
1128 Words
“Knowing me isn't necessary. All that matters is that you're safe.” Luther sighed, not in the mood to answer any more questions. Amy parted her lips, still not satisfied with the answers but the housekeeper chose that period of time to walk in with a tray. Amy closed her eyes in delight as her nostrils were filled with a familiar scent. The scent filled her heart with so much joy and unconsciously, her lips curled up in a smile. Her eyes flew open, meeting stern green ones staring back at her. She swallowed nervously, wondering why she felt pressured by the housekeeper’s gaze. The housekeeper bowed slightly, acknowledging Luther's presence before placing the tray on the table next to the bed. Amy's eyes trailed the housekeeper's movements, making Luther stifle out a laugh. “I didn't know you were that hungry.” he commented, getting Amy all embarrassed. She didn't know her expressions were that visible. She had shamelessly trailed the silver tray with her eyes until the housekeeper dropped it on the table. Hearing his master's soft chuckle, the housekeeper widened his eyes in surprise. It was the first time he had seen Luther laugh in days. For someone who had watched over Luther ever since he was a kid, the only expression he was acquainted with was an emotionless face. Even when he is angry or sad, Luther remains calm, just like the calmness of the sea before the raging storm. The young master had grown up that way. Even when he smiles, anyone could tell it was fake or forced. However, with the way Luther had laughed earlier, it sounded beautiful and lovely to his ears. Seeing a sincere smile for the first time in forever, the housekeeper was almost driven to tears. After placing the table in front of Amy, the housekeeper turned around to leave. “He's gone now, you can eat.” Luther said after a while, picking up his book to read again. At this point, Amy was suddenly curious about the book. However, with a single glance, she could tell that the book was boring. It was only a plain yellowish hard cover. It had no impressive words or colours. It looked bland and tasteless. “Don't judge a book by its cover, bunny. I'm sure you would want to know what's in it.” Luther muttered, his eyes still fixed on the pages of the book. Hearing the word Luther had referred to her as, she raised a brow in question, “Bunny?” “The name suits you. You look like a drenched rabbit. Scared and innocent.” Luther calmly said, rendering Amy completely speechless. How could one be so brazen with words? If she was right, this was the first time they were having a conversation. Why was he talking to her like they had known each other for years? Luther smiled at a memory that flashed in his mind. Several years ago, he had given her the nickname ‘Bunny’. She seemed to hate it at the time but after a while, she grew to love the name. Not wanting to dwell too much on the past, he closed the book and walked over to his cabinet. After placing it safely in there, he walked over to the couch and sat down. “Aren't you going to eat?” Luther asked, wondering what was going on in that little mind of hers. While her stomach had grumbled loudly the other time, now he wasn't so sure she was really famished. Amy opened up the food and gasped when she saw the dish. “How do you know I loved this?” she yelled, her hands flying over her mouth in surprise. One of the few times she had spent with her mother, she only remembers her making this dish for her. Ever since then, it became her favourite;but ever since her mother's death, she had never tasted the meal again. She didn't know how to prepare the dish because she was only a kid then. “This is my favourite.” she whispered as tears gathered in her eyes, remembering the precious memories of her mother. “Our favourite dish.” Luther said inwardly, glad she still remembered the dish they both enjoyed. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Amy picked up the cutlery and started feasting on the meal. As Amy enjoyed her meal, Luther picked up his phone to check if all information about Amy had been taken down. However, he didn't expect to see something enough to anger him to death. If not because of Amy's presence, he would have smashed his phone on the ground. Amy had placed a bite in her mouth when she suddenly felt the suffocating aura in the air. She raised her head to stare at him, sensing the murderous aura around him. She shrunk in her seat and focused on her meal, not wanting to incur the wrath of Luther. Luther badly felt like torturing everyone who dared to tarnish Amy's image. There, Lily white, Amy's sister had made an official post on her page. “When my fiancee got stolen by my sister, I decided to keep quiet just because I loved her to no end. However, seeing her poison the patriarch of the Sullivan family, I can't keep quiet anymore. Even if I want to deny it, nothing would hide a person's true nature. My sister, Amy, is indeed cunning and despicable. How can she be so cruel?!” Luther read the post over and over again and smirked. He had decided to show mercy on the white for taking care of Amy abit but now, they didn't deserve anymore forgiveness. He dialed his assistant's number and after a few seconds the call got connected. “Cancel my contract with the white family.” he ordered coldly and due to the shock, Amy spat some food from her mouth. Just when did he sign a contract with her family? Were they business partners all along? “Alright, boss. I'll see to it.” His assistant said shortly before hanging up. In a luxurious mall, Lily walked around with her friends following her closely like bees attracted to a flower. “We didn't know your sister stole Mike. How could she be so despicable?” one of them said, trying to side with Lily. “I'm not all surprised. One wouldn't be able to hide her true nature for long.” Lily huffed, checking through a selection of clothes. Suddenly, her phone started ringing. Thinking her mum had called to check up on her, she picked up immediately but was shocked to hear her mother's shaken voice. “Lily, come home this minute.”
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