1123 Words
Amy fluttered her eyes open, turning uncomfortably on the soft mattress. Taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, she gasped when she noticed the white duvet covering her frail body. Without waiting for her mind to process everything that happened, she quickly flinged the duvet and checked herself thoroughly, sighing in relief when nothing strange happened to her. The only thing out of the blue was the fact that she was dressed in a new set of clothes, but that didn't stop her mind from going haywire. Her eyes darted around the room and she found a lone figure calmly flipping the pages of a book, immersed in his reading. Noticing some soft movements, Luther turned to looking at her, meeting her innocent eyes with his cold and icy ones, “Do you think I'll stoop so low?” he asked, his eyes never leaving hers, boring holes into her body. Amy blushed under his intense gaze, shocked by the breathtaking person seated so beautifully like an art. His dark hair was slightly messy, giving him a playful but charming look; and his eyes pulled her in like a magnetic force. She averted her gaze, not wanting to be lured into his beautiful eyes. “Are you done?” Luther chuckled softly, rendering Amy completely speechless. “Are you done checking me out?” he asked again, and Amy felt like digging a hole to hide herself. “If you really didn't do.. anything then who undressed me?” she stuttered, finally finding her voice. This man right in front of her gave her an uneasy feeling. Even his smile looked too fake. Amy wondered why he was only there to save her whenever she was in trouble. “Do I look like someone who would do such a thing?” Luther calmly said before returning to read his book. Earlier when she passed out in his car, he had brought her to his home to take care of her. As she was drenched in the rain, Luther knew that leaving her in her wet clothes would make her sick; and so, he decided to ask one of his maids to undress her. Amy stared back at him, not willing to believe his words. Even though he didn't look like a p*****t, she wasn't one to easily believe men. After all, she's had her own fair of betrayal. Her sister and husband had stabbed her in the back, throwing her out of the place she once called a home. Now she was left with nowhere to go, nowhere to call home. With this thought in mind, she tried to control the tears in her eyes but they fell down like waterfalls, her heart aching like it was being pierced by a thousand needles. “Crying would solve nothing. You need to become stronger.” Luther’s soft voice rang out, making her cry harder. While she tried to stop crying, the tears kept falling with no restraint. Wanting to give her some space, Luther closed his book and got up to walk out of the room but Amy’s voice made him pause. “Don't go.” she whispered, wiping her tears harshly. “Just sit here. You don't have to go out of your own room.” she added, not wanting Luther out of the room. Even though she was heartbroken and devastated, she still wanted some company. Subconsciously, she felt comforted by this strange man's presence. Luther clenched his fists as his eyes flashed coldly. He wanted to walk out of the room due to the anger that was brewing inside of him. To those who made her cry, he badly wanted to make them pay. Calming himself down, he forced a smile and turned to look at her, “If you want me to stay, then you'll have to stop with the tears.” Amy chuckled at his words, feeling like a child who was being scolded by her mother. “There that's it. Smiling suits you.” She heard him say again, making her blush for the second time. When was the last time she felt this way? Mike had been her nightmare. Not taking time to notice if she was okay or not. The only time he came to her was only when he needed to satisfy himself. Apart from that, he preferred being away from her. In her own home, Amy was treated like trash. Like a dirty thing that was picked up from the streets. She shook her head, not wanting to think too much about her past. While Amy was immersed in her thoughts, Luther used the opportunity to take in her beautiful features. Her brown hair flowed down her waist in curls and her large brown eyes looked so innocent, one could get moved by only looking at them. Amy looked so much like her mother. Just like he was staring at the same person. The only difference was that she looked a few years younger. Luther clenched his fists, not wanting to think too much about the past. With his gaze still on her, Amy's stomach growled loudly and a small laugh escaped his lips, taking Amy by surprise. Compared to the forced smile he gave earlier, this one looked sincere and real, giving him a youthful look. His pearly white teeth were out in the open, making Amy gulp nervously. Realising the reason why he laughed, she parted her lips, wanting to defend herself but his words made her swallow her sentence. “I'll get my housekeeper to make you something.” He said, not bothering to ask if she was hungry or not. Since she was indeed starving, she nodded and patiently waited for the supposed housekeeper. Meanwhile, In another part of the city, The whole hospital was in chaos due to the health of the old man. Mike paced around the hallway, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. After his grandfather had been rushed into the OR, none of the doctors or nurses have been out since. “What on earth is going on!” Mike yelled, frustration kicking in. Standing outside the room, he had to control the urge not to punch the walls. Each time he remembers the teary face of Amy, he gets angered to no end. “Where are the damn doctors?!” he seethed and at the same time, the doctor rushed out of the OR to meet with the family members of the patient. Mike hurriedly approached the doctor, his eyes filled with eagerness. “I'm afraid he's still in a critical condition. He has a 30% chance of coming out of this alive.” the doctor said calmly, sending shivers down Mike's spine. “What?!”
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