Everything was over

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I opened the bedroom door only to come to an embarrassed halt at the site which met my eyes Blake was dressed only  in his shorts and was in the process of pulling a clean shirt over his body. His muscled shoulders were too much even in my present distressed condition the site of his lean body sent shivers down my spine and almost unconsciously flash of colour rose on my face and my cheeks went red. I was immediately reminded of the fact that he was lying naked in the bed with Jenna and dragging my eyes away from his disturbing presence I turned away in the other direction. “Stay I wish to speak to you.” His words were like a command. “I will wait for you in the living room.” I insisted. His laughter greatly annoyed me. “Come on Lara  is it not a little late for modesty. I'm sure the male body can hold no secrets from you, your have a new husband  and a new lover all in the span of six months, this display of virtue is a little late wouldn't you say.”  he added mockingly moving towards me and making no attempt to continue dressing. He pulled me into the room slamming the door firmly behind me I retreated from the expression in his eyes until I was leaning weakly against the wall, trying to still the trembling in my limbs.   I tried to move away from his embrace and looked at him pleading. “Blake you have already told me in many different ways that you are interested in Jenna and I saw it with my own eyes and now I am sure she is the one who you should be with. I think I am done with this marriage I am moving out of this house and out of your life please let me go. “You are a reckless woman, my dear little wife.  I had long suspected but now I am certain that you have played me for a fool. is that so? Hart showed me your true light. A beautiful and scrupulous woman. “ As he spoke his hand moved and caressed my face and neck lingering in the open neckline off my shirt even now making me tremble with longing for him and I was feeling bit betrayed of my own body of which I was sure he was fully aware. As I opened my mouth to protest, with a groan, part anger part passion, his mouth descended with urgent insistence on my own forcing my lips to part, to receive his kiss my own response to his passion was something which I couldn’t  control.   I pushed him with force but due to the weakness in my body I was not a match for his strength. He held my hands with one hand not allowing me to move and his other hand was undoing the fasting of my bra and caressing my naked breast with increasing urgency lowering his lips to soft fullness making me troubled with overwhelming emotions that he roused by his action then he abruptly released me and I tried to move away from him. “Don't even think about it Lara I'm not done with you yet.” He said fiercely. I hear hatred in his voice. I could not tell but I knew that his opinion of me had not altered except for the word and my opinion for him was worse. I struggled hard to get up but I was forced back again into the bed. “Your lover did not manage to satisfy you on this occasion. Well do not worry Lara I mean to satisfy you. You will not be able to complain about my lack of passion. “He mocked at me. “This is exactly what I intend to do,” he muttered with a groan, drawing me roughly into his arms and devouring my mouth with his own….. I began to struggle; my fists were beating his naked chest but his kisses become more demanding my struggle was a failure as I was very dazed because of the effect of the brandy. As he removes the last of my clothes, I give myself totally to him. Without thinking about the future. Conscious only of his demanding nearness of the strength of his body and the weakness of my own. Now I hated him to the core of my heart. I woke in the darkness feeling drowsy but as the memory returned I urgently turned around and saw Bake was staring at me with his mocking gaze. “You look surprised were you perhaps dreaming of your American lover and expecting to find him. I am sorry to disappoint you.” he added harshly. “but I intend to make this a night to remember Lara when you are with your lover you will think of me and of this night together." “I do not want to be with Dave and neither do I want to be with you, just leave me alone.” I said disgustedly. He immediately pulled me roughly towards him and started kissing me harshly, while his hands were not allowing me to escape him. He ravished me again and again till the morning. I finally slept and woke up extremely late in the morning and realised that Blake had already left, I felt disgusted at the memory of the night thinking about the way I responded to his love making shamelessly. He had cheated on me and I went to bed with him I must be desperate. I got ready and went to college. But bumped into Dave at the parking. He came and hugged me all of a sudden. I was shocked and tried to pull away from him. “Laura are you okay? I was really worried. I hope Blake did not bully you after I left.” He said in a concerned voice. “Look Dave because of you there has been a lot of misunderstanding and I don't want it to continue more so I would suggest you stay away from me.” I said in a serious tone. “But Lara I felt that even you are attracted towards me why are you denying it? Dave said softly. “Look Dave I was drunk, and I was thinking about my husband it was just a moment and I acted in an impulse thinking it was Blake.” I told him sincerely. “I’m sorry. I don't want to hurt you but I must tell you the truth. I was angry as I had caught my husband cheating on me and your kindness was a sort of comfort I needed that time I guess.” I said helplessly. “I never intended for it to go on like that. It was my fault; I know you would have never tried to kiss me if I had not seem to want to.” “I see so you don't care for me I was all ready to fight for you.” his eyes flashing angrily. “ My God you had me fooled I really thought you loved me but you are still hooked to that Italian husband of yours its bloody ironic. He cheated on you and yet you still love him.” He said laughing bitterly. I had caused him a great deal of pain he often appeared to be a very happy go lucky person but it was clear that I had underestimated him which made my rejection of his love even harder. “Look Lara,” he said turning and looking at me. “I accept that you think you don't want me now but that doesn't mean I will stop caring about you.  You know and I intend to be around when you realise the fact and I will wait as long you want me to. You are not getting away from me so easily.” Dave insisted.   “Dave it's of no use.”  I whispered carefully, “ I wish I did love you instead of Blake had I  met you earlier but I had met him  first and  it's too late now even though I know that I will not go back to Blake again. “I added sadly. “I shall never love anyone but him and I shall never marry again.” “Just give it some months and you will realise that he was never meant for you.” Dave said stubbornly. “I wonder how you can love me if you have such a poor opinion of my fidelity,” I said sadly. “Aren’t you afraid that I will also get tired of you in Six  months after we get married?” “Don't be stupid Lara there is no comparison between the two situation, just let me hang around for some time.” He said urgently going down on his knees and holding my hands between his. “ I love you and I'll do anything for you let me help you Lara.”   But I simply stood my ground with my decision. He was  not satisfied with my decision but he tried to be a good friend and said, “ Okay if I don't hear from you soon, I'll be back again you can be sure of that.” he added steadily. I accompanied him till the classroom and excused myself to go to the library. It was no use explaining to him as Dave was very stubborn. Blake did not return back to the flat after his departure and even I was not interested in contacting him as I was busy focusing on my studies.  
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