Stay with me

2023 Words
Alice went home even after Lucas begged her to stay, she could, it was a Workday tomorrow, and she was going to go, she didn't care what they thought of her, she knew she was innocent. As she reached her apartment door the main thing on her mind was how her sister would react to the news, she hadn't picked up anyone's call because of her jumbled thought. Today just passed by in a flash to her, since she wasn't herself all day, she remembered Lucas on the phone a lot making phone calls to people at every waking hour, and juggling being at her side, he really was the best, but right she needed her sister. With the jingle of her keys, she made her way into the apartment almost immediately hearing footsteps run from the room, sister Lily, wide eyes staring at her for some time, this wasn't supposed to be happening, she didn't want to bring Lily into this, not like this. "Lily he-" Before Alice could finish figuring out her sentence, Lily beat her to it, walking giant steps as she leaped and hugged Alice. "I'm sorry sis" "Lily it is ok" "No, it's not, I can't do anything for you right now, I feel so useless!" "Shh, it's ok" "Even right now, you are the one trying to comfort me," Lily said sniffing, her head still tucked in Alice’s shoulders "You're doing going more than enough Lily" she called as the two sisters mixed scents filled the air as they tried to comfort each other "You're supposed to lean on me and share these things with me, I had to go learn them from Robin, I know you think I'm still that little sick girl, but I'm more than that, let me share your troubles" Lily babbled on tears spilling uncontrollably, "Lily you're going to get sick, please stop" Alice begged, her eyes too equally wet. They stayed snuggled together on the sofa as the tv played in the background "So, what's going to happen tomorrow?" "I'm going to go back to work " "So soon? won't people talk?" "They would talk more if I'm not there anyway, it would just fuel that thought that I have an affair with that man," Alice said, as she couldn't help but shudder from the thought of him, from last she heard he was in prison and was going to put on trial for s****l harassment. Her thoughts were cut if by their knock on the door before it was opened, her dramatic friend Robin busted in, immediately going for a hug, "Alice," she said quietly hugging her as if her life depended on it, are you alright, in sorry "I had to tell Lily everything, she needed to know, I just could keep it any longer, I hope you understand," Robin explained quickly, with a pouty look in her eyes that Alice couldn't get mad if she tried. "It's ok, it would have come out sooner or later," she said quietly, I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Alice said quietly, head down in embarrassment, "Don't apologize, it is not and never was your fault" Robin did sternly, "are you going to work tomorrow?" "Yeah" "That's my girl, own it, you did nothing wrong, you are a victim, even if they don't know we know." "And that's all that matters to me, that you guys believe me," she said opening her. Arms to entertain both Rylie and Robin's hug. "This would be alright, I can fight through it." She then told them good night, claiming she was really tired, and went to her room. She looked around the room seeing nothing had been touched even the mascara she left on the table was still there, sighing heavily from exhaustion, she threw her bag on a small chair in her room, not caring here ore how it landed, she just wanted to lay down. Not even two minutes later, her phone started buzzing indicating a call from Lucas, he was so worried for her, if one didn't know the situation you would think he was the one involved in the scandal, not her. She picked up on the first ring not wanting to worry him, immediately hearing a sigh of relief from the other end "Baby are you ok?" "Hmm" Alice hummed quietly "Angel..." "No, no I'm not," Alice said not being able to hold back the tears, God she hated crying, but that was her weakness, she cried for everything even when she was little if Lily stubbed her toe or fell, she would be the one crying. There was silence on the phone, she could feel Lucas fumble where he was "I'm coming over," he announced, she could hear the bustling of clothes and a car key. "Lucas, you don't need to, she said, looking at the time, almost 10 pm, but she knew her word would have little or no effect at that point. 30 minutes in she heard the doorbell ring, sure that her sister was already asleep, she walked to the door opening it hastily meeting the eyes of the CEO, who didn't waste time taking her into a hug as soon as he fully canes into the apartment. Lucas said her hand unconsciously hold him tighter, in need of solace, even though we told him not to come, she was glad he did. They let go of each other, but not without Lucas giving a kiss, reassurance filled in it. She then led him to her room, on entering it made him smile, it felt just like how she would arrange, her smell wafting around the room. Doors closing, he immediately gave her a back hug, his lips tracing her neck and cheeks, almost like he was in search of her lips, which she obliged. They laid on her bed just enjoying each other's presence, her head on his chest and his chin on her head, holding her tightly, his eyes unconsciously wandered to the wall of her room, she could see traces of her touches to the space, the side desk had a picture of her and her sister, Lily who she spoke of, and them smiling, their identical blue eyes and features. When he saw that she already drifted off to sleep, he slowly rose from the bed tucking her in before, he left, seeing the time was already 1 am, but not without pecking her. He sped through the quiet city night, making his way home, at almost two am as he went straight to bed already missing her warmth, He drifted off to sleep hoping everything would be ok. ****** Alice's POV I walked into the Roman building the next day, feeling the stares linked to me as u just passes by enthusiastically, even greeting them in the process, I'm sure they felt embarrassed seeing that I caught them starting, in use they were wondering why I showed up today Even when most of the sites were taken down, a word of mouth is more powerful than any Media outlet, I reach the top floor, and no one was in sight as I calmly started my day, not wanting to think about anything. The elevator dinged opening it to reveal the last person, she would have thought to see, Monica, striding in effortlessly, but the other person who followed was what made my eyes widen in surprise, Mrs. Vera Romano, in all her full glory. They both stopped at my desk, Monica sizing me up with an amused look I couldn't read like there was something she knew and I didn't. "Good morning ma'am" I utter politely "Where is my son?" She asked suddenly ignoring my greeting "He has not come in today yet if you like to leave a message be happy to tell him," "Forget it, I'll be back soon" I was happy that she was about leaving I couldn't help but feel the stares Monica gave me. "Are you ok?" She confused me, not knowing what she was up to "What? I don't understand what you mean" "Oh, come on, I heard about your affair with a married man, I heard he was your former boss too, you must be shocked right, that you were caught," Monica uttered feigning sympathy, but her eyes said otherwise "That's not what -" "-what? You mean, she was the one that had a run-in with that man? Wow, girls, these days would do anything to get to this position even if it means sleeping with their boss and letting him know them." Lucas's mother said you better not think about looking at my son, with those greedy eyes and intention of yours" she muttered eyeing me with disdain I felt trapped, they just stood there judging me without knowing the whole truth. "Ma'am that's not really what happened" I couldn't take it anymore, I looked her dead straight in the eyes-catching her off guard "You even have the guts to look straight at me!?" she said raising her arms to slap me, Monica just stayed aside watching the show unfold, but her actions were stopped. Everyone was stunned by the intrusion, not hearing the elevator ding because of them being so into the confrontation. It was none other than Lucas who looked like he could kill at that moment as he stated to his mother, then to me. "Leave," he said, alarming me "Yes, son, take her out of this building, you need to check on who you employ these days" Vera uttered as she huffed boastfully. "I meant you," he said abruptly "What!?" She screeched in disbelief "You come in here, harassing my Secretary and you think I would take your side?" "Lucas, this is your mother-" Monica said trying to add in, I just stood there watching the spectacle happening "-You too Monica get out! He roared shouting at them both, "get out." They left, but not without Monica giving me a stare that could kill, leaving us alone, only the elevator ding could be heard He then dragged me to his office hugging me immediately, "I'm sorry about that," he utters Holding me tight like he was afraid I would run away "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you " "Don't say that, " "It's true even at the party I left you alone -" "-don't say that you have been there for me when I needed you, Lucas, that’s all I care about." He then let go caressing my hair as he went to his desk, sitting down on the table before beaconing for me, wanting to be close to me at all times. I saw how tired he looked, eye bags prominent, making me feel bad that he stayed with me all night. "I'm sorry I didn't come in early, I had to go to the police station to give my statement on the matter. Can you believe that sick man is pleading not guilty? That he was coerced into it, saying that you lead him with your scent" he stated " the nerve of that Fucker!" Lucas said angrily, at the moment the only feeling I could spring up was happiness, someone's anger for me like it was him that it happened to my wolf was happy on the inside that our alpha cared for us. I could only do what my mind instinctively wanted, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, I could feel that surprise on his lips before he relaxed and leaned into it "Thank you" I uttered my forehead against his, "I'm guessing they need a. Statement from me?" "You don't have to do it" "I want to, I just want to end this." I said confidently, four months ago I wouldn't have had the courage to do this, but I have someone with me, who believes me no matter what. That was everything to me. "You're really brave you know that? "He muttered caressing my face with his hands I love you but those words were not spoken as I hugged him again just enjoying the solace.
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