Her Secret | Chapter Fifteen

1811 Words

LIAM JR. I am the opposite of the good idea fairy right now. I should never have suggested inviting Mel to the party and never let Delilah force her to come. Azeron and my dad have both texted me to make sure I am keeping an eye on her. I didn’t have to lie, telling them I was watching her like a hawk because I hadn’t been able to remove my attention from her for long entirely. “Earth to LJ,” Drake waved his hand in front of my face. “Do you want to play or not?” “Huh?” I asked. We had been talking, and my attention wandered again, searching for where Mel had gone. Asher seemed to have ignored my warning completely because he’s been around her since she came back outside from our talk upstairs. “Flip cup? The football team wants to go,” he repeated himself, giving me a weird look.

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