He wants me

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Alices POV I stared at Lucas as he leaned closer before he looked briefly at my lips and stare back at my eyes, I could smell the slight interest in his pheromones as he leaned in closer "Should I remind you then?" he said, looking at me with a smirk. I closed my eyes in anticipation of the kiss but felt nothing but the elevator bell ding, informing us that we had arrived at the said destination, the 28th floor. He just left me standing there as he snickered before he left the elevator to his office, his former secretary greeting me happily as she waited to give the remaining information and documents that I needed on the company, she a nice beta, two years older than me, we talked about as if we had been close for a while as she gushed about her fiancé, that she was getting married and mated in a week time and had to quickly round everything up, the word marriage still left a bitter taste in my mouth as I tried not to dwell on it. I then heard the intercom ring as I heard the CEO's voice "miss Scott? I need you in my office right now, please." "On my way sir," I said as my feet got jittery, the former secretary Stephanie looking at me with an amused expression as she tried to assure me and calm, my nerves, "Don't worry, as cold as he looks, he is the kindest person I have ever worked for, he doesn't look down on people for their status, just get the job done well, I messed up a bit at the beginning as well, it's shocking he learned your name that fast, he must have been impressed with your interview" she smiled before she made her leave for the day, leaving me at the door of the CEO majorly regretting my life decisions, I couldn't help the jittery feeling in my belly as I knocked. Entering inside I was surprised to see that it was just a clean modern sophisticated design that fit his personality well, I strutted my way to his desk with confidence, I was here for work, and as Stephanie said I have to do my job well. "Mr. Romano, you called for me?" I said keeping a stoic face, "Yes, I need you to shift my meeting from 11 to 2 pm I have an engagement I need to be at," "Okay, sir, I'll do that, so I'll see you back at the office at 1;30 sharp?" I asked as I replaced his schedule on the company's assigned tablet Stephanie had handed to me, but I didn't get a reply to my question, only to look up and find him staring back at me. "Do you need something, sir?" I inquired as the alpha stared me down "You." "What?" My heart skipped a beat. "I need you to come with me to the event, that's what you are assigned for," he explained clearing my foolish thoughts away. "Yes, sir, I'll be coming with you then." We went outside where a black BMW, was waiting as he opened the door. the driver also looked confused so was I, as I heard him clear his throat, looking at me with an expectant gaze 'oh', he opened the door for me to get in, but I was in the front passenger seat, he then his way to the other side jogging with each step, he opened the driver's seat, making his driver's eyes widen in surprise. "But sir, " "Take the afternoon off Jeffry, you deserve it" he called to his beta driver before speeding off with me in toll, my mind was racing pretty much as fast as the car as I had so many questions, where are we going? what was that he did in the elevator? is he pulling my legs or something? I asked myself, he stopped as we reached a red light, and now nothing was distracting him from looking at me, I tried busing myself with the tablet, "Why didn't you say anything that day? you just suddenly left." I turned to him immediately in shock. "I had a family emergency, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," " Thank God, I thought I did something stupid to make you run away like that," "No, you were a gentleman, you never misbehaved with me and only did what I told you to do," I said as looked outside the window at passersby hiding my face that already turned red, his next word shocking me. "I know this may sound crazy but I missed you," Lucas said as the lights turned green He sped up before I could reply. He had a place to go to, it was the foundation that belonged to his father who helps less privileged kids who were into arts and writing with materials and free scholarships, I was in awe of how he interacted with the children and teens asking them their problems and if they had any trouble, we bid them goodbyes, with the time of the meeting already drawing close, We arrived back at the company, and as he revered into the underground parking, the car was silent, I turned to see him staring intently at me and then at my lips. Is he bluffing like last time? I thought, but he wasn't, leaning lower to catch my lips in a searing kiss that caught me off guard but didn't stop me from reciprocating, my body just reacted like it had known these pillowy lips forever, I immediately caught myself I retreated searching his eyes, trying to see what he was thinking, but I just saw warm orbs stare back at me before smiling and settling back down on his seat before he breathed. "Go out with me, he uttered, making me turn, whipping my head so quickly in disbelief "You don't even know me...you didn't even tell me your real name” I countered, not knowing if I was trying to talk sense into him or me "I'm worry about that, but could I get to know you more, so what do you say?" "I-I'll let you know, I have to think about it," I said quietly, still trying to reason what made him take so much interest in me, is he trying to play me? I didn't want to think about it so I quickly got out of the car and made our way to the elevator. We arrived perfectly on time for the meeting, but my mind was still on what occurred earlier on, my thought was so many I didn't even notice the time fly by as I packed up my things to go home Lucas then made his way to my desk "I can take you home, Miss Scott." "Mr. Romano, I prefer you don't do that, I don't want rumors to start sir, and I prefer to go alone," I said abruptly as he looked at me and then let out a small smile, "What about my question this morning Alice?" he then changed his tone to a cooler manner as he leaned on my desk, his hair falling to his eyes as he stared me down I was already at the elevator, not knowing how to answer, so I did what I thought was the best option, I closed the elevator doors, leaving his question unanswered, but I didn't miss the small laugh he let out as I closed the doors. Fuck, how can someone be that handsome and so damn frustrating, this was my first day and my heart should have flipped over 10 times because of Lucas and his damn seductive pheromones *************** I reached my apartment to see Lily doing her homework as Robin helped in making dinner since she was here a lot, "Welcome back sis" Lily called out before she went back to her assignment "Welcome back hubby" Robin playfully said "Awn my wifey, making something for me?" she made amazing pasta, and already had my mouth watering, During dinner I could tell she noticed the troubled look on my face throughout dinner, she followed me to my room when we finished eating. We laid down on my bed as we cuddled, talking about how our day went and everything "Tell me what going on Alice, seriously, how was your first day?" "Different 'Hmm, really how? did Lucas say anything," there was a little silence before I answered honestly "He kissed me," the word immediately made Robin shoot up from her lying position as she stared at me wide-eyed "No way, what did he say?" "He asked me to go out with him" "Alice, that's amazing it means he's actually into you" " you're forgetting the most important thing, he's my boss" "That's true, but you guys met before you got employed or even before you knew who he was even though it wasn't the first date and you f****d right away" "Robin" "Sorry," she chuckled as I eye-rolled "That won't stop the rumors, you know how people are," "Just for a second forget about what people will think, what do you want?" "i-i don't know him that well, but he's nice, I like him if I'm being honest, and I just got put a relationship with another alpha, what if they are the same," I said "I don't think you should use that to judge, I think you should accept him, call me a crazy b***h, or whatever but after what you went through you deserve happiness baby." *************** I made my way into the building at 9 o clock sharp a week had passed after his confession, and I still had not given him a reply, dodging him every time we were alone, Passing by my colleagues as I greeted them, but stopped as I saw two staff right in front of his office which was also near my desk, making me overhear their conversation "So that's her! wow she's really beautiful," Mary, the PR team leader said to her assistant Heather "I thought it wasn't true, but Mr. Lucas is going to get married" "Wow I didn't even know he had a fiancé" "I told you he did, I saw her the last time she came from her trip from filming, she is a beautiful omega, I can't believe he's marrying one of the world-famous models" Shock, was the only thing I could feel as my hand stopped in its tracks from typing, I couldn't help feeling lost by the revelation, he was engaged, yet he wanted to go out with me, he said he liked me. I had not even accepted or even been on a date with him but I already felt hollow I couldn't believe it, did I just get played again?
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