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Alice's POV I stood on the street staring at the police insignia sign, that stood for hope and justice, whistles of sirens passing me by as I shivered, I didn't like being there, the last time I was, was to confront the hit-and-run driver who caused my parents accident, I remember that day clearly. My thoughts were cut short as I felt a hand entwined to mine, looking up to the new Lucas who met my eyes with an assuring gaze that says everything was going to be okay, as long as he was here I will be. We entered the station, departing as I was directed in for questioning, for my statements, it lasted for about an hour but I was in and out before I knew it, answering questions truthfully, even if it was uncomfortable, I had to do this to clear my name, and take Mr. Benjamin out of my life for good. I was done, leaving the room to see, Lucas in the corridors pacing around as he waited for my arrival, I could not help but smile at his behavior, this man cared for me. "Hey" I uttered, coming closer to him, as soon as sighted me, he held me in a comforting short embrace, the hug was everything at that moment, immediately downing my thoughts with warmth. "Hey, how was it," "It was alright, I answered all the questions and everything, so they told me to go, see if the story was in sync with yours, I think, seeing the way they reacted I think it was" "Hmm, I talked to one of the officers, with your statement and cut footage, he cannot claim otherwise, he would be out of your life for good "he assured me. "Hopefully, " I said without thinking much. "We need to be at the office, Lucas you have an important meeting, with the executives," I mentioned checking his schedule, but not. Reply looking up to see him looking at me, his eyes filled with wonder "You're so amazing, aren't you?" He called as we reached his Ferrari parked at the station "No, I'm, incredible" I joked as we ducked into the car, strapping in our seat belts, "wait I need to kiss you first” he muttered before grabbing me for a peck " "What was that for?” I said off-guard but smiling into the kiss anyway." "Hmm I just can kiss you at work he uttered licking my lips before he dove right in" "You do that every time Mr. Romano" I giggled giving him a little peck, now let's get going I said, as we got to the roads, zooming to the Romans building, *** Break time came, as I strutted to the cafeteria downstairs to get something for lunch, People in their workplace would complain about cafeteria food being tasteless ad such, but that was a different case with the Romans, it was amazing food served every day with its failure. I saw some of the staff huddled at one table, I decided to join them, not knowing what they were talking about, but as I reached closer, I knew immediately the subject of their conversation was, it was me. "I'm telling you the rumors are true, she had an affair with that man," jade one of the lower-level staff said "I don't think it is, Bailey the publication team manager countered, everyone, turning to her in interest" if she was do you think she would resume work so easily? That doesn't make sense, and I've talked to her a couple of times she doesn't seem like that" Baily insisted, earning agreeing nods from the crowd "What do you guys know huh, she could be a wolf in sheep's skin seeing the way she slept with. Man, for a position I'm sure our poor boss is next and she would try to use her pheromones on him" jade babbled on. One of the staff noticed me staring, my food still in my hand as I watched, the staff stealthy notified the others who looked stunned to see me there, but have was still oblivious as she continued, "let me see her face to face I'll tell her my mind, " she babbles not answering the others who tried to quiet jade down, but she didn't listen making me sigh in defeat before I spoke "Tell me what? I asked, " I'm pretty sure my unannounced appearance made her freeze, while the others looked guilty. "Miss Scott! She said wearily I didn't um know you were here!" She said, trying to feign ignorance as he looked around for help. But nothing she then made her way to me holding my hand, with a fake sympathetic look on her face "How are you Miss Scott, that’s awful what occurred, I heard you went to the police station" "Follow me," I said, without sparing her a second glance as we made our way to the exit staircase which is one of the few secluded places to talk since people hardly pass there. I whirled to her, with a stern look in my eyes "Alice I'm sorry you heard that I was just-" "-cut the bullshit jade, " I said abruptly, I'm sure my vile language scared the s**t out of her "Why are you talking about me to the staff, that way, what the hell jade!??" I said I was sick and tired of people walking all over me "You know what, you don't even deserve a breath from me, you are not worth it," I said before turning my back to her, about making my way out of the floor "You took my place!" She shouted stopping me in my tracks "What?" I said confused "I... I was supposed to be Mr. Romano's secretary, I was already given the job, but one day a new woman walks in, and no one had even heard of it, it's not that suspicious for one to think that, I'm sure everyone did too." "Is that why you hate me so much? And spread these disgusting rumors about me? Because I took your place? I got that job because I earned it, I don't care what you think, " I said to her, the look on her face showed her resolve breaking "You know what jade, you are a sad human being for talking bad about others, that attitude will get you nowhere." I said before leaving her, I could hear her crying as I made my way back to my office, but the word she told me were still ringing like an unwanted bee in my head, It was weird that I just came to the company just suddenly became the CEO’s personal Secretary, I made my way up to the President floor, docking into Lucas office, walking in with determination, "Hey angel, " he said still typing. Away on his laptop "Can we talk?" I said making my way to his desk before leaning on it and coming closer to him to communicate better. "Yes, what the matter is something wrong?" He said, with concern in his eyes, but I couldn't leave this aside I need to ask straight and forward. "Did you hire me because we slept together?" The silence was deafening "So, you did," I asked in disbelief, standing up from where I was leaning to make my way out of the office but felt a hand on my wrist stopping me. "Alice, wait, please hear me out", he said before sighing "as much as I liked you, I was impressed by your tenacity that day, at the interview, I didn't just do it on a whim, I check if you were up to standards," he confessed "You being with me is just a bonus, you are just a smart, amazing woman and I get to be with you," he said charming his way into my heart. "I don't feel good that you coerced my placement because you had feelings for me. It feels wrong and people are talking- "I had said too much already keeping quiet "What? who said something?" "Nothing I was just blabbing on, "I said not wanting to get anyone into trouble, as much as I disliked jade at that moment, I won't get her in trouble for petty things. "I hope you see that you are just more than my lover, you're you" "How are you so perfect I groaned, I can't even stay mad at you" "I'm happy you can't," he said pecking my forehead. Before hugging me. As much as I'm not happy about this, I didn't want to add it to the growing list which has ruined my day. But being here makes it better, "Am I still invited to meet your sister on Saturday?" Lucas asked with a devilish smirk on his face making me c***k. Smile "Yes, she is excited to meet you, but ill warn you she's a handful." Hmm, I don't care as long as she's your blood everything is alright with me. I couldn't help but feel delighted as my wolf felt elated with joy that my alpha wanted to meet my family My alpha, my wolf spoke We just stayed there in silence hugging each other, this was weird in a good way, I knew that I loved him even if we hadn't made it official or public, but this was getting pretty serious now that my sister was about to be pulled in the mix, but I had to try so that everything would be ok, I had confronted my biggest troubles, haven't I?
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