glee up as she knew it was about to get worse if Vera came involved as she wouldn't stand her son dating a commoner that nothing to offer her materialistic ego and greed "She will regret going after my son, that I promise you." **** *** LILY'S ROOM*** Lily had paced back and forth for when she could be able to tell Eric about her lie, she had lied about her age most times but when he asked her about the date of her birthday, it just came out naturally and it was a few days away, and for a fact she knew he was planning something for her As the omega paced around her unsettled mind had caused her paranoid and sour scent to filter across the apartment, signaling Alice who had taken a whiff of her sisters' distress and came running And in a second Lily heard a soft knock on the door "Lily? Are you okay love?" Alice called worriedly, "can I come in?" She had then heard a faint 'yes' before opening the door and seeing her sister looking so distraught, her blue eyes widened with so much thought that Alice wondered what great burden an 18-year-old was carrying "Baby is something wrong what's the matter," Alice said immediately as she released calm pheromones in the air to help her sister "Sis, God I'm so stupid" she called as she embraced Alice’s open arms," I'm such a fool" "Can you tell me?" "Not yet, not until I make up my mind and come clean about this situation" "I know you want to tell me now, but I don't want you suffering with any burden in your heart, and my advice to you is to do what feels right to you, even if it may come out messy in an unexpected the end at least you tried." "Thank you so much, Alice, and honestly, I feel a little better after that, even if my inner demons are still fighting me to hold on to my confession, I want to try to be honest with that person." "That person huh" "He's special to me, but I won't tell you who it is yet, not until I'm ready" Alice had just wondered how her baby sister had grown so much that she thought so maturely about things and was proud she just hoped that she would do the right thing even if it was hard for her today now "Thank you, sis," Lily said breaking Alice’s train of thought, anytime, I just don't like seeing you so distressed, so call me when you need me, Alice had then left Lily to her vices and now Lily’s only challenge was how the f**k was she going to explain this to him?
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