An unlikely meeting

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Alice's POV; Saturday came and so did Lily's monthly check-up, with the doctor examining her, and telling us the news that she was good to go, it lifted a heavyweight over me, I was pretty certain it was our parents helping us out, everything was going smoothly, that one would be so skeptical about how a day would go so perfect. We made our way home, I suggested stopping at the coffee shop where she was going to work named 'dream " entering inside it was a large shop that had a nice welcoming ambiance to it, making me crave coffee, we talked to the owner a nice beta who made us feel welcome, she had already prepared a contract and informed Lily to start on Monday, leaving her giddy and happy. We reached home tired from our trip and we both made our way to our separate rooms to rest, Given that we finished early from the doctor's appointment, I didn't have anything to do, my phone ringing, alerting me of a call opening it to see the name 'Mr. Romano' on the ID, making me smile as I answered "...hi" I smiled even when no one was in the room with me "Hey baby," he said casually making my heart skip a beat" I missed you today." "We see each other every at work Lucas. Besides, I'll see you tomorrow," I said turning over to lie flat on my back making my hair sprawl over the bed, I felt like a teenager talking to her crush on the phone, as I felt my scent filter sweetly through my room. "I know I can't wait for that," he softly said in a hushed tone making me melt further. "So, do I dress casually, or is it a formal date?" I asked not knowing how to dress, I was going to his house for this, after all, his house I thought making me squeal inside. "Whatever you want angel but it is more of a casual dinner. " He said "Alice!" My sister called making me pop out of my bubble “Alice, I need you right now please?!” I sighed loudly making Lucas laugh at the end of the call "My sister needs me," "Yeah, I heard, how is she by the way?" he quickly said making me delighted that he remembered small details. "As you can hear, she is doing well" "I figured." There was a little silence as we just basked in each other voices "I miss you already" "Hmm, me -" "- Alice!" Lily called again I heard him laughing at the end of the line " I think you need to go see what she wants, I can't wait for tomorrow." "Me too. bye" "Bye, baby," Lucas uttered before I hung up the call, before standing up sluggishly as I moved to the living room, "This better be good" I muttered as I marched to the living area. "What is it now Lily?” I made my way to the dining to see the table set up. "What is all this?" I asked smiling happily. "I figured we needed to celebrate me being healthier than I have ever been and getting my first job." "Hear! hear!" We cheered merrily as I dug into the pasta looking up to see she hadn't touched hers. Here we go again "what is it?" I asked "Um, my friend Lori is having a birthday party and I was invited," "A party? We haven't even been here that long" "Don't underestimate me, Alice, I'm a cool kid" she said making me snicker. "OK, I'll let you go, I can't keep you cooped up here forever, but keep your phone on at all times" I warned sternly. "I will, I promise." "Um and I'll also not be around tomorrow I said quietly picking at my pasta. "What!?" "What? I replied confused, " "Oh, the hot boss I see," Lily said "I couldn't even pretend to hide my smile, " Things were finally looking good, I always want it to be like this. ********* Lily's POV Being a teenager and very sick do not go together, I always wanted to do things, go places, and maybe fall in love, but my sickness is an obstruction, but I won't let that stop me. Sitting In my room dressed up fancy since my friend told me to, I wore my clothes that I bought back in Seattle but never wore because I had nowhere to go, but now that I'll be 18 in less than 3 months, I think am ready for that. I worked my Chelsea boots paired with jean shorts and a deep v-neck cut red shirt with a leather jacket, leaving my ginger brown hair untied as I applied mascara to accentuate my blue eyes identical to my sisters, who was in Robin's apartment, leaving me to myself. Already 6 pm I sent her a quick text that I was leaving, looking back at the apartment before locking the doors. ******* They told me. We were going out to eat but, we ended up at a club, my loser friend nowhere in sight. "Thanks a lot, Lori and Sofia" I muttered as I made my way to a secluded booth. Looking down as I busied myself with my phone Maybe I should just go home I thought "Hi," calm a voice said I looked up to see a guy and from his smell an alpha who looked a little out of place in his work pants and inner dress shirt, hair parted to the side, brown eyes staring down at me. "Um hi" I replied not wanting to sound rude "Can I sit here?" He asked with unsure eyes but his calm pinewood scent didn't upset me nor gave me red flags "Yeah, you can, I'm pretty much by myself," making him smile, "I'm Eric by the way " "Lily," I said feeling. Comfortable enough to talk to him. He ordered drinks passing one to me "Oh, I don't drink" He was silent for a minute, as he stared at me, "are you a minor? He asked with an unsure look on his face that looks like he made a mistake coming unto me. " No," I lied, " a lot of people say that but I'm 22" I Lied straight without blinking, I must be crazy I thought I just hoped he didn't notice my wavering scent. we talked a lot he was very mature your very funny making me laugh although the night forgetting we were in a packed club. He looked at me with kind eyes and then my lips and back at me. He wanted to kiss me. I did too, he was handsome, which had me melting by his gaze, coming closer he softly held my face in his palm coming closer as he whispered to my lips "I want to kiss you," he said firmly. "Can I?" you can say no if you don't want to. I don't wait for another second as I joined my lips with him tasting him slowly, it slow and not rushed like he wanted to savor me, he moved away for a second looking me straight in the eyes before he went back in for a deeper kiss that had my legs buckle. I had kissed someone back in Seattle before for a school dare, but not like this, this was different, the sparks were limitless as we were on each other only backing away when I couldn't breathe, I couldn't explain right there and then that I didn't have a strong pair of lungs, but I'm sure he didn't notice as he leaned his forehead on mine. "I want to get to know you more," he said straightforwardly "I can give you my number," I said He quickly nodded taking my number and saving my name. "I want to drive you home he said, It's late already," "No, it's not that far " is said quickly. "Please, let me, I won't feel comfortable leaving you here," he said as I checked the time and it was almost 11 pm making my eyes widen. Alice was going to kill me. I quickly accepted his proposal. **** We reached my apartment building still in the car, I unbuckled my seat belt only for him. To hold me back, "When are you free? I want to take you out on a date" the alpha called to me "Um I work most mornings but I'm free in the evening," I said without thinking "Me too, so I'll text you so you'll tell me where you want to go." "Sure," I said mesmerized by how patient he was. He looked at my lips, and my body impulsively moved forward, landing a kiss on his perfect lips, making him smile "Bye Eric, I'll see you?" "Yeah see you," he said before I made my way up to my apartment feeling giddy. But I soon as I got up the stair my expression changed to horror as I remembered the time and oh no, Alice she was going to kill me, but it would be worth it. I opened the door to see that she wasn't there, and slowly opened her door to see her room empty, I sighed in relief, thanking God that she had spent the night at Robin's place. Making my way to my room. Took a shower, and my medicine, not forgetting to charge my phone which dinged as I lay on the bed, my eyes already drooping as I read the test from an unknown number. 012xxxxxx8: [11:37 pm] Good night, it's eric x. The message read, making me smile. I texted the same before I drifted into sleep. Fuck what have I gotten myself into. ********** The car zoomed through the city night sky, eric made his way home, he couldn't believe he just met an amazing woman, and he couldn't wait till he saw her again. He shot her a text as he made his way into his penthouse, taking off his clothes to the shower. Lily, Lily, Lily was all his brain could think about. His phone then rang to see the caller ID was his friend and boss, Lucas. "Hey, Lucas, what up it's almost midnight." " dude I need help, I have a date tomorrow and I don't know what to do, I've never invited anyone over. " "f**k, dude are you serious? um, okay, I'll just browse up something and get back to you," Eric said suggested "Okay perfect I will be waiting, thanks, bro," Lucas muttered before he hung up. At that moment, Eric saw a text from the omega that had occupied his thought making him smile. Lily [11:52] Good night x.
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