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Amy had always dreamt of an elaborate wedding. Sadly, she didn't even get to have a quiet one. They only signed their marriage at the civil affairs bureau and that was all. She only obtained a marriage certificate. She accepted fate and lived everyday of her life trying to make her marriage work. It was already sad that she married bitterly so she wanted them to live happily ever after. But no, Mike would hear nothing of that sort. To him, they were two strangers in one house and that it must remain. "Why can't what I see in movies just be true?" she asked herself in tears when Mike insulted her for the nth time that morning. "Hey! We are going to see my grandfather during the weekend. Dress your best and act properly. Is that understood?" Mike thundered. This was one of the only three kinds of communication they had in that house. The first was his constant insults, the second was to remind her of their visits to the old man once every month and the third was to make sure she took her contraceptives. In the absence of these three, nothing else brought them together in that house. Mike left for work in the morning and returned when he liked. She too left for work in the morning and returned at the close of work. Cooking for him was out of the picture because Mike warned her sternly never to try such. He hired a chef to make their food. Amy lay on her bed very exhausted. She had a very hectic day at work coupled with a lot of gossips and unfriendly stares she had to deal with at work. "She's so shameless." "I wonder who she is seeing this time among the higher ups. She has managed to grovel her way into this company." "I hope she doesn't dent our brand and image with her bad reputation. Cheap slut." She heard these words and even worse ones every other day at the office to a point that they no longer had any effect on her. She didn't care about what they said anymore, it meant nothing to her. Unfortunately, she couldn't be immune to Mike's hurtful words. They struck her like arrows, and like new and fresh wounds every time he said them to her. There was nothing she did that was pleasing to him. Instead, it made him loathe her the more. At the thought of her unfortunate marriage, tears welled up in her eyes. The door opened suddenly and a familiar scent filled the room. It was Mike. He only came into her room for one reason. He was sexually aroused and he wanted relief. The only good thing Mike did in that marriage was that he didn't cheat on her. Mike believed that he had no reason to go out to meet other women when he had one at home. Mike was a king in bed and that was the one happy moment of their married life. "Good morning," Amy greeted Mike when she came downstairs for breakfast. Mike who was seated at the breakfast table raised his eyes and glared at her. Her neck was exposed and there were dense and numerous purple-red marks left by a man. His expressionless face turned dark and a deep frown appeared on his face. "Come here," he ordered. Like a meek and obedient pet, Amy walked to his side. He handed her the contraceptives pills he had prepared before hand. Amy's heart bled. Her own husband forced her to take contraceptives. Under his close watch, she swallowed the pills and sat down for breakfast. It was another day for the couple to make one of their visits to the old man. They acted like love birds before the old man and he was completely fooled by them. "I hope Mike isn't treating you poorly in any way?" he asked. "Not at all grandfather. We are living happily," Amy lied. "You can complain to me if there is any…" "Common grandfather. She isn't complaining. Why will she do that?" Mike interrupted. He wrapped his arms around Amy's thin waist and pressed a kiss on her firm, red lips. Amy flushed red in embarrassment. How could he do that in the old man's presence? Grandfather Vincent smiled. He thought everything was real. Mike's phone rang at that time, interrupting them. He looked at the caller and excused himself. Grandfather nodded in response. Two hours after the couple returned, Mike's phone rang again. "Hurry! Grandfather has been rushed to the hospital. He is in a critical condition." It was diagnosed that he had consumed something poisonous. With his heart filled with hatred, Mike turned to Amy. "You! What did you give to grandfather when I left both of you alone in the room? You are the last person who was alone with him. Speak!" "I...I… didn't…" Amy stammered as she struggled for the right words to defend herself. Eight pairs of eyes stared at her, waiting for her to explain. The offsprings of the Sullivan family believed Mike's words. She was the last person he met before he fell ill and her inability to explain made matters worse. There were no surveillance cameras in the room. Grandfather had said he wanted a peaceful and quiet life. Since there was no proof, Amy was condemned by all. "What a despicable girl. Evil genius." "Do you think killing our grandfather will make you inherit his wealth?" Mike was the heir and most powerful person in the family, hence every one stood by him. He sent for his lawyer and divorced her immediately. "Pray that nothing happens to my grandfather else, I will make sure you regret living!" Amy was humiliated and fired from the company. She was also thrown out of the house. "I didn't do anything. I am innocent," she cried but Mike wouldn't listen. He didn't want anymore of her 'lies'. Amy couldn't believe that the young gentleman who loved her in the past could be this heartless. Amy had no where to go. She wasn't welcomed in the White family and she had no friends. All but one deserted her when she was involved in a scandal in the university. They didn't want to be associated with her in any way. The only friend who stayed by her was out of the country and they had lost contact. As if being throw out wasn't enough, there was a clap of thunder that night and the sky let loose it's waters. The rain fell in torrents. The mighty gates of Mike's home was shut and she had no access. She stood at a corner near the gate, seeking refuge at the only shade the gates provided. But that didn't stop the rain form mercilessly hitting her tender skin. Tears rolled down her face as she sat out there in the terrible cold. "Why am I always unfortunate?" she cried. The full headlights of a car shone on her face blinding her. Then the lights went off. A tall figure walked towards her and pulled her up. She was too cold and weak to do anything. The man took off his coat and covered her. She didn't get a good view of his face but she smelt the familiar cologne and caught a glimpse of the tatoo on his shoulders. It was the same man from the hotel! How did he know she was here? He carried her to his car and laid her in the backseat. "No matter what happens, I will always be there for you, for you are mine," she heard the man say before she passed out.
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