
1562 Words
“Hello Laura," Dave said softly. I was not happy to see Dave at all .  I was thinking it was Blake and I was about to give him a piece of my mind. I somehow felt dizzy and was about to fall realizing that I had not eaten anything since morning.   “Steady Lara!” Dave’s arms were on my shoulders and then somehow I was sitting on the couch in the living room has he handed me a large measure of brandy. “No, I can't drink that stuff Dave honestly. I don't need it I am perfectly OK,  I really am.” I told him seriously. “You can't see the color of your face, I can do as you're told and drink this up like a good girl. You are very cold you need it. “ He said stubbornly. “Well thanks for the compliment.” I said softly drinking the liquid and grasping as the heat took my breath away. He was right I was feeling a little better. “You know perfectly well that however pale you are, you can make every other woman jealous of you.”  He paused for a moment, sliding his arms around my shoulders, “You’re beautiful and adorable- surely you know that?” Perhaps it was the relaxing effect of the brandy or may be the result of my desperate need for reassurance and comfort that I did not attempt to pull away from him only turning my face into his muscled shoulder imagining for a moment that it was Blake holding me and comforting me even when Dave lowered his head. There were no warning bells I was lost in my thought of Blake and it was only when I felt his lips. I was brought sharply back to reality when his lips descended on my own. I move my hands and pushed him away from me. I began to struggle desperately in his arms. Then opened my eyes directly into Blake’s  accusing stare. “Lara I would have never believe that !” he exclaimed.    “Blake, Blake it is not what you think please believe me.” I said with regret and Dave was brought back to his senses his eyes still glazed with passion. He rose steadily to his feet to face Blake thinking I loved him as I had given him some leisure in thinking that I loved him too.   “So the Italian Romeo has returned you did not leave it a few minutes later, when you would have seen something to react  about.” Dave said bravely and provocatively. Blake launched himself across the space that separated them knocking him backwards on the chair.  I knew I had to stop the fight somehow. Earlier his anger has been mild compared with his present range and Dave looked almost equally intense, as he struggled out of the chair whipping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.   I was afraid that it they continued the flight both of them would be precisely hurt. His Italian pride was very important to him and Blake must have already taken a beating coming home and finding his wife in the arms of another man however innocent it might have been on my part. But the fact remains that even he cheated on me. “Stop this both of you.” I said angrily but the two men continued their best to struggle and I had to take more decisive action so I ran into the kitchen to get some water, memories of my mothers throwing bucket full of water when two dogs would  fight in my household came into my mind, if it would work for dogs there are always the chances that it would stop the two men. Only a few moments had passed since I had left the room and already Dave was swelling with bruises. Blake of course was like a haunting animal ready to attack his pray.  I took the scene in a glance and without stopping to consider further threw the water at them and it made Blake wet leaving Dave almost dry. Blake stopped short in surprise. I thought of preventing myself from laughing hysterically with difficulty. Blake realized what had happened and his face was dark with anger and the hysterical laughter died in my throat.   “You little b***h, you would do anything to protect your lover isn’t it?  What do you do not know is it would give me great pleasure to shake the breath out of you lover.” Blake said furiously as he came and grabbed my hand. I found myself unable to speak in my own defense but then I stood my ground said, “ So what if you caught me right handed, even you cheated on me I saw you lying on our bed with Jenna, so now we're even.” “My God you are really a son of a b***h, aren’t you? Dave words penetrated my senses and I became aware that Blake’s hand have left me and now his attention was back to Dave. “Dave please just leave us go now for my sake please.” I found that I was unable to raise my voice for  both the men turned towards me.  There was a sneer in Blake’s face as he said. “ Yes I have finished with you for the moment be thankful that I am letting you go.”  He turned away from Dave his her eyes coming to rest once again on me and said, “So now I give you all my attention to you my lovely wife I seem to remember that you have enjoyed my attentions in the past is that not so?” His words spoken in the voice full of bitter mockery. I was unable to resist attempting to protest my inner sense once more. I defended by saying, “Please  listen to me I did not encourage Dave,  you must believe me.” My voice was shaking and he gave a sneering laugh. “ No Lara you are positively discouraging him when you heard me come to the door this I know, since I saw you struggle for yourself.” He said mockingly one hand tracing the delicate outline of my face. “I've been looking for you running around everywhere since morning but here I am watching you make love to another man in my own house.” He said disgustingly.   “Well I'm  glad you did come on time Blake or Lara would never admit what are such a d**k head.”  I heard Dave speaking from the doorway. " Dave please."  I said,  I realized that I had forgotten that he was still present in the noon but it was obvious that I must get him out of the flat immediately before Blake loses his temper and do something bad. “You must go now please.” I told him pleadingly. “Spare me this romantic scene.” Blake said harshly. “You will have to wait for your turn to enjoy my wife's company Hart. Now get out of my house you are trespassing and be thankful that I am a civilized man or I would not deal with you so kindly now go.” He threatened. “before I change my mind.”  “Come with me Lara.” Dave insisted as he moved towards me his face rather desperate. I felt a flicker of  affection for him, he really did care for me and it was not his fault that things happened as they had. “No, I can't please go I'll be fine you will see.  Go quickly.” I backed conscious that my husband’s was looking at me I moved towards Dave and urged him out of the door promising to call him if I needed him as he protested about my decision to stay in the flat with Blake. “He is my husband Dave.” I said quietly, " and he has good reason for feeling angry, as I with him would not you say.” He grasped my hands firmly raising them to his lips as I attempted to free myself, “ Don't worry love everything will be fine, we'll get married as soon. As soon as you get a divorce from that devil. I can leave the University and get a good job. But I wish you'd come with me now I don't want to leave you here with him.”  he added flaring at Blake’s direction. He seemed unaware that these plans of the future had distressed me and I felt too upset to do more than to urge him to go quickly as possible, explanation would have to come later. “You must go we can't talk now, later things will be different.” I added rather vividly. I returned to the room expecting to be met by an angry man only to find it empty. I headed for the door to our bedroom. It would be no good postponing the meeting so I decided to make it clear to him and tell him that our relationship will not work and its over for good.  
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