Fair enough

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Alice was still stuck in her seat, from hearing those words uttered by her coworkers She couldn't believe it, was the alpha playing her, she wanted to find out for herself, making her way into his office intentionally not knocking. She opened the door to see, the strange woman, touching Lucas's face, but as the door opened, she retreated smiling at Alice. She was one of the most gorgeous people Alice had ever seen, her blue mini dress reaching her thighs as they hugged her curves elegantly, with the chest area opened to leave her perky breast, her long Bob hair parted to the side, as her heeled pumps did her justice, her aura spoke dominance and confidence as one could tell she was a dominant omega, as she made her way to Alice who was still stuck at the door, trying to make sense of she saw. "So, you're the new secretary, nice to meet you I'm Monica Stone, she called out before taking a whiff of Alice’s scent that wafted in the air, her face changing in the realization that Alice was an omega, “I'll be seeing more of you in the future." Alice couldn't even fake a smile at that moment, but the model didn't seem to notice as she made her leave, leaving them in silence "Alice I -" "Sir Romano you have a meeting with, the publication team for the press conference for the new book release," Alice said quickly, interrupting the alpha by trying to bypass what had occurred, not wanting to be left in the room alone with the alpha. Leaving his office immediately without turning back, she made herself scarce for the day, not wanting to be seen by him, still not knowing how she felt about the encounter. ********** After closing time, she walked on the streets, looking for a cab, but couldn't find any, nothing was on her side today. Making it worse, a heavy shower of rain started pouring leaving her soaked, tired and sad, suddenly a black-tinted car stopped in front of her for her to be the person she had been avoiding all day in the driver's seat. "Get, In," Lucas said the alpha muttered "I rather not," she said rudely as she stared him down before she continued walking, only for her to feel a hand drag her back. "I need to talk to you, Alice!" "There is nothing to talk about, you made that clear in your office today." "I swear Alice it's not what it looks like" "You know I wanted to give you a chance, I thought you were sincere for a Second," she laughed bitterly as they were still getting soaked under the rain, " but you have an omega and you are getting married." "Alice listen to me" "I'm so stupid, opening my heart to a jerk after I got hurt, I thought you -" He then grabbed her into a kiss, and she melted in it before pushing him away "Are you crazy! I'm not like that, I can't date a taken man!" "That's what I've been trying to tell you, I'm not getting married!" He shouted through the pouring shower Making Alice stop talking. ***************** They sat in his car, putting the heater up to warm them up as they stayed in an empty parking lot to wait for the rain to can down "Explain." Alice immediately said "She is not my fiancé, but someone my mother wants me to marry and be my mate" "Isn't that the same thing?" she asked sighing. "No, it's not, I feel nothing for her, my mother just wants it for her selfish gain, to get an alliance with Monica's family business, and her chance to get the connection of a first-generation pure wolf on the family tree" "Then why did you ask me out if you know it was all not going to work out?" "Believe me, Alice, when I say I like you, I do " the alpha urged on "Her and I will never happen, I've told my mother a million times," he sighed feeling defeated as he held on to the staring wheel, "I hope you can believe me." Alice was silent, she was in thought a part of her thought rationally about the big Cons of this relationship, but a part of her wanted something more with him, she did not want to be hurt again, so she took the side that she believed was the best for her. "I believe you," this word made him turn so fast Alice herself couldn't believe she was doing this, but she wanted to be happy and for now, he made her feel that way, she immediately leaped to kiss him, catching him off guard. He immediately reciprocated as the kiss got hot and heavy, with clashing for teeth and tongue in the mix as they urged to be closer. Before Alice knew it, she was picked up and turned over to the driver's seat, on his lap continuing their ministrations, it got more intense as they wanted more, to touch each other and feel each other, till they were consumed with only themselves, "I want you," he whispered as he gripped her tights making her whimper as she got closer. He raised her skirt to the thigh, to be able to feel her skin, she relaxed feeling the bulge in His pants as it was directly under her hole making her shiver in delight. The car was a little bit snug, but they didn't care they just wanted to be closer He traced his hands in between her legs as he reached her lace panties shifting them to the side as he felt how wet she was, "f**k I need more" she breathed, searching for his lips, he returned them with ease as he traced kisses and bites down her neck. using the roof of the car as an anchor, she undid his pants and lined them up to her hole, sinking into it as they both sighed in unison, from the entry, Almost immediately he started thrusting in a passionate rhythm, leaving her inside hot, moaning in utmost pleasure at how good she felt, their breaths mingling as they kissed from time to time. She clutched his hair, bringing him to an intense kiss this time raw from pleasure as they were feral at this point. "f**k, that's it, f**k!" "Louder, I want to hear your moans," he said as he pushed her hair from her face to look at her wrecked form. "f**k I'm coming! I'm, f**k!" "That's it, baby keeps going," Lucas said encouragingly, as he slammed into her making Alice choke on her next words. Her body convulsed, and she felt an o****m slam in, clutching his neck, as they both came, he had to hold her thighs so hard they could be bruising. Hard breathing could be heard as he covered the mirrors in mist from their body heat, with the mixed scent of Alice and Lucas's pheromones in the small space. Her head was still on his head and his on Alice’s chest, they held on to each other. Alice couldn't believe, that she just did something out of her character again, from the one-night stand and now car s*x, she just doesn't know, but she feels so free with Lucas and she could do what she wants. Nolan, always told her down, ordering her around, from how she should tie her hair or she was moaning too loud, and always giving her discouraged looks, as he had judged her for everything wanting her to be perfect for him. But with Lucas, she could be her authentic self. She couldn't help her beat faster at every passing moment she took in his comforting scent, f**k, what was he doing to her? ***** “beautiful." Lucas muttered, breaking Alice from her thoughts as he leaned in for a kiss, this kiss was not rushed, it was a quiet intimate one you give to a lover, their heads leaned against each other as he uttered a few words kissing her in between sentences," f**k, go on a date with me this weekend?" "Sir, I" "Call me Lucas," "You know I can't do that, people will talk" "Then you can call me that outside work, or do you prefer baby?" At this point the word 'baby' was their inside joke, she giggled before shifting back to her seat and arranging her dress shirt and skirt. But Lucas didn't relent still wanting to be close to her and took the alternative of holding her hand, making her look up and smile with glee. "I want to show you off, that I'm going out with this wonderful woman to the world, and that you are mine" he uttered with his eyes turning dark as his possessive alpha nature was showing "You know we can't do that, I don't want people to talk, especially since you are my boss" Alice explained. Making Lucas turn quiet I thought "Then how about dinner at my place? Isn't that better, just until you are okay with going public" he suggested earning him a smile from her that had his heart doing flips. "That would be amazing, but can we make it Sunday, I have to take my sister in for a check-up. "Is she alright?" he asked worriedly, making Alice coo at how concerned he looked, but she didn't want to spill all her details to him since this relationship was just new. "Oh, just normal check-up routine, she Isn't feeling too good," she felt guilty for not saying everything, but they were starting, and wanting to take this relationship slowly, she would tell him along the way. They reached her apartment, which Lucas still didn't want to be apart from. She unclasped her seat belt, reaching to open the door, but was automatically locked. "Lucas, what are you doing?" she giggled "Kiss me first, before I let you go." She didn't hesitate as she leaned in for a kiss, leaving him happy as he leaned, in for another, and another "Okay, Lucas I'll see you tomorrow." "Let me pick you up?" "Don't push it," Alice warned the alpha playfully "Yes ma'am" made her laugh before exiting the car "Good night Mr. Romano" She waved as he left the street's pavement, turning back to see her sisters Lily's eyes wide, mouthing gaping back at Alice. "What the actual f**k!" Lily exclaimed. Shit, how was she going to explain to Lily? ********** They made their way into the building with Lily behind Alice repeatedly mumbling "Holy s**t! holy s**t!" "Language'" Alice warned as she turned the keys opening up their apartment. "Holy s**t, you're cheating on Nolan? Alice that cold, I didn't expect that from you" "No, Lily it's not what it looks like." "What!? I saw you making out with another dude who Is ', News flash' not Nolan." "I can't believe, you are supposed to get married I -" "- We broke up!" "What?" "We broke up, days before we left Seattle! God Lily, I didn't want you to find it this way I know you liked him." "No, I didn't" "Huh?" OK, now Alice was confused. "He was a controlling asshole, and I hated his guts, but since you loved him and was too blind to see from the perspective of a teenager, I decided it was best I left you to your happiness," Lily confessed "But what happened why did you break up?" "I don't know, he broke up with me over the phone." Alice lied as she looked anywhere else knowing her sister may see right through her lie, she didn't even know how to break it out that Nolan cheated on her "What?! That douchebag! Sis, I'm so sorry." "It's alright, I try not to think about it, I mean it's been almost two months since I had to move on." "I know it's too soon to ask but who was that with you outside?" "Um, someone I'm seeing, and he may technically be my boss" "No s**t! but are you happy " "I am, I think." "Then I give you my blessing." Sometimes Alice wondered how her sister's mind worked, she acted like she was older than Alice and thought more rationally, and more than her age. Lily stood up making her way to the fridge, to put in the fruits she had bought before meeting Alice outside. "I told you not to go out without your jacket," Alice nagged, "it's cold outside" "Yeah, yeah, and sis I didn't want to tell you this, but you smell heavily of that alpha and your clothes looked like you've been in a fight." Making Alice turn crimson as she rushed to her room to freshen up before dinner. She came back out to the dining room to see everything oddly served perfectly, earning Lily an impressed but skeptical Look. "What is it?" Alice asked "What?! You haven't even touched your food yet!" "You have the look on your face, something is on your mind, tell me," Alice said, not buying her goody two-shoe act. "It's summer break in a week and I want to start working" "Lily we've talked about this," "Please Alice I'm turning 19 soon and I want to help out, I've also been taking my medicine regularly and I feel very healthy, we have a check-up in the next few days, so you can ask the doctor how I look," Lily said confidently. "And where do you want to work?" Alices' question made her eyes light up. "Since I'm already experienced in making coffee, there is a coffee shop like three blocks away from our house, it’s close, I can always come home and I have your number with me at all times." Alice sighed, she knows she couldn't keep her sister trapped forever, and the doctor encouraged mobile activities to keep her stamina up "OK, you can do it." "What was that?" her eyes widened as she begged Alice to repeat her sentence. "OK, but any Thing goes wrong you call me alright?" "Thank you, Alice!" Lily leaped and hugged her tightly "I love you, Sis." "I love you too, now let's eat, the food is going to go cold. Alice couldn't, even wish for anything, now that her evening just got a lot better, she sorted out the misunderstanding with Lucas and her sister is happy and smiling, she just could not wait for their date
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