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Chapter 5 Those first months of my marriage had been heavenly Blake had been an exciting lover, sensitive and aware of my innocence and very protective of it. The only barrier to the perfect happiness had been his father very cold and hostile. Bernard Reid had made no secret of the fact that he had wanted Blake to marry Jenna Karras the daughter of his friend, Antonio Karras  who was a very renowned businessman in Milan. Jenna always suppressed her jealousy and anger within herself in utter silence whenever she saw us together but  the girl had always been very sweet all smiles and fluttering lashes in Blake's presence and Blake treated her with smiling indulgence, which always raised my eyes. I had suppressed my jealousy reasoning that if Blake had loved Jenna he would have married her but jealousy is an instinctive reaction which reason cannot touch I feared and disliked Jenna and it showed. When the pressure and strain of living in the Reid household became to suffocating. I retreated to our flat a few hours away. I had given up my college to please Blake but I felt an enticing  need to study further so enrolled myself into college and started living there. My father had always encouraged me with my studies so he supported me. Dave Hart was my friend from college who had always supported me when I shifted to Milan to study architecture, but I got side-tracked and fell in love with Blake and got married. So I enrolled myself again and started my studies. Dave’s friendship had not pleased Blake he did not believe that a man could enjoy a women's friendship without wanting more and all though I had laughed at the notion that Dave was in love with me. Blake finally proved it to me that his suspicious were correct. He came to my flat to pick my pick me up on his way to collage. I kissed Blake on his cheeks and was about to leave, but Blake was very cunning he stared kissing me on the lips. Then finally when he let me go. We both turned towards Dave who did not have the time to control his expression.  But later Blake had said grimly, “You should avoid this man Lara this man is crazy about you.” I had not answered because I could not think of anything to say. It had been a shock for me to realize Dave’s feelings. For the pat two years I had taught him as an older brother, and it was hard to think in the way he wanted me to do.” “You must never be alone with him again.” Blake had said sharply. I protested and said, " How can I avoid him he is always at the University and we are classmates. We are bound to meet every day."   “Join some other collage at least it will fend him off and you can always move back to the villa, where he won’t even think of coming.” Blake suggested. “I love you but I cannot go back to the villa as it is your father's home and under his roof with your family. I'm not welcome there I feel like an intruder whenever I go there and as for my collage you know this is the  top most collage and I had great difficulty in enrolling myself back.” It had been the start of another long argument; Blake was not willing to listen to me and left the house in anger. The first few months of bliss of life with Blake had been destroyed bit by bit by the attitude of his family the difference in their ages, my own experience and jealousy towards Jenna. The trip to Maldives had been the last attempt to regain our happiness Blake had suggested after one of the fights although we had been away for a long time and we were happy together. But when we came back to Milan the trouble had begun again. It was Bernard’s’ birthday party and we had all gone to the villa to celebrate it and of course Jenna’s family was invited as well as they were family friends. I was very tired because of the journey and backed off the party retiring to our room. I had slept for two hours and had woken up after midnight to hear music downstairs from the landing and had walked downstairs to see Jenna dancing with Blake together to the sensual music and her body was moving around Blake's sensually. I had gone to bed filled with jealousy and I was awake for a long time and it was three o'clock when I find finally fell asleep but Blake had not yet to come to bed, most of the guest had departed and we had a big fight and as soon as he came back.  I came out of our room to see Bernard standing and looking at me with hatred and scolded me saying, “If you are jealous of Jenna ask yourself why? Is it being not because you know that she is the woman Blake should have married and not you? You are nothing but just an ordinary girl with no family background, you were very lucky to have convinced Blake to marry you.   I had taken off my wedding ring and thrown at him while Blake stood there in bitter silence. I had fled to our apartment, believing that Blake saw as his father did now and he regretted our marriage. During the long night I had been having contradictory reactions, swinging between love, hatred and jealousy and need. As the morning light seeped in, I went back to the villa to win my husband back again, whatever that costs. The image of what I had found haunts me till this day. Blake  his face flushed in sleep his lids closed was lying entangled with Jenna and the girl was smiling tauntingly as she looked across the room at me.   It broke me into pieces the pain that scourged inside me was bearable. It had been a knife sliding into my stomach and I feel it even now whenever I think about it. I had known of course that there had been women before, but I had innocently believed Blake over and over again. I took a taxi and reached Naviglio a place where it is always crowded with people and I walked blindly not knowing what to do. I was lost as I had trusted him but he had brought that women to our bed. How dare he! I was crying bitterly. After walking for hours, I realised that it was almost evening and I was in a deserted place. But thankfully I got a taxi and returned to our apartment. I was very tired and went off to sleep. About an hour later the doorbell started ringing. Thinking it must be Blake I went to open the door but when I opened the door all I found was Dave standing there and smiling at me.
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