Dark jealousy

2048 Words
Lily's POV . . My thought consumed me the entire week as Saturday drew near, it hit me harder when I saw Alice's dress that night she dressed for the event looking so beautiful and excited to go, with her alpha, I wanted that too, I knew I couldn't show up not tell him about my secret or Alice being related to me, but I couldn't help but feel bad and miss him, I hadn't seen him all week and with me lying of being out of town, I couldn't help it. But I need to see him. I then made up my mind that I was going to see him tomorrow, it being Sunday I'm sure he wouldn't be busy. I then messaged him, to come to the private park tomorrow, wanting to talk to him and tell him everything, I was ready to, I think. Alice didn't return the entire night leaving me to myself on a Sunday morning, waking up early to make a picnic spread, knowing a few things he liked, looking at the time being close to 10 am I made my way out of the apartment but not without leaving Robin with some of the sandwiches, I made. Entering the park I found a secluded area behind a huge tree with amazing shade, few couples and families were around for their Sunday brunch but were very far from the spot I chose making it hidden, I then received a phone call, identified to be the person consuming my thought at that moment, Eric, smiling unconsciously as I picked the call to hear his soothing voice and his ever-alluring scent. "Lily?" "Hey, are you here?" "Yeah I'm in the park already but I can't see you, "He uttered, I had a feeling why he couldn't was, because of the big oak that covered me and the brunch spread on the floor, I slowly got up arranging my yellow sundress and wore my sandals, the cool breeze pushing my hair as I moved away from the tree to signal him where I was, he immediately recognized me waving back with so much enthusiasm, he made his way to me, not yet still seeing the surprise spread hidden behind the tree. "Surprise!" I beamed waving my hands in the air in excitement as he just looked back at me with wonder and the fondest glint in his eyes, "Ry, what's all this," he said smiling "I just missed you so much," I said bending down to open the small containers, not noticing he had already moved closer to me "I also wanted to make it up to" I was cut short, by Eric moving me into a searing kiss, "stop talking" he uttered kissing me again, "I missed you all week, you have no idea" he mumbled sighing into the kiss before moving to my neck to drop another kiss, must be his reflexes for wanting to scent me Making me hum as I allowed his ministrations, stopping myself as I remembered where we were, pretty sure I saw a reverend sister pass up by making a sign of the cross as she placed at us making me giggle away from the kiss "What's wrong," Eric asked me, pinning my hair the wind carried behind my ears, just staring at me like he was trying to capture my face in his brain or map it out. "Nothing, let's eat yeah?" "Oh my God, this is so good! Eric said as he took a bite out of his sandwich l. "I'm glad you like it, " this was it this was the moment I can tell him, everything is going smoothly and quietly, I just have to - Babe are you ok? Eric asked me, with a look of concern, as I blanked out for a second, my brain then came on catching the word he just spoke, babe? He just called me babe, already making me melt with the gesture. I shook my head from any thought trying to stop me from saying the truth, this was it. "Eric, um I need to tell you something " The devil must hate me, being at that moment his phone decided to ring, taking his attention from me, he then turned it off and faced me to listen to what I had to say, "I'm sorry about that, you were saying?" Not even a second passed, his phone blaring up again, cutting us off again "It's ok you can answer is t, it could be important" I whispered, assuring him. "I'm sorry" he muttered before picking up, "This better be good to be calling me on my day off Francis, " he mumbled, there was a deafening silence as he listened in on the call leaving me with my thoughts as I idly picked on a grape "What!" he screeched standing up immediately shocking me, as I looked up to see him in all blown panic, "What media outlet put it out? He said sternly to the person on the phone "f**k, " he uttered combing his hands through his hair in disbelief, "take it down now" he snarled before he cut the call. Maybe this Isn't the right time for this I thought, as Eric looked like he was already in crisis I didn't want to make it worse. "Is something wrong?" I asked concerned, "It’s about my friend, Lucas, his girlfriend was involved in a scandal today, the news was just up this morning" shocking me, wait... Lucas isn't Alice's.... no. His phone immediately blared up, him immediately picking it up he moved to the side to receive the call "Updates Francis..." he said, I immediately took out my phone, opening it up to see sites and news outlets, with the topic that left a bad taste in my mouth, immediately sending the link to my sister and a message to her, to see if it was true, and who the hell was in that picture with her. Any fool with eyes would see that it was not a consented affair. As it looked forced I looked up to see Eric headed back my way, looking a little down, "I'm so sorry Ry, but we have to cut this date off, I have an emergency "he utters I did too, but I just nodded in understanding as I immediately packed up the food, my mind on my sister's well-being as I felt weak, What did she do to deserve this, Alice is the kindest soul one would ever meet, and now the media is slandering her, that she is having an affair with a mated man, why is this happening to her, my thoughts were all jumbled as my sister still hasn't picked up her calls, I don't even notice Eric pulling up the curb if my apartment building until he called my name ".... Lily? " "Yeah, sorry I was just thinking, I hope your friend is ok," I said trying to feign a smile "I hope so too, I'm sorry I'll make it up to you, "he said, pecking me multiple times before I slipped out of the car, picnic basket in hand as I hurriedly made my way to the apartment, making a beeline straight home, but no one was there, still untouched as I left it this morning, I paced around the apartment calling her but no answer, tears flowing down my eyes as I couldn't stop it, The door rang, and I immediately raced to the door, not caring how I looked puffed up and tears all over, opening it up to reveal Robin who looked as shaken as me, "Has she come back yet?" Robin asked her voice cracking a bit I couldn't even talk but only shake my head Robin sighs hugging me trying to comfort me or herself I didn't know. "That sick man is pushing it, Robin uttered as she sat on the couch, "why can he just leave her alone," she continued, making me wonder who she was talking about "Who?" I said suddenly, breaking my silent streak for over an hour, "Mr. Benjamin of course" she blurted out looking like a deer caught in headlights after that "What do you mean?" "Nothing," she said avoiding eye contact with me "Please Robin I need to understand, what going on" I begged She looked unsure, but after a moment, a look of resolve replaced her unsure frame "Oh, I'll tell you." ****** Monica's POV Right from the start I knew, I knew he would be mine, we had known each other since kindergarten, and my parents and Lucas were always so close, from a young age they had drilled in me that, this man was it for me, and I agreed wholeheartedly, I've been in love with him for 15 years but he never looked at me that way, the way he looked at her. Alice. I had a feeling since that day, I met her in his office, I didn't feel comfortable, how can that low life think that she can have Lucas to herself, my suspicions were confirmed, at the annual party, I saw how he gazed at her, touch her unconsciously even when everyone stared, he looked proud to be with her. Then what about me, am I just trash that has been in love with you for 15 years? I nursed my drink while I stared at them talking to Eric, Lucas's friend and Someone who dislike me for no apparent reason, just because I slapped his secretary for running into me a few years back, he thinks he has the right to be angry with me. They were conversing when another man showed up, I almost gave up on my gawking, but what caught my eyes was his secretary's reaction to the man, her eyes widened in shock leaving me with a smirk, of the turnout, she then vehemently excused herself leaving Lucas with the unknown man in his 40's. That was my cue. I thought as I made my way to Lucas in all of his statuesque glory, I wanted him. I immediately linked hands with him, cutting off the man who wanted to make a conversation, who left without much argument, seeming his mind was somewhere else. I then turned to Lucas to start a Conversation but his expression seemed annoyed, I reached up to him to touch his face, but he avoided my touch like my skin burns if it touched his, making my heart drop to my stomach "I'm sorry Monica but I need to go" he uttered not even giving me another glance before he fled. Today I won't back down, I needed to speak with him, following his footsteps as he ducked into the hallway, I lost track of him, I then made my way down the hall where I heard a struggle and a cry Let me go! I heard before a wicked chuckle turning the corner to see Lucas's secretary trapped in between the familiar alpha, I didn't feel bad for her I felt good, that she was getting a taste of her own medicine, taking up my phone to take several pictures of them, before I heard footsteps behind me, it was Lucas who looked so angry staring at the scene unfolding, oh if looks could kill, his overpowering scent was already fuming up the room in anger. I'm sure at that moment he didn't even spare me a glance as he rushed to the scene, doing something I never thought he would do, punching the man straight in the face so many times. The secretary was shouting for him to stop, which he obeyed immediately leading her outside, I couldn't help but follow, still hiding in the shadows. I closed up to the scene of him kissing her so passionately, my breath hitched as a tear ran down my face. That woman had what I wanted for so long, I couldn't help but feel betrayed and heartbroken, what does she have that I don't? I was still standing in shock and thought before my mind registered that they had sped off in his car. I can't stand this, I had to do something, if I can't have him., No one will.
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